Top 1200 Us Constitution Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Us Constitution quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
I'll go anywhere to talk about the Constitution. I believe in trans-partisan organizing around these issues.
Anybody who questions the validity of the Constitution, whether it works in the modern era, should never be president.
If I have to, I will use one challenge after another to dismantle governmental operations that I consider violations of the Constitution. — © Greg Abbott
If I have to, I will use one challenge after another to dismantle governmental operations that I consider violations of the Constitution.
Why should I resign ... First of all, I am not guilty of any of these charges. Second, we have a constitution to follow.
The Framers of the Constitution wisely understood that constitutional principles must not be sacrificed on the altar of political appeasement.
What is in the Constitution is the burning desire and aspiration of all the people of Vietnam. So for the moment, we don't think about opposition parties.
Lopez Obrador invokes the appeal of national unity, the revolution of 1910, and the progressive constitution of 1917.
But while the American Constitution was the child of war, ours grew out of discussion, bargaining and negotiation.
Everything in our lives has the potential to wake us up or put us to sleep. Allowing it to awaken us is up to us.
The mathematical thermology created by Fourier may tempt us to hope that, as he has estimated the temperature of the space in which we move, me may in time ascertain the mean temperature of the heavenly bodies: but I regard this order of facts as for ever excluded from our recognition. We can never learn their internal constitution, nor, in regard to some of them, how heat is absorbed by their atmosphere. We may therefore define Astronomy as the science by which we discover the laws of the geometrical and mechanical phenomena presented by the heavenly bodies.
I join cordially in admiring and revering the Constitution of the United States, the result of the collected wisdom of our country. That wisdom has committed to us the important task of proving by example that a government, if organized in all its parts on the Representative principle unadulterated by the infusion of spurious elements, if founded, not in the fears & follies of man, but on his reason, on his sense of right, on the predominance of the social over his dissocial passions, may be so free as to restrain him in no moral right, and so firm as to protect him from every moral wrong.
Could it be that violence is as much a part of the American identity as the Constitution, and a vital component to its economic stability?
If Thou canst do something with us and through us, then please, God, do something without us! Bypass us and take up a people who now know Thee not! — © Leonard Ravenhill
If Thou canst do something with us and through us, then please, God, do something without us! Bypass us and take up a people who now know Thee not!
Let us never stop being vigilant about the Oys which face us. But let us never turn them into our raison d'etre. Let us also celebrate the JOYS.
He's not rewarding us by talking to us. He's talking to us because He has something to say to us directly, as opposed to the things He says to all humanity.
Its Constitution--the glittering and sounding generalities of natural right which make up the Declaration of Independence.
We felt like the Taliban saw us as little dolls to control, telling us what to do and how to dress. I thought if God wanted us to be like that He wouldn't have made us all different.
Let us be peaceable as near as we can: let us relent of our own right: let us not strive for these worldly goods, honour and reputation: let us bear all wrongs and outrages, rather than be moved to any debate through our own fault. But in the meanwhile, let us fight for God's truth with tooth and nail.
The one thing He commands us as His branches is to bear fruit. Let us live to bless others, to testify of the life and the love there is in Jesus. Let us in faith and obedience give our whole life to that which Jesus chose us for and appointed us to-fruit-bearing.
The American Constitution is the greatest governing document, and at some 7,000 words, just about the shortest.
It's got to be both houses and the people coming together in unanimous decision when you start messing with the Constitution.
A Morning Prayer The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating concerns and duties. Help us to play the man; help us to perform them with laughter and kind faces, let cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us to go blithely on our business all this day. Bring us to our resting beds weary and content and undishonored and grant us in the end the gift of sleep.
The Constitution of the United States doesn't change the powers of the president based on the number by which you get elected.
Our constitution enshrines the rule of law, freedom of worship and expression, we cherish these values too.
I do stand in opposition to those who want to implement Sharia and essentially attack the Constitution of the United States.
The happy Union of these States is a wonder; their Constitution a miracle; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world.
I will put the Republican establishment on my shoulders and drag them kicking and screaming back to the Constitution.
We have the oldest written constitution still in force in the world, and it starts out with three words, 'We, the people.'
We have a government of limited power under the Constitution, and we have got to work out our problems on the basis of law.
Friends, companions, lovers, are those who treat us in terms of our unlimited worth to ourselves. They are closest to us who best understand what life means to us, who feel for us as we feel for ourselves, who are bound to us in triumph and disaster, who break the spell of our loneliness.
Today, I am an inquisitor. I shall not sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution.
But in view of the constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is no caste here.
