Top 1200 Victorian Era Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Victorian Era quotes.
Last updated on October 9, 2024.
One of the great ironies of the social media era is that some of the least social people in the world created it.
We are the two great painters of this era; you are in the Egyptian style, I in themodern style. (to Pablo Picasso)
What is considered 'conservative' and what is considered 'liberal' changes in any given era. — © Rick Perlstein
What is considered 'conservative' and what is considered 'liberal' changes in any given era.
I come from an era where you just build something. Me and Common built what we built from Chicago from scratch.
I always felt like I was meant to have been born in another era, another time.
Sometimes you write a song in a certain era and it's got a certain kind of significance.
We live in an era of consumerism and it's all about desire-based consumerism and it has nothing to do with things we actually need.
We moved, and there was a golden era in the '40s when we were so conscious of who we were as Australians.
Only by doing the best we can with the very best that an era offers, do we find the way to do better in the future.
I don't think there is an era of autocuties. I think if there is such a thing as an autocutie they weed themselves out because they can't hack it.
So What or Kind of Blue were done in that era, the right hour, the right day. It's over; it's on the record.
There's lot of social censorship now, especially in this era of ubiquitous social media.
I grew up in an era where the perfect drive was a line drive, with quite a bit more spin. — © Johnny Miller
I grew up in an era where the perfect drive was a line drive, with quite a bit more spin.
...But I don't think I'm the only person who is tired of books and movies full of paper-doll characters you don't care about, who have no self-respect and no respect for anybody or any institution....And I don't want to sound preachy or Victorian, but I'm tired of amorality in fiction and in real life. Immorality is a fascinating human dilemma that creates suspense for the readers and tension for the characters, but where is the tension in an amoral situation? When people have no personal code, nothing is threatening and nothing is meaningful.
The Olympics have been with the world since 776 B.C., and have only been interrupted by war, especially in the modern era.
We meet today To thank Thee for the era done, And Thee for the opening one.
The question is: Particularly in the post-9/11 era, are societies becoming more liberal or more authoritarian?
I am the biggest face of boxing right now. That's how I feel. I am the greatest of this era.
I look around, and 50 percent of the big-budget entertainment you are seeing these days is dystopian. This is the era of 'Hunger Games' and blasted landscapes and 'The Walking Dead.'
As an American, I grew up in an era where we led the world in everything. Everything!
In one era, it's hard enough to compare people. But comparing people of different eras... that's next to impossible.
A new era will dawn in Africa, when the impoverished masses of a nation rise up to rescue their right to a decent life from the hands of the ruling oligarchies.
I'd love to be in a 1910s film - the era between the corsets and losing the corsets.
Well, this is a story about books." About books?" About accursed books, about a man who wrote them, about a character who broke out of the pages of anovel so that he could burn it, about a betrayal and a lost friendship. It's a story of love, of hatred, and of the dreams that live in the shadow of the wind." You talk like the jacket blurb of a Victorian novel, Daniel." That's probably because I work in a bookshop and I've seen too many. But this is a true story.
I want to be the greatest. The greatest that ever played, regardless of position or era.
The Lusitania is a monument to this optimism, to the hubris of the era. I love that, because where there is hubris, there is tragedy.
Bill Clinton is the guy that said, "The era of Big Government is over." Whether or not he meant it or not, he said it.
I never lived in the era when thin eyebrows were in so I never did that.
My favorite record label of all time is Motown. That era of music was my favorite.
Women in the postfeminist era, while supposedly strong and commanding and equal to men in every sense, looked weaker and smaller than ever before.
Just because we live in a Christian era doesn't mean we're all Christian, necessarily.
There is this false perception that comedians can never be serious. It's like from like the era of court jesters.
At an ERA fundraiser years ago, one of my favorite buttons was the one that said, 'Every mother is a working mother.'
Anybody against women, against the ERA, should never be voted into office again.
What was a profitable business in one era can become a public utility and a recognized public good in the next.
A young woman hiking alone in the mountains sounds dangerous. In the pre-cell phone era maybe it was, but Ill stop short of calling it foolish.
I was a little, tiny kid in the '80s, but I do remember seeing the styles of clothes, and I remember the cars from that era.
I come from a long ago era where men could be men and stereotypical humor didn't offend anybody. — © Rush Limbaugh
I come from a long ago era where men could be men and stereotypical humor didn't offend anybody.
DC characters are from a different era than Marvel characters.
The Court should never be influenced by the weather of the day but inevitably they will be influenced by the climate of the era.
When people ask if I'm going to be sad that 'The Office' is over, they don't even understand the depth of that question for me. It's an era of my life. No one would have known my name if it wasn't for the show.
Every ministry should investigate its own role during the Nazi era. That applies to institutions like the health or economy ministries, where, as yet, no investigations have been made.
Dave's playing and repertoire evokes memories of the golden era of Modern Jazz, and in addition to being a nice guy he happens to be a bebopper of the finest order.
A lot of people in my era didn't grow up on 2Pac, they grew up on me.
The Tamagotchi, I have realized, is everything that is wrong with our smartphone era. Is this what went wrong with millennials?
Joan Mitchell, Joan Baez, Judy Collins - that was my mom's era.
I was a big fan of Greta Garbo and that era of movies, so I dreamt watching those movies.
The era of roadside decisions, declarations have gone. My government's decisions will be guided by teamwork and consultations. — © Mwai Kibaki
The era of roadside decisions, declarations have gone. My government's decisions will be guided by teamwork and consultations.
I consider myself a feminist living in a post-feminist era.
During the entire communist era, communist ideology was imposed on children. That was Bolshevism.
[In] my era everybody smoked and everybody drank and there was no drug use
I came from an era when we didn't use electronic instruments. The bass wasn't even amplified. The sound was the sound you got.
106 & Park, Freestyle Friday, that was real pivotal. I feel like he has the right to do that, he comes from that era so he has the right to do that.
The 1960s was an era of big thoughts. And yet, amazingly, each of these thoughts could fit on a T-shirt.
I want to go down as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, receiver of my era.
My earliest memories are of the civil rights era. My earliest experiences were rage.
I started my career in an era when footballers were different. There was a different culture.
We have entered 'The Era of the Three-Option Woman and the No-Option Man.'
You can't rise as a class. You have to rise individually. It's what many of the civil rights-era people don't understand.
When Arianna Huffington founded 'The Huffington Post' in 2005, a whole new era of journalism began.
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