Top 104 Volatility Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Volatility quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Traders can cause short-term volatility. In the long run, the market must revert to a sensible price/earnings multiple.
My dad was an alcoholic, growing up, so I knew how scary that was from a child's perspective - the volatility.
My sense is that economic anxiety means electoral volatility. — © Tim Kaine
My sense is that economic anxiety means electoral volatility.
Volatility may be rising simply because investors must digest more information every day.
Volatility is not something that is a great fit for Duke if you look at the level of dividend we pay.
Alan White and I spent the next two or three years working together on this. We developed what is known a stochastic volatility model. This is a model where the volatility as well as the underlying asset price moves around in an unpredictable way.
Once you get a reputation for emotional volatility, it can take years of model behavior to change how others see you.
Global warming causes volatility. I feel it when I'm flying.
Currency regimes in the past were always destroyed by volatility. So sooner or later, people desire a currency that is stable.
Nobody really knows what the market is going to do, but it sure looks like we are going to have a lot more volatility.
Poetry does need a bit of ferocity. The only way to attend to the fractured world is to write a ferocious kind of music, to sing that volatility.
Fragility is the quality of things that are vulnerable to volatility.
Anytime you introduce volatility, it is not good for business and not good for travel. — © Dara Khosrowshahi
Anytime you introduce volatility, it is not good for business and not good for travel.
What the Fed is really trying to say is that it doesn't know what it is going to do next. And if the markets abhor anything, it is uncertainty. Expect bond and stock market volatility to increase from here until the inflation outlook solidifies.
I've talked about commodity price volatility in the past: go back to the tape... I never said it was about inflation.
Uncertainty of any sort results in volatility, and Brexit will be no exception.
Look, I think if you've got a niche portfolio or just operating in one country, like the United States, your ability to absorb the volatility is much less.
Buddhism is perception, gaining control of the mind and directing one's attention, to raise the kundalini energy so that it flows with such volatility and force that we simply perceive life correctly.
Using volatility as a measure of risk is nuts. Risk to us is 1) the risk of permanent loss of capital, or 2) the risk of inadequate return.
For the investor who knows what he is doing, volatility creates opportunity.
The relative illiquidity of small-company shares - which often contributes to their being undervalued - also increases their volatility.
One thing we have lost, that we had in the past, is a sense of progress, that things are getting better. There is a sense of volatility, but not of progress.
Political life loves some volatility.
If we're concerned about volatility of earnings because we want some more stability in our lives, then let's create, instead of an unemployment insurance system, an earnings insurance system that will moderate the volatility for a certain period of time until we get back on our feet.
Markets love volatility.
Low-volatility funds, which tend to smooth out performance, have been especially popular since the financial crisis. The PowerShares S&P 500 Low Volatility Fund is the oldest, begun in 2011.
Switzerland is the perfect place where you have volatility at a municipal level that nothing up top - small units competing with each other.
Listen to market strategists, and a word that comes up a lot these days is 'volatility.'
The lack of a consistent policy from major economies is the main source of volatility.
Any system that is deprived of its natural volatility, with government up (unintelligible) volatile, any system becomes very fragile.
It doesn't matter whether the market is up or down. All the day traders want is volatility.
Short term volatility is greatest at turning points and diminishes as a trend becomes established
By promising to intervene in vulnerable markets in the event of excessive financial volatility, the IMF, as the largest player, would reduce coordination problems among investors.
We will not allow our country ever to be at the mercy of commodity price volatility or external markets.
Volatility and length, that's the value on an option. 10 years on a startup stock, that's a big valuable thing.
Now quantitatively we rank things on something called alpha over standard deviation, which is the return independent of the market divided by volatility. Usually, to get a high ranking, you need some buying pressure.
My mum had always pressed on me to continue my education, and it was just the volatility of sport in terms of not being able to control the result.
The true investor welcomes volatility ... a wildly fluctuating market means that irrationally low prices will periodically be attached to solid businesses. — © Warren Buffett
The true investor welcomes volatility ... a wildly fluctuating market means that irrationally low prices will periodically be attached to solid businesses.
Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I'm flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes.
As the crisis in Syria grows and the humanitarian tragedy becomes more clear, I appreciated Prime Minister Netanyahu's perspective on the changes and volatility in the region.
Toughing out the winter is a dedication to my heritage, both in terms of not going 'soft' by kowtowing to nature's volatility and staying physically close to my family in New England. I don't run from that kind of pressure.
Is the economy something organic or is it something engineered? I think it's closer to the organic. You harm it by artificially suppressing volatility in it.
A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing world.
Outperforming the market with low volatility on a consistent basis is an impossibility. I outperformed the market for 30-odd years, but not with low volatility.
Briefly speaking, our conclusion is that stochastic volatility does not make a huge difference as far as the pricing is concerned if you get the average volatility right. It makes a big difference as far as hedging is concerned.
We are facing extreme volatility.
It's true that some countries have more volatility, but each also has nuances we don't even know about.
Energy is significantly underpriced in many parts of the world, leading to wasteful consumption, price volatility and fuel smuggling. It's also undermining the competitiveness of renewables.
Oh Lord, purify my soul from all its stains. Warm my heart with the love of thee, animate my sluggish nature and fix my inconstancy, and volatility, that I may not be weary in well doing.
Berlin is all about volatility. Its identity is based not on stability but on change. — © Rory MacLean
Berlin is all about volatility. Its identity is based not on stability but on change.
If there is a single tragic flaw that mars our biggest enterprises, it is conservatism - the failure to fail, and fail big, in an era of unprecedented volatility and ambiguity.
Different industries have different risks and growth rates and volatility.
Cooperation on the international level could help to solve the problem of sources of sharp capital flow volatility and its consequences.
We've seen the volatility at dollar-yen, U.S. Treasurys, JGBs (Japanese government bonds), German bunds.
A certain amount of volatility and drama can me healthy and keep things fun and interesting if you're willing at any moment during a fight to say, 'This means nothing. I love you, let's forget about it.
Because of that [Brexit], you're going to have slow growth and, unfortunately, while there may not be huge volatility, there will be volatility.
Volatility is a symptom that people have no idea of the underlying value.
Venerate four characters: the sanguine who has checked volatility and the rage for pleasure; the choleric who has subdued passion and pride; the phlegmatic emerged from indolence; and the melancholy who has dismissed avarice, suspicion and asperity.
There is little room for complacency, and it is important to guard against sporadic volatility in financial markets.
I don't enjoy any kind of danger or volatility. I don't have that kind of 'I love the bad guys' thing. No, no thank you. I like nice people.
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