Top 1200 Wearing Pink Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Wearing Pink quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I've always been multi-cultural myself. I'm not black and I'm not white and I'm not pink and I'm not green. Eartha Kitt has no color, and that is how barriers are broken.
If I had my life to live over I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
To make lips look naturally pink, I put on red lipstick, wipe it off, and then apply clear gloss. — © Halle Berry
To make lips look naturally pink, I put on red lipstick, wipe it off, and then apply clear gloss.
I like tuna when there's a definite streak of deep pink in the middle, medium rare so to speak, and it comes out best when it's not cut too thick.
My fashion statement depends on my mood. I am more of a tomboy when dressing up, and I have never worn pink in my entire life.
If I haven't put that on a T-shirt, I'm going to. Actually, I really don't want to write anything that can't be put on a T-shirt. Actually I'd like to write only on T-shirts. Actually, I'd like to write whole novels on T-shirts. So you guys could say, 'I'm wearing chapter 8 of Lestat's new book, that's my favorite; oh I see you're wearing chapter 6-
Now I really feel the landscape, I can be bold and include every tone of pink and blue: it's enchanting, it's delicious, and I hope it will please you.
The range of human skin colours is quite narrow when you think about it - and I do - and subtle - beige, pink, white, tan, taup.
There was neither horizon, cloud, nor sound; of that pink, spread silence even I had become part, belonging as much to sky as to earth.
Leather pants are my guilty fashion pleasure. I have at least 10 pairs in navy, red, white, dusty pink, grey, suede and black.
I take pride in knowing the NFL is pink in October, sparking conversations everywhere about breast cancer and prevention, all in the spirit of my mom.
Page one of any economic plan to get America working is to give a pink slip to the current resident in the White House.
Iberico de Bellota is best when cooked medium rare with a nice, pink center to allow the delicious acorn-infused flavor to come through. — © Jose Andres
Iberico de Bellota is best when cooked medium rare with a nice, pink center to allow the delicious acorn-infused flavor to come through.
The key to looking great in the evening is to look original. Try to look different from others without looking out of place. When everyone else is wearing black, stand out in a bold, bright color. When everyone else is wearing dress that falls to the floor, shock them with a short gold brocade suit. But try not to overdo it. Focus on one thing: Will it be a statement neckclace, a stunning pair of earrings, or really big hair? You decide.
The woman wears a floral print blouse with lots of leaves and pink flowers. Risa would like to attack her with a weed whacker.
I grew up listening to Nick Drake. Without him, I would not write music - and 'Pink Moon' is my favourite LP.
I like one hair, tuna fish, the smell of rain and things that are pink. I hate pimples, baked potatoes, when my mother's mad, and religious holidays.
For the majority of my rookie year, I had to lug around a fake baby doll in a pink stroller whenever I was entering and leaving Staples Center.
The first Chanel jacket that I saw - that I knew was Chanel - was on TV. It was on Mrs. Kennedy - the pink one.
I grew up listening to albums by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix, and they all worked on that multi-layered level.
The flesh of king salmon, which varies in color from white to pink to red, has a high fat content, making it perfect for grilling.
Costume is always an asset. Normal costume you have a lot to say about - if you're wearing suits or ties, and what color you want, and how it's going to be cut, and stuff like that, and whether or not you're going to wear a hat, and blah, blah, blah. But, when you're wearing a special costume, and of course, costume is probably the second ingredient in character, script being first, I always find that the costume does a lot to cement your character, to put it firmly in mind.
If you look in my CD case, you'll see it's Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, now I can't think of anyone else, but all that stuff.
Surrender the vert platonic bond tying your soul to mine craft, the sky fades a pink shadow cast.
He is a boy sleeping against the mosque wall, ejaculates wet dreaming into a thousand cunts pink and smooth as sea shells.
You see something happen to a population whereby everyone adopts something that's just preposterous in a way that makes it normal instantly. If any one person prior to the rash of puka shells, for example, was seen wearing puka shells, he would look like an idiot. But when everyone is wearing them, it instantly makes them normal.
By brain is meant, in the first instance, something more than the pink-grey jelly of the anatomist. It is, even to a scientist, the organ of imagination.
The pigeon here is a beautiful bird, of a delicate bronze colour, tinged with pink about the neck, and the wings marked with green and purple.
As Carl Jung put it, "In each of us there is another whom we do not know." As Pink Floyd sang, "There's someone in my head, but it's not me."
