Top 1200 Vital Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Vital quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The creative tension with spirituality vs. practicality in the world of politics is a vital conversation.
Keeping a feminine approach is vital - men hate bossy females.
Confidence, it turns out, is as vital to a players success as is talent. — © Gabe Kapler
Confidence, it turns out, is as vital to a players success as is talent.
I ought to go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in all ways.
The darker the film, the more vital everyone's sense of humor is on set.
In Bach, the vital cells of music are united as the world is in God.
Today, it is clear that Internet organizing is vital to our future success.
Mighty is the force of motherhood! It transforms all things by its vital heat.
Public trust is a vital condition for artificial intelligence to be used productively.
suffering is as necessary to entertaining as vermouth is to a Martini - a small but vital ingredient.
The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions.
If you engage people on a vital, important level, they will respond.
Probably the only thing my mom and dad agreed on was the vital importance of guilt. — © Linda Barnes
Probably the only thing my mom and dad agreed on was the vital importance of guilt.
It's vital all we oldies learn as much as we can about the Internet so we are not left behind.
Both when you defend and when you attack it needs to be about possession and positioning is vital.
Letting the mind control the vital breath is called force.
I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve.
For women, then, poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence.
The president is married to a teacher. He knows how vital it is for students to be in classrooms.
Economic success is the vital underpinning of every happy nation.
As the Republican platforms says, the welfare of the farmer is vital to that of the whole country.
It is vital that our work be grounded in the evidence and thus accepted by the public.
The cold, basic truth is that you are a vital and necessary part of this world
Vibrant political parties are vital to the health of our democracy.
Truth contains a vital principle and will manifest itself.
Pay attention to the vital few and ignore the trivial many.
The Sundance Institute has been vital to the film communities of Latin America.
Art breathes into life a surplus that is both vital and extraordinary.
Communication is vital when it comes to excelling in the workplace and in your personal relationships.
Reading builds the educated and informed electorate so vital to our democracy.
My family is vital to me - just the sense of being surrounded by no pretension.
Love and meaningful relationships are vital to physical and emotional well-being.
For me there is a vital connection between the Bihar calamity and the untouchability campaign.
It is vital that when educating our children's brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts.
Let us unite the two so long divided, knowledge and vital piety.
It is vital that we communicate to seniors their options regarding prescription drug assistance.
They say that hens do cackle loudest when there is nothing vital in the eggs they have laid.
The only companies that innovate are those who believe that innovation is vital for their future. — © John Harvey-Jones
The only companies that innovate are those who believe that innovation is vital for their future.
To discover a system for the avoidance of war is a vital need of our civilisation.
What I do believe is theatre is a medium with a peculiar ability to air vital issues.
Teaching is too vital an occupation to be left to the lazy or greedy or negative
I got a chance to act, and I have to say that acting is extremely fun and vital.
The NBA is tough. Everybody plays hard and every game is vital.
When I'm onstage, I'm completely comfortable, and I feel very vital and alive.
We let folks know we're interested in them and that they're vital to us. cause they are.
The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence.
Something that can be so vital at one point can be inconsequential at another. I'm just intrigued by that phenomenon.
For parents - women in particular - good quality, affordable childcare is vital. — © Nicola Sturgeon
For parents - women in particular - good quality, affordable childcare is vital.
Recognizing poor leadership is a vital skill to help you achieve greatness.
The Snake and Columbia river system is vital to the Pacific Northwest.
You're gambling with something vital. Most writers get smashed egos.
Can you gather your vital breath and yet be tender like a newborn baby?
Tend to your vital heart, and all that you worry about will be solved.
The place where you are now is vital. The path toward victory opens from where you stand.
As much as we would like to deny it, reading is not vital to human survival.
Freedom of the press is the staff of life, for any vital democracy.
For German Social Democracy, Europe is vital to the national interest.
Net Neutrality is what makes the Internet so great - and so vital for innovation and creativity.
The more people who have access to this vital information the better society will be.
It's vital to have your own space so you aren't constantly in each other's pockets.
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