Top 40 Waffles Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Waffles quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Chicken and waffles! I'm obsessed with those.
I kn?w you're Belgian, that's wh?r? th?s? waffles ??m? fr?m
I pictured my mom, alone in our little apartment on the Upper East Side. I tried to remember the smell of her blue waffles in the kitchen. It seemed so far away.
If you read my blog, you know I'm a pilates freak. And by pilates, I mean waffles.
Way, way back in the day, like in the 1990s, if you wanted to tell everyone you ate waffles for breakfast, you couldn’t just go on the Internet and tweet it out. There was only one way to do it. You had to go outside and scream at the top of your lungs, 'I ate waffles for breakfast!' That’s why so many people ended up in institutions. They seemed crazy, but when you think about it, they were just ahead of their time.
Ian sighed wanly. "I once had the means to be gaga over art–before I found myself in a country where the standard of beauty is toaster waffles shaped like cartoon characters.
Aside from a couple of signature flourishes, there's nothing to mark Paycheck as the product of acclaimed action director John Woo. In fact, there's little about this movie that makes it worth anyone's time and money. With a script that waffles between being hilariously absurd and insultingly stupid, and action scenes that won't cause anyone's pulse to skip a beat, Paycheck is less appealing than a lump of coal in a Christmas stocking.
[My mom's] funny that way, celebrating special occasions with blue food. I think it's her way of saying anything is possible. Percy can pass seventh grade. Waffles can be blue. Little miracles like that.
My thoughts are like waffles - the first few don't look so good. — © Marilyn vos Savant
My thoughts are like waffles - the first few don't look so good.
I'm really into food; it's one of my favourite things - everything from potato waffles to lobster.
Waffles. Im craving waffles." Bex rolled onto her side. "Tell your waffles hi for me.
if you make waffles, throw out the first one.
We need to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work, it doesn't matter. But work is third.
I know you're Belgian, that's where those waffles come from.
When I was a kid, brown rice felt like punishment. Like the ever-increasing amount of whole wheat flour that would appear in my mom's pancakes and waffles, brown rice with dinner felt like we had done something really wrong.
Waffles are like pancakes with syrup traps
What do you miss about being alive?" The sound of my mom singing, a little off-key. The way my dad went to all my swim meets and I could hear his whistle when my head was underwater, even if he did yell at me afterward for not trying harder. I miss going to the library. I miss the smell of clothes fresh out of the dryer. I miss diving off the highest board and nailing the landing. I miss waffles" - p. 272.
One the next corner stood a cinder block restaurant with a hand-painted sign that read CHICKEN & WAFFLES. There was a queue of twenty people outside. “You Americans have the strangest taste. What planet is this?
What can I say? I love waffles. — © Nyjah Huston
What can I say? I love waffles.
Poetry is a mystic, sensuous mathematics of fire, smoke-stacks, waffles, pansies, people, and purple sunsets.
Waffles are just awesome bread.
I'm a sucker for bacon waffles - they're to die for.
Half the time on vacation, if I'm in a bikini, I allow myself - I eat, like, waffles and pancakes for breakfast, so that's me after, like, a big meal. I'm not the one that's like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm going to be on the beach.'
I put fruit on top of my waffles, because I want something to brush off. — © Mitch Hedberg
I put fruit on top of my waffles, because I want something to brush off.
Sometimes after an enjoyable family home evening, during a fervent family prayer, or when our entire family is at the dinner table on Sunday evening eating waffles and engaging in a session of lively, good-matured conversation, I quietly say to myself, 'If heaven is nothing more than this, it will be good enough for me!'
Children should be like waffles--you should be able to throw the first one away.
I train in the mornings, and I'll eat two breakfasts. I'll have waffles with flax seed and almond butter and one egg scrambled. Then I'll work out and have a second breakfast - another egg or a protein shake. Within a half-hour to 40 minutes after a workout, that's when you want to load up on protein.
Round, crispy-edged waffles on the DIY cafeteria station at Oberlin College brought me back to life after many sleep-deprived nights.
I do have my cheat meals. I have Oreos inside the house right now, and I have beer and fried chicken and waffles. All that good stuff. But once it comes down to when I really want to get in shape and get lean, I'll eat clean and go with whole foods.
Snoop Dogg eats terrible. That's another reason I had to leave him. I would have been dead of a heart attack. He literally eats at 7-11. That's where he does his grocery shopping or it's Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles, or it's Denny's delivery. There's not a piece of salad or vegetable within two miles of this dude.
Occasionally, I make waffles for breakfast for any employee who wants to talk to me. I make them around 8 A.M. as an incentive for people to show up early.
My great-grandmother, who was known as Nana, passed away before I was born, but she and my mother were very, very close. For as long as I can remember, we made Nana's waffles in my house. It was a weekend tradition.
I have a song called 'Waffles Are Better Than Pancakes.' If I can't be goofy, I'll go insane.
Waffles ?r? ?ust awesome bread. — © John Green
Waffles ?r? ?ust awesome bread.
I ate two waffles, a banana and cereal with blueberries. And that whas between my two breakfasts.
A taste so profound and complex that it can't even be compared to other tastes, only to emotions. Cheesy waffles, I was thinking, tastes like love without the fear of love's dissolution.
I love a waffle but adding the sweet nutty flavour of the butternut squash makes the waffles so much more flavoursome.
Late February, and the air's so balmy snowdrops and crocuses might be fooled into early blooming. Then, the inevitable blizzard will come, blighting our harbingers of spring, and the numbed yards will go back undercover. In Florida, it's strawberry season- shortcake, waffles, berries and cream will be penciled on the coffeeshop menus.
I would watch even five minutes of 'Gilmore Girls' a day when I was going through a tough time because I was like, 'I just need to return to where life is simple, and you can get your waffles at Luke's, and everybody knows your name.'
When we're playing at home in Utah, breakfast is really the only meal at which I allow myself to be a little unhealthy. So it's usually pancakes, waffles, eggs, and bacon. I like to keep that consistent. For lunch and dinner, I will have Caesar salad.
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