Actually, I do like pink clothes, but it's not because I'm girly, it's because I'm the reincarnation of Oscar Wilde.
In spite of her cute little angelic face and pink sneakers, Brianna is actually a baby Tyrannosaurus rex. On STEROIDS!
Once I saw a homeless man wearing his underwear on top of his pants. Now we say, why don't the homeless just go out and get a job? If he's wearing his underwear on top of his pants, I doubt his resume is in order, and I don't think he's going to make it too far in the interview process. In fact, I'm pretty sure that McDonald's has a no underwear over your pant policy.
When the first list was being drawn up in the rock and roll book of Genesis, it would have been: In the beginning, God created Pink Floyd.
There is no rule in the pink-triangle guide to coming out that you must wear a rainbow flag cap and organise a full band parade.
One of my favorite episodes in West Wing was the homeless man that died and they found, in the overcoat he was wearing, a card of the speechwriter, Toby. He had given that coat to the Goodwill and this guy had ended up wearing it, died in it and Toby went to his funeral. He turned out to be a Korean war veteran. It was our first Christmas episode and that was a true story - a member of the staff had done exactly that. So many of these stories were far better than any fiction.
I like a lot of west coast stuff like Aerial Pink.
Look at that,' she whispered, and then after a moment: 'I'd like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around.
I played myself in an Aziz Ansari comedy, and that was funny to see how they saw me... flowing scarves and a flourish of pink! Eek! — © Colin Salmon
I played myself in an Aziz Ansari comedy, and that was funny to see how they saw me... flowing scarves and a flourish of pink! Eek!
I would recommend if you come to Ocean Grove and you're not from around here, don't wear rubber pants, a pink shirt and a blue jacket. Leave that for Asbury Park.
We lived by the water, and I was a pretty normal kid until my teenage years; then I dyed my hair pink and spiraled out of control.
Wow, girlfriend, you're incompatible with life! And here I thought I was just incompatible with pink.
One of them hung a pink bra from our lighting fixture. I left it there. It was a nice bra
I like to think we're like a cross between Pink Floyd and Slayer.
It's really not rocket science. If animals are not mere things; if they have moral value, we cannot justify eating, wearing, or using them particularly when we have no better reason than palate pleasure or fashion. If you are eating, wearing, or using animals, then your actions say that you regard them as mere things, despite what your words say.
My parents told me I'd point to a bed of flowers and say 'Pink. Pretty,' before I knew any other words.
I'm really about body positivity and self-love, and I will definitely push the boundary with a pink midriff-baring top.
I saw this wide-eyed girl with big ears and a pink nose who's too excited. I wanted that part of myself to sing lead.
I looked down at the little pink face in the bundle. A newborn. The child had been alive only minutes but was already considered a criminal by the Soviets. — © Ruta Sepetys
I looked down at the little pink face in the bundle. A newborn. The child had been alive only minutes but was already considered a criminal by the Soviets.
To find happiness, it is not quite difficult thing. It is just enough to distinguish the blue of the sky from the pink of peach flowers which are opening out.
A good designer has technical knowledge - don't treat her like someone who's there to decide whether something should be pink or orange.
I am a man" he told her, "and men do not consume pink beverages. Get thee gone woman, and bring me something brown.
I literally have people go, 'Oh my God, you're the Pink Power Ranger' and I'm like, 'I do other things!' But, you know, it's so cool! I saved the world for a year.
I asked Bob Dylan to paint the album cover for 'Music from Big Pink.' He said, 'Yeah, let me see what I can come up with.'
If you put a pink cover on something, critics make a certain set of assumptions and may not even read the book. But my readers are happy with it.
A man can wear pink if he has confidence, if he believes in himself and knows he's man enough to do it.
Some of my biggest complaints about acting in television were that I was always wearing a tight dress or pencil skirt, and I was always wearing heels. I thought, "This sucks! Why, because I'm a woman, does it mean I always have to wear this same outfit and this same hairdo, and spend the same two hours in hair and make-up, and the guys get to be there two hours after me?" I remember being mildly offended by that.
I think that I still have it in my heart someday to paint a bookshop with the front yellow and pink in the a light in the midst of the darkness.
I was taught in my religious upbringing to spell God with a dash, G-d. But now my dash is pink.
My reflection in the mirror shows me pink and puffy. I thought pregnant women were to supposed to glow. I am not glowing.
The sky outside the window was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray and then, slowly, to pink shot with gold.
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