Top 1200 Wanting To Die Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wanting To Die quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I understand wanting to do your craft. I understand wanting to have a passion for your art and for your ability to be an actor, to be a singer, to be a dancer - that I understand. Wanting to be famous - I don't get that. But that's where we're living right now.
All these questions about do you want to be king? It's not a question of wanting to be, it's something I was born into and it's my duty. . . . Wanting is not the right word. But those stories about me not wanting to be king are all wrong.
I'm always struck by the kids who turn up in New York and LA, and places in between. Chicago. Wanting to do theater, wanting to do independent film. Wanting to break into television or radio.
One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one willl only in time come to hate. In this there is also a residue of belief that during the move the master will chance to come along the corridor, look at the prisoner and say: "This man is not to be locked up again, He is to come with me.
It was palpable, all that wanting: Mother wanting something more, Dad wanting something more, everyone wanting something more. This wasn't going to do for us fifties girls; we were going to have to change the equation even if it meant . . . abstaining from motherhood, because clearly that was where Mother got caught.
. . . hell is wanting to be somewhere different from where you are. Being one place and wanting to be somewhere else . . . . Wanting life to be different from what it is. That's also called leaving without leaving. Dying before you die. It's as if there is a part of you that so rails against being shattered by love that you shatter yourself first.
Sometimes, I can be crying my eyes out, wanting to die, and then I'll walk by a mirror and see myself and just bust out laughing. — © Tierra Whack
Sometimes, I can be crying my eyes out, wanting to die, and then I'll walk by a mirror and see myself and just bust out laughing.
I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something--or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip.
We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future.
Writing was the soul of everything else ... Wanting to be a writer was wanting to be a person.
A lot of what I was wanting to do in my work and what I have been doing has been about the unexpected... that unexpected situation of wanting to be the heroine and yet wanting to kill the heroine at the same time.
Contentment is wanting what you have. Ambition is wanting what another has. Progress comes from wanting what nobody has.
I think there's something about wanting to stand in the spotlight. I think the ball is a spotlight, for example, and I think they want to stand in that. I a lot of times see - LeBron is a guy that vacillates between wanting to do that and then wanting to get somebody else involved.
Hope is wanting something so eagerly that-in spite of all the evidence that you're not going to get it-you go right on wanting it.
Maybe I'm sad about wanting you. I'm not too comfortable with wanting someone.
I think that anytime that you can open your eyes and see all that you have and all that you've been blessed with, it's the greatest way to connect you with God, just being grateful rather than always wanting more, wanting to be different, wanting to be better.
The world will die, but I shall not die.If God dies, then I will die;If he does not die, then why should I die?
Faith means wanting God and wanting to want nothing else. — © Brennan Manning
Faith means wanting God and wanting to want nothing else.
I die a hundred deaths each day. I die when I see hungry people. Or people who're sad. I die when I know I can do nothing about pollution in Mumbai. I die when I feel helpless when my loved one is in pain.
But you... You helped me find my way and take the correct path, Naruto... I always chased after you...wanting to catch up...wanting to walk together with you forever... I want to be at your side, always... You changed me, Naruto! Your smiling face saved me! And that's way I'm not afraid to die, defending you! Because... I love you.
There's a lot of disorder that comes along with wanting to know everything and wanting to try everything and wanting to experience everything, but there's a lot of knowledge that comes out of it too.
Stop wanting wealth and fame and start wanting instead to do something well about which you are passionate
Well, you have the public not wanting any new spending, you have the Republicans not wanting any new taxes, you have the Democrats not wanting any new spending cuts, you have the markets not wanting any new borrowing, and you have the economists wanting all of the above. And that leads to paralysis.
When my father came out to his mom, my grandmother said, 'You waited for your father to die; why couldn't you have waited for me to die?' I knew then that I never want to contribute to the corrosiveness of wanting someone to stay hidden.
Not wanting to die was another universal constant, it seemed.
I'm an extremist, I have to deal with my own extreme personality, and I walk the fine line of wanting to die and wanting to be the ruler of it all.
There's a difference between wanting to be respected and being a strong female and being known for being able to do things, but still very much wanting guys to open the door, wanting them to ask us out, still bringing flowers and stuff like that.
I still remember the days, not wanting to see anybody, not wanting to talk to anybody, really not wanting to live. I was on an express elevator to the bottom floor, wherever that might be.
He buried his hands in the rich velvet of her hair. “I thought I’d die for wanting you.
Human beings can't see anything without wanting to destroy it. That's original sin. And I'm going to destroy it. Death is going to die.
