Top 1200 Very Special Person Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Very Special Person quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I want to ask you to place a significant seed in God's soil and see it work for you. Just as a special sacrifice was offered on the Day of Atonement, let me ask you to bring a very special offering.
I think that my relationship with my fans has been very special from day one. It's been very special in spite of the fact that I don't think I would ever be able to call myself a press darling. I don't think there's ever been a superficial hype machine around me.
I went from a very pessimistic person to a very optimistic person sort of overnight, which is very weird. It's not even the success of my shows. I think it's the lifestyle change, I really do.
You don't want to be single forever. But also, once you have your own life, your partner has to be someone very special because life is so busy. If that person isn't right for you, don't settle for second best.
A lot of people who were the best in their fields. I was fortunate enough to be friends with Sammy Davis, Jr. - I spent a lot of time with Sammy. I was over at his house almost every night. Those people were very special and very special for me.
Are there experts, ethical experts, that's very offensive to all of us? Because it's part of our humanity to have a stake in these questions to feel that we ourselves know the difference between right and wrong. And then along come these experts, philosophers, claiming, you know, an expertise, a special training, a special skill, a special talent.
I first met Taylor Swift at an awards show, which is a pretty easy place to suss out who is cool. Right off the bat I was like, This is a person I want to know. Just because she's a very famous person doesn't mean she doesn't exist outside of that space. She's wonderful and special and treats me really nicely and we have a great, mature relationship. She's on a short list of people like that for me.
I always hated when the studios just kind of said that anybody can act. You look at people like Spencer Tracy, Henry Fonda - and I'm just talking about the male actors - there aren't a lot who can act. It's a very special talent, and I wish it were recognized as a very special talent.
Dance is a way of connecting and finding a moment with someone. It really is something special and unique that you don't find in any other physical activity, you know? Because it's you with another person, and you guys dive in together with these characters. So dance, to me, has been really special to create amazing bonds with people.
I'm proud of Larry Sanders and proud of every single person who went on that journey. It's a very special show to me, and I've learned a lot of lessons from it. I need to find something where I can learn some more lessons, and then I'll do that project.
Offence is so easily given. And where the 'minority' issue is involved, the rules seem to shift about: most of the time a person who is female/black/disabled/gay wants this not to be their defining characteristic; you are supposed to be blind to it. But then, on other occasions, you are supposed to observe special sensitivity, or show special respect.
I respect anyone who could take a stagecoach ride from the East Coast to the West. You had to be a very special kind of person to survive that because it's the most uncomfortable ride in the world.
No tricks, gimmicks, special pills, special potions, special equipment. All it takes is desire and will. — © Richard Simmons
No tricks, gimmicks, special pills, special potions, special equipment. All it takes is desire and will.
To be a great director, what does it mean exactly? It's not only about a great director, but also about being able to rely on the very special chemistry that goes between them. It not only has to be a great director, but the great director has to make his relationship to you, the actor, very special.
Zen has an expression, "nothing special." When you understand "nothing special," you realize that everything is special. Everything's special and nothing's special. Everything's spiritual and nothing's spiritual. It's how you see, it's what eyes you're looking through, that matters.
I mean, the whole idea of movies was it was special to go to see - you went to a movie theater to see something that was magical and amazing, in a very special location.
I've always said Crouch is special. He's tall and that makes him special but he is special because he has good feet as well
As a person, he was wonderful. He really was a great person. He was full of life. He had a great sense of humor. Very talented, of course, but very caring to his parents. There was a very endearing quality about Elvis.
It is not very polite to interrupt a person, of course, but sometimes if the person is very unpleasant you can hardly stop yourself.
I'm 100 percent convinced that Pablo Escobar was a human being. And he was a very interesting one. For sure, he was a very, very, very mean and awful human being in many senses, but he wasn't an alien. He was a person. He had friends; people laughed at his jokes. And he was a very contradictory person as well.
[I hate] the ways that people want their special needs to be met, whether it's their food allergies or their special lotions or shoes. Or the ways that people want their neighborhoods and restaurants curated in a way that's really tailored to them. Growing up with someone who was living by these very strict, repressive rules for themselves - it made me very allergic to the idea of denial.
You know, I'm just a very boring, not very funny person in person. I don't feel pressured to be otherwise.
It makes me feel like a very special person, that I'm able to make my living with my imagination. I developed a big respect for my calling while I was in school, and it remains with me to this day.
It was a very magical upbringing, the quality of feeling special, and people treated us special. You tried real hard to remember all the normal things so you didn't get twisted.
But you have to be told you're special first before you believe it yourself. I was first told I was special by my aunt. The second person was my scoutmaster.
It takes someone very special to help you forget someone very special. — © Erich Segal
It takes someone very special to help you forget someone very special.
I did lose my grandfather. He was special. He would tell me jokes, and he'd always be there to support me. I do wish I'd get the chance to see him again, because he was very special to my heart.
Moonlight is very honest and very special to me. I feel like this is the most personal music I've made, by far. I'm very proud of it and I'm very excited. It's's vulnerable and kind of terrifying.