I have always wanted my art to service my people - to reflect us, to relate to us, to stimulate us, to make us aware of our potential. We have to create an art for liberation and for life.
I sort of thought the framers of the Constitution were talking about the rights of individuals, not corporate entities.
Experience and imagination must enter into the very constitution of our thoughts involving concrete individuals.
We live in an age where many things are working hard to conk us out and anesthetize us. Anything we can do to shake us out of that- with no other purpose than to wake us- is valuable.
Using the language of heroism, calling Daniel Ellsberg a hero, and calling the other people who made great sacrifices heroes - even though what they have done is heroic - is to distinguish them from the civic duty they performed, and excuses the rest of us from the same civic duty to speak out when we see something wrong, when we witness our government engaging in serious crimes, abusing power, engaging in massive historic violations of the Constitution of the United States. We have to speak out or we are party to that bad action.
There's nothing wrong with us. There's nothing missing in us. Everything is for us and there is nothing against us. Let us remember this together. — © Michael Beckwith
There's nothing wrong with us. There's nothing missing in us. Everything is for us and there is nothing against us. Let us remember this together.
A defining reality for me is what Scripture teaches in Hebrews 12, that God is our father, and that a sign that he loves us is that he disciplines us, he takes us through hardship to build character in us that could not be shaped apart from difficulty.
We all must support the arts, as it is our culture. It makes us better people. It makes us happy; it gives us empathy and shows us how to live. It is so important.
What it comes down to for me is this: Will the technologies of communication in our culture, serve to enlighten us and help us to understand one another better, or will they deceive us and keep us apart?
Our bodies need regular washing because we get dirty everyday. But so do our hearts! Because each day, people hurt us, offend us, forget us, snub us, step on us, reject us. But if we choose to forgive everyone everyday, we cleanse our hearts! We wake up the next morning refreshed and pure and lovely!
Our natural egoism leads us to judge people by their relations to ourselves. We want them to be certain things to us, and for us that is what they are; because the rest of them is no good to us, we ignore it.
The whole frame of the Federal Constitution proves that the government which it creates was intended to be one of limited and specified powers.
The truth is that anyone... that wants to subvert our Constitution to Shariah Law is an enemy of the United States.
Encroachment upon the powers and rights of States also goes against the grain of the Constitution and federal principles.
[Donald Trump] needs to take action today before he becomes president so he doesn`t violate the Constitution.
Stories can encourage us and embolden us to face ourselves and to feel. Stories can make us feel less alone. If we're reading a story that moves us, we can feel that emotion that I feel towards my father or mother or girlfriend. So they can give us late-night company.
But the heart of Christianity is Good News. It comes not as a task for us to fulfill, a mission for us to accomplish, a game plan for us to follow with the help of life coaches, but as a report that someone else has already fulfilled, accomplished, followed, and achieved everything for us.
I think the average American has forgotten the great feel for liberty and accountability that the framers of the Constitution believed. — © Joe Jamail
I think the average American has forgotten the great feel for liberty and accountability that the framers of the Constitution believed.
As we have been continuously counseled for more than 60 years, let us have some food set aside that would sustain us for a time in case of need. But let us not panic nor go to extremes. Let us be prudent in every respect. And, above all, my brothers and sisters, let us move forward with faith in the Living God and His Beloved Son.
God loves every one of us but cannot directly benefit us; he can benefit us only indirectly through each other. For this reason he inspires us with his love
The U.S. Constitution is the basic framework for the greatest democracy on Earth. Some of my colleagues find it easy to amend it. I don't.
We also intend to deal with the issue of incorporating basic human rights into our new constitution.
Waiting upon the Lord gives us a priceless opportunity to discover that there are many who wait upon us. Our children wait upon us to show patience, love, and understanding toward them. Our parents wait upon us to show gratitude and compassion. Our brothers and sisters wait upon us to be tolerant, merciful, and forgiving. Our spouses wait upon us to love them as the Savior has loved each one of us.
It is surely only a matter of time before some federal judge finds the Constitution unconstitutional.
The Constitution needs allegiance and loyalty and renewal and understanding with each generation, or else it's not going to last.
Most of us complain about Congress. We say it's a place that doesn't reflect us; they don't listen to us. Actually, Congress well reflects the American people. It gives us exactly what we ask for.
First, the constitution [of Ukraine] has to be reformed. Only then can confidence building and border security follow.
These studies are a spur to the young, a delight to the old: an ornament in prosperity, a consoling refuge in adversity; they are pleasure for us at home, and no burden abroad; they stay up with us at night, they accompany us when we travel, they are with us in our country visits.
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