Top 287 Voluntarily Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Voluntarily quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
The United States prefers that Iraq meet its obligations voluntarily, yet we are prepared for the alternative.
No one should voluntarily remain in an environment which prevents his development.
A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown. — © Tom Hanks
A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown.
Better to die voluntarily crashing than to have the enemy send you down in flames.
Duty is a debt you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily.
A mob is a society obodies, voluntarily bereaving themselves oreason, and traversing its work. The mob is man, voluntarily descending to the nature othe beast. Its fit hour oactivity is night; its actions are insane, like its whole constitution.
The State, in short, subjects people, whereas Society associates them voluntarily.
I’m not insane, I’m voluntarily indifferent to conventional rationality.
Philanthropy, charity, giving voluntarily and freely... call it what you like, but it is truly a jewel of an American tradition. any society, Law is an illusory concept that works only when everyone voluntarily agrees to live by it.
My opinions and principles are subjects of just criticism. I put myself before the public voluntarily.
Of course he did it voluntarily, but he had to do it.
It's a vain hope to believe that people will voluntarily turn their back on government subsidies. — © James Cook
It's a vain hope to believe that people will voluntarily turn their back on government subsidies.
We can do without any article of luxury we have never had; but when once obtained, it is not in human natur' to surrender it voluntarily.
I'm always about being comfortable. You will never see me voluntarily in a pair of heels.
Sorrow and suffering make for character if they are voluntarily borne, but not if they are imposed.
Never underestimate the ruthlessness of the ego to keep you in a state of suffering in which you voluntarily participate.
If a man voluntarily allows himself to be crushed, he yields the oil of moral energy which sustains the world.
I know and see too well, when not voluntarily blind, the speedy limits opersons called high and worthy.
Most authoritarians do not surrender power voluntarily.
The greatest remedy that is used against a plan of the enemy is to do voluntarily what he plans that you do by force.
History is the long and tragic story of the fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily.
When you're the king of someplace, you don't voluntarily leave.
If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily. Mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you have become confident that the body listens to you, you will have a new trust in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little longer with the mind, but it happens.
The basis for building a Christian society is evangelism and missions that lead to a widespread Christian revival, so that the great mass of earth's inhabitants will place themselves under Christ's protection, and then voluntarily use his covenantal laws for self-government. Christian reconstruction begins with personal conversion to Christ and self-government under God's law; then it spreads to others through revival; and only later does it bring comprehensive changes in civil law, when the vast majority of voters voluntarily agree to live under biblical blueprints.
I am saying voluntarily that I have sung for almost every religious group in the country, from Jewish and Catholic, and Presbyterian and Holy Rollers and Revival Churches, and I do this voluntarily.
If you voluntarily quit in the face of adversity, you'll wonder about it for the rest of your life.
The mob is man voluntarily descending to the nature of the beast.
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.
There is as far as I know, no example in history, of any state voluntarily ceding power from the centre to its constituent parts.
No intelligent man wears a moustache voluntarily - you can write that down.
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
[An educated person:] One who voluntarily does more thinking than is necessary for his own survival.
Power intoxicates men. It is never voluntarily surrendered. It must be taken from them.
Most horses don't walk backwards voluntarily, because what they can't see doesn't exist.
People were excited by violence. What, after all, was the sexual act but a voluntarily endured assault, a momentary death?
Segregation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. Separation is done voluntarily by two equals.
Only when he voluntarily chooses that which he inexorably must do, has man any free will at all. — © Mary Esther Harding
Only when he voluntarily chooses that which he inexorably must do, has man any free will at all.
There was no way Jacob would voluntarily miss an afternoon with Renesmee sans bloodsuckers. -Bella Cullen
There are a lot of mysterious things about boats, such as why anyone would get on one voluntarily.
Those who voluntarily put power into the hands of a tyrant ... must not wonder if it be at last turned against themselves.
The closer and more confidential our relationship with someone, the less we are entitled to ask about what we are not voluntarily told.
Man is pre-eminently endowed with the power of voluntarily and consciously determining his own point of view.
I think, just the exhilaration of flying. The freedom of the air. The freedom of flight. And you completely remove yourself from the world. And you can voluntarily remove yourself from all those...everything that's near and dear to you. And you voluntarily return.
Now, we don't get rid of it in round one because we don't think that that's politically smart, and we don't think that's the right way to go through a transition. But we believe it's going to wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave it - voluntarily.
No one does wrong voluntarily.
Either we reduce the world's population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally
Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position. — © Brian Tracy
Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.
As a general principle you should not force young men to do their duty, but let them do it voluntarily and thereby develop their characters.
I voluntarily inflicted a certain level of insanity on myself.
Good novels are produced by people who voluntarily isolate themselves and go deep, and report from the depths on what they find.
To me, every person who smoked was voluntarily killing themselves, and doing it quite openly.
When you broadcast your book reading voluntarily, it creates moments of fascinating serendipity.
If a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood.
There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily!
Schumacher wouldn't have let him past voluntarily. Of course he did it voluntarily, but he had to do it.
That which we are, we are all the while teaching, not voluntarily, but involuntarily.
The task of art today is to bring chaos into order. Artistic productivity is the capacity for being voluntarily involuntary.
Taking up my cross means a life voluntarily surrendered to God.
I thought if I could face the worst danger voluntarily, and triumph, I would forever have power over it.
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