Top 1200 Version Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

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Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The old tale of Sleeping Beauty might end happily in French or English, but he was in Russia, and only a fool would want to live through the Russian version of any fairy tale.
I do follow a version of the Dukan diet, but I don't follow it to the extreme so a lot of fish and vegetables. If I want chocolate I'll let myself have a bit of chocolate in moderation.
Everyone has a different definition of what they find sexy, so why do we so often get given one version of what sexy is time and time again? — © Olly Alexander
Everyone has a different definition of what they find sexy, so why do we so often get given one version of what sexy is time and time again?
I don't know if I was as ambitious as to change the world, but I do feel like - the reason why I called the album "Our Version of Events" was that I feel a lot of people are not represented in pop music and popular culture.
I think about it, and I realize there's been some version of a Batman or Spiderman or Superman franchise since I was a boy, since before I was a boy.
Doing a TV show is different because it's more of a TV version of something. A more focused take on things.
Teachers of design should help a student to find their own voice. In other words, not be a templated version of the teacher, but rather to help them [the students] unfold what they already know and can bring to the table.
When I'm going to see a comedian, I don't want to see them hold back, and when I'm reading a book, I don't want to hear an abridged version.
Being the best is:applying yourself to your potential, putting out the best version of yourself.
If you're doing a classic play, where if you do a Chekhov, you do the words as written. You can't do that with a novel; you have to do your version of the words as written.
Crime stories are our version of sitting round a camp fire and telling tales. We enjoy being scared under safe circumstances. That's why there's no tradition of crime writing in countries that have wars.
One of the problems in the Ukrainian crisis is that very few Westerners know their history, or if they know it, what they learn is what we call the Russian version of history.
Milan Kundera was my literature professor. He's a Francophile, so he made us read French novels like 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses,' which I made a version of many years later as 'Valmont.'
It doesn't really matter what people think of me, I should just be connecting with people I really like instead of pretending to be the perfect version of myself. — © Emily Browning
It doesn't really matter what people think of me, I should just be connecting with people I really like instead of pretending to be the perfect version of myself.
To just be all analytically inclined or heartbeat inclined, you are going to lose; you are not going to be the best version of yourself.
I see retirement as just another of these reinventions, another chance to do new things and be a new version of myself.
The way in which each human infant is transformed into the finished adult, into the complicated individual version of his city and his century is one of the most fascinating studies open to the curious minded.
If, therefore, nonsense is really to be the literature of the future, it must have its own version of the Cosmos to offer; the world must not only be tragic, romantic, and religious, it must be nonsensical also.
I read all these books about excellence, and then I went into spirituality, and all these books were really about leveling up. Being the best version of yourself.
I had very high respect for the Pratt Institute, but I thought that I had done my best, and that was not their version of the best.
It is finally when you let go of what people expect you to be and people's perceptions of you that you're able to be the version of yourself that you're supposed to be - like in God's eyes. It doesn't matter if you're half crazy, or eccentric, or whatever it is - that you have to be true to who you were born to be.
It's not good enough for us to have generations of kids that... look forward to a better version of a cell phone with a video in it. They need to look forward to exploration.
If you understand how the real world feels and looks and sounds it is much easier to create a virtual version of the real world.
A song stylist is, like, to take an old folk song like "Delia's Gone" and do a modern white man's version of it.
I write speculative fiction, and in my view, speculative fiction is really just a very intense version of the work of literature in general.
Good founders can give me a picture of the future that I can believe. And the second that I believe your version of the future, you have leverage.
Artist - musicians, painters, writers, poets, always seem to have had the most accurate perception of what is really going on around them, not the official version or the popular perception of contemporary life.
They call people who love London 'Anglophiles' and people who love France 'Francophiles.' I'd be the New York version of that.
Islamism is not Islam. Islamism is the politicisation of Islam, the desire to impose a version of this ancient faith over society.
So I did 'Something Happened on the Way to Heaven' and the original version is a ballad. The original Phil record is uptempo but we slowed it down and made it a ballad.
