Top 1200 Virtuous Woman Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Virtuous Woman quotes.
Last updated on October 2, 2024.
If it's a woman it's caustic, if it's a man it's authority, If it's a woman it's too pushy, if it's a man it's aggressive in the best sense of the word.
It's difficult to exist as a woman, especially I think as a powerful woman. You want to stand strong and you want to be considered and equal.
Overly persuasive a woman's ordinance spreads far, traveling fast; but fast dying a rumor voiced by a woman perishes. — © Aeschylus
Overly persuasive a woman's ordinance spreads far, traveling fast; but fast dying a rumor voiced by a woman perishes.
The truth is, Silicon Valley doesn't like people who are older, and they're not that much of a friend of the woman. I certainly was a woman, and I was older.
Nobody wants to be in a room or their business to be funded because they're a woman. They don't want to be discriminated against because they're a woman.
What woman here is so enamored of her own oppression that she cannot see her heel print upon another woman's face?
Why is being a woman so surprising? There are two sexes. A man and a woman. So, if it's not a man in a movie, what else was it going to be?
I believe the switch from 'lady' to 'woman' was part of the women's movement. 'Lady' was a euphemism for 'woman,' and that was one reason that we wanted to move away from it.
Under this window in stormy weather I marry this man and woman together; Let none but Him who rules the thunder Put this man and woman asunder.
O Woman, you are not merely the handiwork of God, but also of men; these are ever endowing you with beauty from their own hearts ... You are one-half woman and one-half dream.
In all successful relationships, the man respects the woman - and it takes a special guy to handle a successful woman. You have to be confident in who you are and what you do.
You get up in the morning because you might meet a woman. And if you stay at home by yourself, alone, you will not meet a woman.
Atheists would teach men to be moral now, not because God offers as an inducement reward by and by, but because in the virtuous act itself immediate good is insured to the doer and the circle surrounding him.
The woman, in a battle of fists or guns, may not be as great a power as a man; but a woman behind a vote is every bit as useful as a man. — © Irene Parlby
The woman, in a battle of fists or guns, may not be as great a power as a man; but a woman behind a vote is every bit as useful as a man.
The most important thing about marriage is that the man must not let the woman feel downtrodden simply because she is a woman and he is a man.
Marriage was ordained for a remedy and to increase the world and for the man to help the woman and the woman the man, with all love and kindness.
Clearly, love is love, between a man and a woman, a woman and a man, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.
A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.
There is nothing of greater importance to the well-being of society at large - of man as well as woman - than the true proper position of woman.
What motivated me? My mother. My mother was an immigrant woman, a peasant woman, struggled all her life, worked in the garment center.
I didn't want to be a woman photographer. That would limit me. I wanted to be a photographer who was a woman, with all the world open to my camera.
Can you imagine what it's like for you to be who I am, who I was, and for them to say that I raped a woman? And for the whole world to actually be entertaining the thought that you raped a woman. That's hell.
It is degrading both for man and woman that woman should be called upon or induced to forsake the hearth and shoulder the rifle for the protection of that hearth.
The blood of a redheaded woman is three degrees cooler than the blood of a normal woman. This has been established by medical studies.
Jesus was a bachelor and never lived with a woman. Surely living with a woman is one of the most difficult things a man has to do, and he never did it.
Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force.
The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what the man or woman is able to do that counts.
I pride myself on being an athlete and I have muscles, but at the same time I am a woman and my muscles make me empowered as a woman.
A woman could be having fun A woman could be like a nun In order to survive We cannot be kind Until we are hurt
I'm not one of those Hollywood moms where my kid is three weeks old and I'm a size zero. I'm a real woman and I'm a working woman and a working mom.
Women are my drugs and alcohol. When I'm involved with one woman, I'm involved with one woman. Period. But between romances, I am carnivorous.
I consider myself a woman. I happen to fall into the transgender category, but I rather describe myself as a woman first.
Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement. ... The conventional big-bosomed blonde is not mysterious. And what could be more obvious than the old black velvet and pearls type? The perfect ‘woman of mystery’ is one who is blonde, subtle and Nordic. ... Although I do not profess to be an authority on women, I fear that the perfect title [for a movie], like the perfect woman is difficult to find.
The name Phenomenal Woman was inspired by Maya Angelo, who wrote 'Phenomenal Woman', a favorite poem of mine.
A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.
There'd never been a clothing line made by a young woman like me: a multiethnic woman who has one foot in Gucci and one foot in the ghetto.
The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.
I like to play a strong woman, but a strong woman can also be very fragile and vulnerable at the same time. — © Carice van Houten
I like to play a strong woman, but a strong woman can also be very fragile and vulnerable at the same time.
My gran had always told me that a woman--any woman worth her salt--could do whatever she had to.
Showing kindness causes oxytocin release in the recipient that motives him or her to be kind to others. You can start this virtuous cycle in the simplest ways, for example, by giving someone a hug. I send you a hug!
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a woman working in America. It looks very different to be a working woman in other places in the world.
When the woman is attractive, is it an interesting picture, or is it the woman? I had a lot of headaches with that, which was why it was interesting. I don't think I always got it straight.
A beautiful woman looking at her image in the mirror may very well believe the image is herself. An ugly woman knows it is not.
I'm not a woman! Let's make that very clear! Oh I don't know, maybe I am. I am an American woman. Or 65 percent of me is.
I can't sleep. There is a woman stuck between my eyelids. I would tell her to get out if I could. But there is a woman stuck in my throat
I am black and a woman and unapologetically proud to be both. But I've never asked anyone to vote for me because I'm black and a woman.
I like a man who can respect a woman. When he's real attentive, I think that is very manly. To respect a woman is divine.
Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.
With women and women, I think there's an understanding. Nobody knows what a woman feels or experiences but another woman. We are the nurturers, and there are times when we need to be nurtured.
I would rather sing about my love affair or about a woman or to a woman than some guys any day. — © Sammy Hagar
I would rather sing about my love affair or about a woman or to a woman than some guys any day.
Groucho: You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world? Woman: Really? Groucho: No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere.
As for the virtuous poor, one can pity them, of course, but one cannot possibly admire them. They have made private terms with the enemy, and sold their birthright for very bad pottage. They must also be extraordinarily stupid.
If you're a man, you're a man. If you're a woman, you're a woman. You use the bathroom of your gender. If you can't figure it out, I'm not sure I can help you.
I hope Barack Obama puts another woman on the Supreme Court. And this time, I hope it's a woman with kids.
First-ever woman to have an iron-man match. It's been such a long time, to be the second woman ever to main event a Raw.
The emotions have been seen as the center of woman's soul. For that reason, emotional formation will have to be centrally placed in woman's formation.
[They] should never have put me with that woman. ... She was just a sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be Labour.
By the fall a poison was handed to mankind through a woman [Eve], by the Redemption man was given salvation also through a woman [Mary].
I'll never ever say anything bad about a woman in public or speak negative about a woman.
We are still living with a double standard. I know it. Every woman I know knows it, whether you're in the media as a woman, or you're in the professions or business or politics.
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