There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe and what can be more special than that there is no boundary?
I think any manager who tells you, 'I am very good at keeping my equilibrium. I'm always calm and reasoned, and results don't affect me particularly. I can take the good with the bad, and I can put the wins and the losses in perspective,' you will find a special person. I've never met one.
I mean, the whole idea of movies was it was special to go to see; you went to a movie theater to see something that was magical and amazing, in a very special location.
My mum left her job to allow me to pursue my dreams, coming along with me. But the person who really inspired me was my grandfather. He'll always have a very special place in my heart.
The first thing, when I got the money, I knew I would support somebody. And the person I supported was my family. Because we were really in debt with the money. And - so I gave to my father this suitcase full of money. And he couldn't believe it. And that was something very special.
There is something magical about that green coat. I mean that sincerely. It's a very special week, and being able to wear that green jacket. It's made my whole career. It's special.
Zen says everything is divine so how can anything be special? All is special. Nothing is non-special so nothing can be special. — © Rajneesh
Zen says everything is divine so how can anything be special? All is special. Nothing is non-special so nothing can be special.
She's very special and I've learned plenty from being around Renae. She's helped me go up another level in all categories; it's special to watch her because I'm aware of the work she has done.
I believe that each young person is different from any other who has ever lived, as different as his fingerprints: that he could bring to the world a wonderful and special way of solving unsolved problems, that in his special way, he can be great.
Oprah is very, very, very special to me. She's an amazing woman.
I have a special child and there are not a lot of services around for that special child, and so we picked out a school that would be a very good school for her.
You have this special place - America, you want it to remain special, you better find out why it became special.
We live at a very special time . . . the only time when we can observationally verify that we live at a very special time!
I haven't made many wedding dresses. It's a dress very, very important for the girl; it's important to know the person, I believe, but at the same time it should be a shock to the person - the person should be shocked to be suddenly revealed. That's the work of a designer sometimes, to propose an ID of look.
When you get big special effects pictures, sci-fi and things, there's little or no comedy. Or it's a domestic comedy and there's not one special effect. But very rarely do these things fuse and come out right.
I feel like you may be a special and kind person. And I would like to make it my business to know special and kind people. Especially if they are boys my age.
Stuart was a very special person and he was miles ahead of everybody. You know as far as intelligent and artistic feelings are concerned, he was miles ahead. So I learned a lot from him and because in the '60s we had a very strange attitude towards being young, towards sex, towards everything.
Women are very special. I think it's a very special time because a lot of things are coming out and I think that's good for our society and I think it is very, very good for women. And I'm very happy a lot of these things are coming out. And I am very happy - I'm very happy it's being exposed.
Television is my home. It's a special breed of person that can do nine months on and three months off, with 22 episodes of one-hour shows. It's very hard work. It can be a grind. It's not a grind for me. I relish in that.
Winning is one of the most special moments. Every time I take the field it's a special moment. The fans are the ones that make it special. Because that's what we do it for.
That last rep where you're trying as hard as you can and you barely make it! That is what turns on the growth mechanism in your body. That last almost impossible rep where you're bearing your teeth, you're shaking all over, you need assistance! That rep is very special, that rep is very different. There's something special going on inside your body when that happens.
I think life is politics anyway. You can't ignore it, but you can go very wrong in politics. You can say what you thought 50 years ago, but maybe you're wrong today. It's something very special, politics. I think you'd better be a good person in life every day - it's much more important.
To play at Stamford Bridge for Brazil would be great. To play for the national team is already special but to do it here would be a very special occasion. — © Oscar
To play at Stamford Bridge for Brazil would be great. To play for the national team is already special but to do it here would be a very special occasion.
The state of mind of the photographer creating is a blank. I might add that this condition exists only at special times, namely when looking for pictures. -Something keeps him from falling off curbs, down open manholes, into bumpers of skidding trucks while in this condition but goes off duty at other times. . . . This is a very special kind of blank. A very active state of mind really, it is a very receptive state. . .
I learned at Yale, one of the biggest lessons was to learn how special I am and therefore how totally unspecial I am. I was special among everyone else who was special. The fact that we're all so individual and that's what makes us special.
Strive to make every person feel special. After all, every person you meet is made in the image of God.
The best medicine that a person can have is the knowledge and experience that he can swim through every tide and change of the time. If you have the mental competency to deal with every situation that arises, then you are very happy, very healthy and a very well-balanced person.
And not to mean that I think I'm some special person, but I think we're all here for a very specific reason and once you figure out what that is then you're on the right track and we're all on the ride together.
Nancy was a very special person, too beautiful for this world. I feel so privileged to have loved her and been loved by her.
I love Elektra. I really have a special place in my heart for her. It was very enjoyable for me to discover her and to adapt her for this project and bring myself to this character. So I have a special spot for her.
An artist is not special. An artist is an ordinary person who can take ordinary things and make them special.
Every relationship that we have in our lives - our contact with each person, place, and event - serves a very special, if yet to be realized purpose: They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way.
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