Top 183 Wagon Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wagon quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
When she was 16, my grandmother, Hannie Reed, drove a wagon in the Oklahoma land rush.
I hitched my wagon to an electron rather than the proverbial star.
It's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut. — © Robin Williams
It's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.
My dad gave me threepence to pay the fine but I spent it on a Wagon Wheel
Dad could charm a dog off a meat wagon.
Once school let out every year, my siblings and I would get packed into a station wagon to drive to South Carolina to see my grandparents for summer vacation. If school let out on Friday, we were probably in the station wagon no later than Sunday morning, and we would make stops along the way.
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.
Hitch your wagon to a star.
my mind ran over scenes of Shesheeb seducing Margaret until I was a wagon dragged by the runaway horses of my jealousy.
We all fall off the wagon. It's only one day; it's not the rest of your life. Pick yourself up and go again.
I was one of the many horses pulling the wagon and couldn't escape left or right because of the will of the driver.
A merry companion is as good as a wagon.
I never hitched my wagon to anyone, so what I achieved over the years was done with only my results on the field. — © Claudio Ranieri
I never hitched my wagon to anyone, so what I achieved over the years was done with only my results on the field.
Don Marquis came down after a month on the wagon, ambled over to the bar, and announced, 'I've conquered that goddamn willpower of mine. Gimme a double Scotch.
On the wagon sped, and I, as well as my comrades, gave a despairing farewell glance at freedom as we came in sight of the long stone buildings.
In business or in life, don't follow the wagon tracks too closely.
I grew up with the white picket fence. My dad went to work nine to five, and he had a station wagon.
With 'Wagon Wheel,' I loved the visual it painted, and it's a song I can truly say I look forward to performing every night.
It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.
Or in the early days we didn't have the bus, we had a station wagon.
And you can't have two stars in one relationship. Somebody has to be willing to be the lease some of the time
My daddy used to say that I was too big to ride and too little to hitch a wagon - no good for a damn thing.
I've gone on the wagon, but my body doesn't believe it.
Fewer and fewer people are paying larger and larger percentage of the tax burden, as you know, almost half the people pay no income taxes at all. We're going to have more people in the wagon than we got pulling the wagon before long and that's not going to work. Those jobless numbers, you know, go hand-in-hand with those tax numbers.
Don't be a damned ammunition wagon. Be a rifle!
I didn't just fall off the wagon. I let the wagon fall on me.
Wagon is the bread-earning horse of the Railways. Load it adequately. Make it run and don't stable it.
If you do not believe in co-operation, look what happens to a wagon that loses a wheel.
Take the regular wagon track and never leave it.
Five people in a Volkswagen station wagon without equipment. Now we tour with six people in a van.
Don't be the ammunition wagon, be the rifle... knowledge exists primarily for use.
If you don't fall off the wagon regularly, you're not playing a big enough game.
My body seems a mere encumbrance to me; an imbecillic wagon, hitched to the horse of desire, which is the soul.
Here's to five miserable months on the wagon and the irreparable harm that it's caused me.
It's very rare that people let me hop off the crazy wagon.
Used to move so much, every time the chickens saw the team put in the wagon, they'd lie down on their backs and hold their legs up to be tied!
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
Now, however, I see the folly of attempting to hitch one's wagon to a star with a harness that does not belong to it. — © Helen Keller
Now, however, I see the folly of attempting to hitch one's wagon to a star with a harness that does not belong to it.
I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions.
A merry companion is as good as a wagon, For you shall be sure to ride though ye go a foot.
Everything from the little house was in the wagon, except the beds and tables and chairs. They did not need to take these, because Pa could always make new ones.
A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.
When people think of the West, it's easy to envision wagon trains, Buffalo Bill, the glory days of the Gold Rush. Cowboy hats come to mind.
You didn’t really hold back on Braga so Pickering could kill him, did you?” Royce asked after the two were left alone in the hallway. “Of course not. I held off because it’s death for a commoner to kill a noble.” “That’s what I thought.” Royce sounded relieved. “For a minute, I wondered if you’d gone from jumping on the good-deed wagon to leading the whole wagon train.
It stank pretty bad, of course: manure was caked all over the wagon. But we were free. Right then I was elated with a sense of how faithful God is to his promises; I was free, and I was smiling joyfully on a manure wagon. As we ambled along, I laughed to myself when I thought of God's sense of humor in delivering us that way. Even today, the smell of manure reminds me of freedom.
Consider the core of the mind to be a wagon, with willpower to be carried about in it. Push it to a place where there can be failure, and there will be failure. Push it to a place where there can be success, and there will be success. But whether there is success or failure, if one entrusts himself to the straightness of this wagon of the core of the mind, he will attain right-mindedness in either case. Severing oneself from desire and being like a rock or tree, nothing will ever be achieved. Not departing from desire, but realizing a desireless right-mindedness - "this is the Way".
My first car was a '56 Ford station wagon - cost 100 bucks.
Taking care of yourself turns into a lifestyle after you're done playing. So you don't just fall off the wagon. — © Shaun Livingston
Taking care of yourself turns into a lifestyle after you're done playing. So you don't just fall off the wagon.
There have definitely been phases of the National, many years ago, where we did party, and various people, in their own way, fell off the wagon.
I'm like a race horse attached to a freight wagon.
As a draft-animal is yoked in a wagon, even so the spirit is yoked in this body
Once you get into a routine of eating healthy, it hurts twice as much when you fall off the wagon.
The Suzuki Wagon R should be avoided like unprotected sex with an Ethiopian transvestite
Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon.
You can make one (self-contained self-rescuer) that would last all day, but you'd have to carry it behind in a wagon.
The man who is rich in fancy thinks that his wagon is already built; poor fool, he does not know that there are a hundred timbers to a wagon.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just attach it to a new wagon.
Initiative is as essential to success as a hub is essential to a wagon wheel.
I know people love Supreme. I never got on the wagon.
At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with plate and the most valuable portable articles, belonging to the house.
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