Is that what relationships become? A reduced version of the hurt, nothing else let in. It was more than that. I know it was more than that.
Who's not played spin the bottle? But I never done the kiss version. I always wanted to, but I never did. We did the truth or dare one instead.
Everybody, including me, has to submit to what it needs to be. The thing is at the top of the pyramid, the best version of the thing; we all have to serve that. You forget that at your own risk. And I think movies are too long, in general.
The only obligation you have as a film-maker is to tell your version of the truth and to use your film to illuminate reality. Whatever that means.
At last, in 1611, was made, under the auspices of King James, the famous King James version; and this is the great literary monument of the English language.
I like 'The Office.' I particularly like the British version with Ricky Gervais. Of course, I liked the 'Seinfeld' show a lot. I thought that was an awfully good show.
Artists - musicians, painters, writers, poets - always seem to have had the most accurate perception of what is really going on around them, not the official version or the popular perception of contemporary life.
UNIVAC: a device, which contained 20,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,500 square feet and weighed 40 tons; there was also a laptop version weighing 27 tons. — © Dave Barry
UNIVAC: a device, which contained 20,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,500 square feet and weighed 40 tons; there was also a laptop version weighing 27 tons.
I always say, men's ankles are kind of like men's version of cleavage. That's what I think, because it's sexy. It shows, like, you dare to go there.
That's one of the central problems of history, isn't it, sir? The question of subjective versus objective interpretation, the fact that we need to know the history of the historian in order to understand the version that is being put in front of us.
My focus isn't Hollywood; my focus is using Hollywood as an example. Because what happens here does happen everywhere. It's just a really concentrated and tense version here.
We just want to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Be true to ourselves and make the best music we can. Entertain people which is what we were put on this Earth for.
How could they think Noel was hot? If this was REALLY Versailles, Noel SO would not be Louis XIV, he would be the French version of the village idiot
I just do a random roulette wheel version of what I've recorded or sometimes tunes I haven't recorded. It's a collection of whatever happens, happens.
I wrote 'Milk' for me. I wrote it for the younger version of me that had no clue that there are people who'd ever fought for my rights.
That's why I write, because life never works except in retrospect. You can't control life, at least you can control your version.
We are already seeing a degree of instability in the world because Obama seems to have consciously wanted to step back. Donald Trump is going to be "Obama squared," a more extreme version of the same thing.
I don't stress about the outcome because I know the only thing I have control over is my own hard work. So long as I'm being honest about that and striving to be the best version of myself, I'm happy.
The Milkoviches are a much more extreme, much darker version of what the Gallaghers could be. The Gallaghers don't have a violent, sexually abusive, bigoted gangster for a father.
I grew up listening to Joni Mitchell's version of "A Case of You." My mom was a huge Joni Mitchell fan. — © Cheyenne Jackson
I grew up listening to Joni Mitchell's version of "A Case of You." My mom was a huge Joni Mitchell fan.
The more of what our music does violates the premise of its format that it's presented in, the better. So, hearing our music in the supermarket, a Muzak version, is great.
We need new friends; some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to re-enact the ideal version of their lives.
American television constantly tries to co-op British comedy and create their own version of it. Most of the time it doesn't work; obviously, in the case of 'The Office,' it did. But a lot of times, it doesn't really work.
When I was at Capitol - and this was not Capitol's fault - I was aiming, you know. I would listen to country radio and go, 'What version of me does radio want?'
It's not good enough for us to have generations of kids that ... look forward to a better version of a cell phone with a video in it. They need to look forward to exploration.
I actually think Johannesburg represents the future. My version of what I think the world is going to become looks like Johannesburg.
There won't be a day when I stop working to be a better version of myself, so I'm going to keep working and I will get better.
My family inspires me, because they push me to be the best version of myself that I can be, and spirituality, because it brings more love into your life.
I want to be an Actress that is forced to change in order to play certain characters or tell stories. I don't want to just play a version of myself.
It is never the thing but the version of the thing.
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