Only yesterday a young woman came to me wanting a trap set for a man with a sweet smile and lithe arms. She was a fool, not for wanting him, but for wanting more of him than that.
I think escapism is something artists write about pretty frequently - it's something everyone can relate to, the concept of wanting something more, wanting to find solace, wanting to have something better.
Our economy is based upon people wanting more; their happiness on wanting less.
I shall do one thing in this life-one thing certain-this is, love you, and long of you, and keep wanting you till I die.
Wanting to be on television is a mental illness. Wanting to be president of the United States, wanting to be an actor - these are degrees of the same mental illness. If you need to be approved of simultaneously by more people than are in this room now, there's a problem.
That's what this game is about, man. Wanting to perform. Wanting to win.
The great thing about the business is how Darwinian it is. We have to swim or die - if you are found wanting over a period of time, you've either got to change what you're doing or find something else to do.
What's insulting to the American people, the Senate, to this whole process is that the Republicans, with all other nominees, have said Democrats are being obstructionist for wanting to see documents, for wanting to see a paper trail, for wanting to get questions answered in the judiciary committee hearings, and now all of a sudden, the Republicans want those things for this.
The ambition, the drive, the wanting to be the center of attention, the wanting to succeed... They're all inside me somewhere.
It's an attitude that has to do with curiosity, with wanting to know about things, wanting to be able to influence things, and wanting to be able to influence them in a way that's worthwhile
Relationships are complicated, but happiness in a relationship isn't: It's just wanting exactly what you have. Wanting something else is dispiriting.
I don't believe in happy endings. Children have got to face death sooner or later. Granny and Grandpa die, dogs die, cats die, gerbils and those frightful things - what are they called? - hamsters: all die like flies. So there's no point avoiding it.
Rock stars wanting to write is even worse than wanting to act in movies, right? — © Evan Dando
Rock stars wanting to write is even worse than wanting to act in movies, right?
She was tired of everyone wanting to go to heaven, nobody wanting to die. The only thing worth grieving over, she said, was that sometimes there was more beauty in this life than the world could bear.
I felt despair. The word’s overused and banalified now, despair, but it’s a serious word, and I’m using it seriously. For me it denotes a simple admixture — a weird yearning for death combined with a crushing sense of my own smallness and futility that presents as a fear of death. It’s maybe close to what people call dread or angst. But it’s not these things, quite. It’s more like wanting to die in order to escape the unbearable feeling of becoming aware that I’m small and weak and selfish and going without any doubt at all to die. It’s wanting to jump overboard.
I had spent my entire career not wanting to talk about weight, not wanting to deal with it, wanting to be an actor first.
Not wanting to give everyone in your life one of your kidneys is not the same thing as hoping they die of kidney failure.
Frankenstein can be a metaphor for abandonment, or wanting to be accepted for who you are, or not liking who you are and wanting to actually change that.
Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.
Drinking isn't necessarily the same as wanting to die. But you can't drink without thinking you're killing yourself.
I think that's all a form of wanting to let go, of wanting to get out... It's not something easily described or understood.
Wanting something - wanting a career or wanting to make something - doesn't really mean much. It's about finding something you care about. Because caring is the only thing that really matters.
You get dinged for wanting to do a comedy, then wanting to do a big-budget action film, and then wanting to do an indie. But you can't let other people trying to label you get in the way of trying to do something artistically.
One of things I write about a lot is the role of women. An older friend of mine said that she feels like there's always a tension between wanting to be free and wanting to be cherished. I think that's one of the things that my whole book speaks to, wanting to break out of the confines of the roles that are prescribed for women and yet at the same time, not wanting to be totally free. You want to have intimate relationships. It's that bursting out of confinement.
Players talk about wanting to win and wanting to be a champion, but ultimately, they want to do it on their own terms. — © Jalen Rose
Players talk about wanting to win and wanting to be a champion, but ultimately, they want to do it on their own terms.
There's a big difference, I discovered, between wanting to die and not wanting to live. When you want to die, you at least have a goal. When you don't want to live, you're really just empty. That's the point I was at before I was able to make.
It's not so much wanting to die, but controlling that moment, choosing your own way.
At the major studios, you see people wanting to remake a TV series, wanting to make a sequel.
Much thought has at its root a dissatisfaction with what is. Wanting is the urge for the next moment to contain what this moment does not. When there is wanting in the mind, that moment feels incomplete. Wanting is seeing elsewhere. Completeness is being right here.
You can't criticize people for wanting to have a decent life or wanting to live decently.
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