Top 1200 Wars Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Wars quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The dreamers, those who misread the actual state of affairs and act upon their emotions, are often the source of the greatest mistakes in history-the wars that are not thought out, the disasters that are not foreseen
A lot of times people get caught up in bidding wars, and will go way over what their price needs to be because they love the house so much.
If you delve into and a part of the political wars, the - as I would call it, the arguing ad infinitum. It never ends, and very few people I've noticed ever change their mind.
Halliburton is not a 'company' doing business in Iraq. It is a war profiteer, bilking millions from the pockets of average Americans. In past wars, they would have been arrested - or worse.
As a veteran of the diet wars, I think it's time to call a truce. Rather than hear experts argue, most people want practical information they can use. — © Dean Ornish
As a veteran of the diet wars, I think it's time to call a truce. Rather than hear experts argue, most people want practical information they can use.
I grew up with 'Star Wars,' not 'Star Trek.'
Economic disasters or foolish wars are hardly guaranteed to bring about large-scale individual self-examination or renew the appeal of truly participatory democracy.
I have friends who wear Star Wars costumes and act like the characters all day. I may not be that deep into it, but there's something great about loving what you love and not caring if it's unpopular.
Part of the reason we like democracy is it's the portfolio of decades, which is to say you don't also get the disastrous dictator who completely destroys a society, engages you in wars and so forth.
I said that if an alien came to visit, I'd be embarrassed to tell them that we fight wars to pull fossil fuels out of the ground to run our transportation. They'd be like, 'What?'
If all of us acted in unison as I act individually there would be no wars and no poverty. I have made myself personally responsible for the fate of every human being who has come my way.
All wars are boyish, and are fought by boys, The champions and enthusiasts of the state: Turbid ardors and vain joys Not barrenly abate-- Stimulants to the power mature, Preparatives of fate.
After 9/11, we realized that all these silly culture wars, and arguing about rock lyrics... who cares? You know, we, for some reason, remembered what our real problems are.
Honey, the only experts in PMS are men. That's why men are so good at fighting wars; they learned Escape and Evade at home.
I've always loved action movies. The first films I fell in love with were 'Star Wars' and Steven Spielberg films.
Halliburton is not a 'company' doing business in Iraq. It is a war profiteer, bilking millions from the pockets of average Americans. In past wars they would have been arrested – or worse.
It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever gets near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propaganda tours.
Because of my own family's service (in the U.S. Army, Navy, and Massachusetts and New York National Guard), I am a strong supporter of the military and do believe that there are just wars.
This little upset across the water doesn't mean anything. Threatened men live long and threatened wars never occur. — © H. G. Wells
This little upset across the water doesn't mean anything. Threatened men live long and threatened wars never occur.
My Country's trying to save the World, stop the wars, relieve the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick and liberate the captives that are bound by countries like America!
When I was making 'Star Wars,' I wasn't restrained by any kind of science. I simply said, 'I'm going to create a world that's fun and interesting, makes sense, and seems to have a reality to it.'
If you make a 'Star Wars' reference, everybody's familiar with that. It's a common reference that most people can relate to - 'Bartleby, The Scrivener,' probably not so much.
In modern eyes, precious though wars may be they must not be waged solely for the sake of the ideal harvest. Only when forced upon one, is a war now thought permissible.
What I want is a way to put Universal monster toys back in the aisles alongside 'Star Wars' and all the other stuff and introduce today's kids to the classic monsters.
I feel like it'll change after the movie [Star Wars] comes out, if it does. It's really the other way around, surprisingly, as far as Con Man goes.
All wars are follies, very expensive and very mischievous ones.
There was a time when I first started when I made a fake press pass and borrowed a camera and headed into wars, and for three years, that was the only kind of story I was interested in doing.
Peaceful disputes are maintained when men sincerely believe that they are morally, logically correct about the issues at hand. It is when neither side is really certain that wars are instigated.
