Top 1200 Walking Forward Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Walking Forward quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
I think our culture is moving forward - slowly. And also, as we move forward, we're witnessing some of the old stalwarts rejecting that forward motion.
Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person's day. It's all about paying it forward. — © Mariska Hargitay
Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person's day. It's all about paying it forward.
I am connected to the past in a way that keeps me going forward. Every leap forward that I make is by reaching back and firmly getting a footing in the past, and pushing forward as hard as I can.
Paulo Costa vs. Yoel Romero was everything we hoped it would be. Two behemoths throwing sledgehammers at each other and walking forward. Just an incredible display of athleticism, will and power.
Walking on rocks, hurts. Walking on glass, cuts. Walking on hot coals, burns. Walking on someones heart, kills.
When I hear of anyone walking into a lab and walking out with animals, my heart sings.
When you haven't forgiven those who've hurt you, you turn back against your future. When you do forgive, you start walking forward.
Walking in Memphis, I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale. Walking in Memphis, but do I really feel the way I feel?
We're not going back anywhere, we're going forward, we're going forward in democracy, we're going forward in participation, we're going forward with ideas.
If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.
The true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth.
The only person that ever stumbles is a guy moving forward. You don't stumble backwards; you stumble forward, and you never stumble when you're stationary. So don't worry about stumbling. Keep pushing it forward.
It is a challenge to be a showstopper and not just a model walking down the ramp. Even if you are a celebrity, you have to do justice to the clothes you are wearing and the designer you are walking for.
Photography is like life What does it all mean? I don't know - but you get an impression, a feeling. An impression of walking through the street, walking through the park, walking through life. I'm very suspicious of people who say they know what it means.
It is on these (20min) walks that my best ideas come to me. It is while walking that difficult clarity emerges. It is while walking that I experience a sense of well-being and connection, and it is in walking that I live most prayerfully.
As a kid, there are some things you looked forward to. You looked forward to Charlie Brown during Halloween and you looked forward to Monday Night Football. — © Nick Ferguson
As a kid, there are some things you looked forward to. You looked forward to Charlie Brown during Halloween and you looked forward to Monday Night Football.
When you walking along naturally, you're walking in the harmony of the Unborn.
i am like a survivor of the flood walking through the streets drenched with God surprised that all of the drowned victims are still walking and talking
The element of discovery is very important. I don't repeat myself well. I want and need that stimulus of walking forward from one new world to another.
God walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.
The simplest secret of reaching any place is to start walking! If people say you can't reach there, close your ears to them and continue walking!
If you are pleased with what you are, you have stopped already. If you say, "It is enough," you are lost. Keep on walking, moving forward, trying for the goal.
If you were alone and suddenly became blind, and even so you keep walking forward.
The worst parts of playing a festival are walking. Not a fan of walking. The mud, I can handle. But the walking? No, ta.
The Dharma Path is to keep walking forward. But the true Dharma has no going forward, no going backward, and no standing still.
Before modern times there was Walking, but not the perfection of Walking, because there was no tea.
Forward, forward, men! Drive those fellows out of those woods! Forward! For God's sake forward!
I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way.
We are all doomed to seek our own happiness; we can't help ourselves. We are all, the cruel and the gentle alike, condemned to seeking that happiness in the dark. We use our need as the blind use a walking stick, to determine the safety of every forward step.
I am really looking forward to walking past people on the street wearing my clothes and know I am designing for an everyday woman.
My da used to sing 'Take Her Up to Monto' to me when we were walking down the street - he still does, actually - because it's got a walking tempo, and I still sing it to myself when I'm walking along.
Walking the streets of Charleston in the late afternoons of August was like walking through gauze or inhaling damaged silk.
You know what's funny to me? You know what's really funny to me? The fact that you've been calling Lita the walking kiss of death, but tonight.. the walking KOD beat the walking STD.
