Top 1200 Warm And Fuzzy Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Warm And Fuzzy quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Of course, you’d warm up faster if you took your clothes off.
It doesn't matter if the water is cold or warm if you're going to have to wade through it anyway.
I like Singapore; it is very clean. People speak English and are warm. — © Michael Essien
I like Singapore; it is very clean. People speak English and are warm.
I love to pick tomatoes at the end of the day, when they're still warm from the sun.
I analyse performances on the pitch rather than any warm-up.
Laughter nibbled at my lips like tiny fish in warm water.
Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow
It's the best feeling when you wake up and it's warm and cozy, and you don't have to go to work.
Happiness consists not of having, but of being. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.
Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm.
Life is cold. People stay warm through the intimacy of a story.
But tonight, the lion of contentment has placed a warm heavy paw on my chest.
There was a warm and encouraging environment at home. My self-loathing and neuroticism are not because of my upbringing. — © Raphael Bob-Waksberg
There was a warm and encouraging environment at home. My self-loathing and neuroticism are not because of my upbringing.
Chennai has always been special to me. I love the food here and people are so warm.
But what would interest you about the brook, It's always cold in summer, warm in winter.
I like warm weather but not this sticky, humid heat of New York.
Tom Hanks is fantastic - he is one of my dad's good friends, and he's very warm and funny.
I love the homely atmosphere of Indore and Bhopal. People here are very warm and affectionate.
Beautiful people don't need coats. They've got their auras to keep them warm.
You could warm Mars up, over time, with greenhouse gases.
I love Hyderabad. People here always given me a warm welcome.
Beetroot is a great salad ingredient, especially when still warm; the colour ain't bad, either.
A woman warm and willing is what I'm looking for, cause the whiskey ain't working anymore.
We'll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle.
I could wrap myself in the warm cocoon of a song and go anywhere.
I think the players like to play with sunny days and warm weather.
I'll use the knives for spreading jam, and the gas to warm my greying love.
My father was like an unpolished diamond - tough outside but warm inside.
Great gifts include warm pyjamas, bedsocks, scarves and blankets.
England is merely an island of beef swimming in a warm gulf stream of gravy.
The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.
As far as food goes, I enjoy warm dumplings and soups in winters.
A smile is so sexy, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it's the greatest feeling in the world.
The perfect antidote to dark, cold and creepy is light, warm and cozy.
The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day.
Rock shows are loud, so I try to use a sound that is warm on the high frequencies.
There are some times...when the love for people is strong and warm like a sorrow.
Your chilly stars I can forgo, this warm kind world is all I know. — © William Johnson Cory
Your chilly stars I can forgo, this warm kind world is all I know.
Use each moment to make another's eyes sparkle and to warm a heart.
I have no warm up exercises, other than to take an occasional drink.
There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap.
I enjoy coming to Ahmedabad. The city is really awesome and people here are warm and hospitable.
The babies are amazing ... They begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.
Should I warm the oven and bake you a batch of hero cookies? - Zephyra
Better freedom and a chilly road than a warm hearth and servitude.
During a warm winter rain ... the basins of her collarbones collected water.
Graves they say are warm'd by glory; Foolish words and empty story.
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness — © Caitlin Thomas
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness
I warm up at home. I hit the stage, I'm ready, whether it's rehearsal or anything.
Your hand is a warm stone I hold between two words.
Let me arise and open the gate, / to breathe the wild warm air of the heath.
As an educator, I try to get people to be fundamentally curious and to question ideas that they might have or that are shared by others. In that state of mind, they have earned a kind of inoculation against the fuzzy thinking of these weird ideas floating around out there. So rather than correct the weird ideas, I would rather them to know how to think in the first place. Then they can correct the weird idea themselves.
It’s easier to cool down a fanatic than to warm up a corpse.
I have to be able to have music at all times - to shower to, to listen to, to warm up, to dance.
I love hanging out with my family in the warm sunshine more than anything.
An aphorism? Fire without flames. Understandable that no one tries to warm himself at it.
She liked that word: we. It sounded warm and open, like a hug.
I vow to spend the rest of my life keeping your hands and feet warm.
I like 'Strictly' because it is warm, glamourous, and brings families together.
If someone underestimates you because you are warm and approachable, then you have an advantage over them.
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