I think the age of the modern media campaign has created a new icon, the celebrity-in-chief. Political elections have become wars fought by candidates with opposing values.
You can't stop wars to build tertiary teaching hospitals, but you can say, 'Let's stop for a couple of days to immunise the kids.' It has been done.
Whatever your gender, you can be a Star Wars fan. Of course I knew it from life before, but the core of enthusiastic female fans is a testimony to the non-gendered nature of the audience.
I was very surprised when I watched 'Star Wars,' and I thought, 'Oh, that's me. I've been blown up.' Then, I came back again. I really didn't know what was happening!
In the last five or six thousand years, empires one after another have arisen, waxed powerful by wars of conquest, and fallen by internal revolution or attack from without.
Wars, however frequent and destructive they may be, have never been able to kill entirely the intellectual and moral sense which raises man above the beast.
The brutal fact is that which foods are available in your grocery store is determined by trade wars, agriculture policy, and the outsized power wielded by large corporations.
Like any other actor, my agent called me with an opportunity. It just so happens that the opportunity was the lead in 'Star Wars.'
Ineluctably, the insults inflicted in one war call forth new wars of retaliation, which may be waged within months of the original conflict or generations later.
You've seen how actors make movies like Star Wars and stuff. They're never really there. They're in front of a green screen just pretending to be jumping around.
It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result.
I write in the novel's afterword that our recent wars "finish not with victory or defeat but with a calendar draw-down date and a presumption that we shall never be reconciled with the enemy".
Without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace. — © Martin Luther
Without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace.
Diplomacy in general does not resolve conflicts. Wars end not due to peace processes, but due to one side giving up.
WikiLeaks has revealed some hard truths about the Iraq and Afghan wars and broken stories about corporate corruption.
I have survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.
Emotions may win arguments, but they don't win wars.
I've been to a few conventions, you know, when the tax man knocks at the door and the 'Star Wars' convention people say: 'Do you want to come and sign some autographs?'
American wars in Muslim countries created some extremists and inflamed many more while producing a security vacuum that allowed them to wreak mayhem.
Religious fanaticism has clearly produced, and in all probability will continue to produce, enormous amounts of bickering, fighting, violence, bloodshed, homicide, feuds, wars, and genocide.
I wanted to be in 'Star Wars' when I was six years old. I asked my mom for two years, and she told me I was crazy.
We cannot guarantee that a humanitarian catastrophe of the extent of the Holocaust will not happen again. On the contrary, we witness a catalogue of atrocities every day in wars across the globe.
A warrior lives on his wars, whether offensive or defensive. And he suffers a collapse if he finds that his warring capacity is unwanted.
But you know, 'Star Wars' is the movie that's affected me the most in my entire life. It's the reason I wanted to become a filmmaker, and you've got this amazing opportunity to play on that field.
All the religious wars that have caused blood to be shed for centuries arise from passionate feelings and facile counter-positions, such as Us and Them, good and bad, white and black.
Real solemn history, I cannot be interested in.... The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars and pestilences in every page; the men all so good for nothing, and hardly any women at all.
My home...It is my retreat and resting place from wars, I try to keep this corner as a haven against the tempest outside, as I do another corner in my soul. — © Michel de Montaigne
My home...It is my retreat and resting place from wars, I try to keep this corner as a haven against the tempest outside, as I do another corner in my soul.
We've been there on World Wars, it's time for World Party I.
Absent opens a door to a view of Iraqi life we have seldom seen. With a compassionate eye Khedairi explores a community, damaged by wars and sanctions, struggling for survival.
When we look at how, constitutionally, only Congress can declare war, and that is routinely ignored. Not NATO or the UN, but Congress has to authorize these endless wars, and it isn't.
I think that one of the things that we all ask ourselves, whoever we are, is: who stands to make a lot of money out of this [wars]? And, certainly, it comes back to people like armaments makers, and so on and so forth.
Star Wars' was a sell-out from the start, and that is just about the only remarkable thing about this depressingly mediocre franchise.
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