I didn't jump a lot of trees because I didn't like heights. I liked getting a mirror and walking around with it facing the sky. I'd imagine I was walking in the tops of the trees and falling into the sky, or walking up the stairs whilst going down.
The Taliban are terrible shots. At the end of some long patrols, we'd be walking through the fields and get shot at - and we'd just keep walking.
Walking into the Ryman with Lester Flatt was the equivalent of walking into the Vatican with the pope.
If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. — © Barack Obama
If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.
By walking naked you gain far more than coolness. You feel an unexpected sense of freedom from restraint. An uplifting and almost delirious sense of simplicity. In this new simplicity you soon find that you have become, in a new and surer sense, and integral part of the simple, complex world you are walking through. And then you are really walking.
But the problem with looking back when you should be walking ahead is that you usually end up walking into something that hurts.
Not only do people stop me on the street to say, 'We're walking, we're walking', but I have actually been in restaurants where the hostess was saying it to customers.
I find that the three truly great times for thinking thoughts are when I am standing in the shower, sitting on the john, or walking. And the greatest of these, by far, is walking.
At one point, I said to the officials that you guys haven't called walking for 20 years, now you don't know what it is. When you call walking, you're about half right.
The U.S. has a long history of walking up to the precipice of rigor and then walking away. As voters, let's support leaders who were courageous enough to make the hard decisions necessary to move our system forward. And as parents, let's put our faith in our educators, our children and tests that hold them to their highest potential.
I look forward to doing everything, whether appearing on TV or walking the dog.
That is what war is and dancing it is forward and back, when one is out walking one wants not to go back the way they came but in dancing and in war it is forward and back.
One day I was in an airport rushing to catch a plane. I was sweating and puffing when I looked to my right and saw a man walking half as fast as I was, but going faster. He was walking on a moving sidewalk. When we walk in the Spirit, eh comes underneath us and bears us along. We're still walking, but we walk dependent on him.
There's not much pressure on the golf Tour. Walking to the first tee is in no way comparable to walking through the jungle in combat
Marking success, for me, is walking onto a court and just walking off healthy, no matter if it is one minute or two minutes.
People walking? Karma walking ... Buddha nature walking..!
You can't meditate on walking or certain human habits. You concentrate too much on the way you walk, and you'll start walking pretty weird.
Our walking is not a means to an end. We walk for the sake of walking. — © Nhat Hanh
Our walking is not a means to an end. We walk for the sake of walking.
I was out here at East Lake, on a property I had never seen, and I was just like a kid at Disneyland walking around. There was only 30 guys. Thinking about how this is the big goal everyone is looking forward to at the end of the year and I'm fortunate enough to make it.
I remembered this one time that I never told anybody about. The time we were walking. Just the three of us. I was in the middle. I don't remember where we were walking to or where we were walking from. I just remember the season. I just remember walking between them and feeling for the first time that I belonged somewhere
I'm not really afraid of the dark, except if I'm walking. The thing that scares me the most is the possibility of walking into a wall and busting my lip.
If you are walking backward, away from something you think is a mistake, you may be right in supposing it is a mistake, but for you to be walking backward is never right. You know what happens to people who walk backward.... We are meant to walk forward, not backward, and reaction is always a matter of walking backward.
Don't look forward to me putting on the trunks and knee braces to get back in the ring and stomp a mudhole in somebody and walking it dry.
If you're walking down the street in L.A., people do sort of look at you like you're a hooker because it's so rare to see someone just walking.
I see managers with my own eyes walking out of jobs and then walking into jobs, getting sacked and then walking back into another job... yet we can't even get an interview.
Looking, Walking, Being, I look and look. Looking's a way of being: one becomes, sometimes, a pair of eyes walking. Walking wherever looking takes one. The eyes dig and burrow into the world. They touch, fanfare, howl, madrigal, clamor. World and the past of it, not only visible present, solid and shadow that looks at one looking. And language? Rhythms of echo and interruption? That's a way of breathing. breathing to sustain looking, walking and looking, through the world, in it.
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