Top 277 Wells Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wells quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I'm living in an H.G. Wells novel.
A restless vitality wells up as we approach 30.
A number of former Wells Fargo employees have described their work environment characterized by intense pressure to meet aggressive and unrealistic sales goals. In a 2010 letter to shareholders, Mr. Stumpf wrote that Wells Fargo's goal was eight products per customer because eight rhymed with great.
And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells. — © T. S. Eliot
And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.
When like the patriarchs we learn to dig wells of virtue and spiritual knowledge within ourselves by means of ascetic practice and contemplation, we will find within us Christ the spring of life (cf. Gen. 26:15-18). Wisdom commands us to drink from this spring, saying, 'Drink water from your own pitchers and from the spring of your own wells' (Prov. 5:15). If we do this we shall find that the treasures of wisdom truly are within us.
I sometimes compare my brainstorming on paper to the drilling of oil wells. The only way to strike oil is to drill a lot of wells.
Everybody who was involved in that culture [Wells Fargo] should be held accountable.
So many wells have been dug in Changzhou that its groundwater has been over-exploited, and the local ground level has sunk by two feet. The city has officially banned new wells and mandated the installation of pollution controls, but China's endemic corruption ensures that neither measure has much meaning.
We've been hydraulically fracturing wells in large numbers since the 1960s, first developed in 1940.
The anguish I always feel when she's in pain wells up in my chest and threatens to register on my face.
India is criss-crossed with the most elegant wells that tap into the shallow aquifer.
I want to build a machine that can drill wells for water. With this problem of water in many places in Africa, we need to find a solution for how you can dig wells so you can be pumping water from deeper places.
... the desert, where there is the communal book of moonlight. We were among the rumour of wells. In the palace of winds.
The communications industry has been tremendously successful, but we need to build the railroads and the oil wells and the gold mines of space. — © Peter Diamandis
The communications industry has been tremendously successful, but we need to build the railroads and the oil wells and the gold mines of space.
Within us all there are wells of thought and dynamos of energy which are not suspected until emergencies arise.
There are many wells today, but they are dry. There are many hungry souls today that are empty. But let us come to Jesus and take Him at His Word and we will find wells of salvation, and be able to draw waters out of the well of salvation, for Jesus is that well.
Wells Fargo behaves better than the average big bank. But nobody's perfect.
I read a lot of short fiction, like Kurt Vonnegut and Raymond Carver and Wells Tower.
As a kid I read Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and a few others. As an adult have admired Leonardo da Vinci's drawings and notebooks.
In adopting the form of the adventure novel, Wells deepened it, raised its intellectual value, and brought into it elements of social philosophy and science. In his own field - though, of course, on a proportionately lesser scale - Wells may be likened to Dostoyevsky, who took the form of the cheap detective novel and infused it with brilliant psychological analysis.
Mud, raised by hurricanes, wells up in the noblest and purest of hearts.
Companies using public lands should be required to perform thorough testing on all wells in order to fully ensure water safety.
I had the good fortune of speaking with Orson Wells many decades ago and he said 'Success is primarily luck anyway.' And I have been very lucky. Of course, Orson Wells was enormously talented and brilliant - so who am I to argue with him!
Let it Flow is a water charity that my mom and I started back in 2011. We focus mostly on building and the majority of the time, repairing wells because of the insane amount of the number of wells out there in the world just need to be repaired by simple parts.
If the kingdom of God had departments, we’d want to work in research and development. We felt like Jesus didn’t hang out at the synagogue, he hung out at wells. Coffeehouses are postmodern wells. Let’s not wait for people to come to us, let’s go to them.
But wells don't come without first begging to see the wells; wells don't come without first splitting open hard earth, cracking back the lids. There's no seeing God face-to-face without first the ripping.
It is different [to perform in Israel] because it arises from very deep wells of affiliation.
Even in a crowded field, it is a rare pleasure to come across a prose stylist like Kellie Wells, whose intellect and language bid one another beautifully to a dance. She dares to be at play in the most unsettling questions of her day. Surely when the present generation of writers shakes down to its unique and irreplaceable voices, Kellie Wells will be one of them.
This is really bad to admit but, you know, when you put your name in Google to see how many credits it's got by your name or something. So you put in 'Dolly Wells' and suddenly it goes 'Dolly Wells Feet' or something.
I don't want to sound like Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, but I do think there should be some sort of national service for young men.
On any given day, something claims our attention. Anything at all, inconsequential things. A rosebud, a misplaced hat, that sweater we liked as a child, an old Gene Pitney record. A parade of trivia with no place to go. Things that bump around in our consciousness for two or three days then go back to wherever they came from... to darkness. We've got all these wells dug in our hearts. While above the wells, birds flit back and forth.
With what cracked pitchers go we to deep wells In this world!
For if joyful is the fountain that rises in the sun, its springs are in the wells of sorrow unfathomable at the foundations of the Earth.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
There's not a lot happening on a Sunday night in Indian Wells.
There is something peculiarly dispriting about the emptiness that wells up when, in a strange city, one dials the same telephone numbers in vain.
I fracked over 3,000 wells in my life and never had a problem with an aquifer.
How many wells of science there are in whose depths there is nothing but clear water!
Art and religion, carnivals and saturnalia, dancing and listening to oratory - all these have served, in H. G. Wells's phrase, as Doors in the Wall. — © Aldous Huxley
Art and religion, carnivals and saturnalia, dancing and listening to oratory - all these have served, in H. G. Wells's phrase, as Doors in the Wall.
Life is fountain of joy; but where the rabble also gather to drink, all wells are poisoned.
In California, up to 15 percent of wells in agricultural areas exceed a federal contaminant threshold, according to studies.
There are different wells within your heart. Some fill with each good rain, Others are far too deep for that.
Life is a well of joy; but for those out of whom an upset stomach speaks, which is the father of melancholy, all wells are poisoned.
I think there's always been a traditionally apocalyptic side to British science fiction, from H.G. Wells onwards. I mean, most of Wells' stories are potentially apocalyptic in some sense or another.
In a couple of decades you have half of the wells that are drilled right now, and you're talking about numbers in the millions of wells drilled, leaking. That's a huge crisis in terms of water contamination. There's no way to fix that problem.
(On the temperature of water in wells) The reason why the water in wells becomes colder in summer is that the earth is then rarefied by the heat, and releases into the air all the heat-particles it happens to have. So, the more the earth is drained of heat, the colder becomes the moisture that is concealed in the ground. On the other hand, when all the earth condenses and contracts and congeals with the cold, then, of course, as it contracts, it squeezes out into the wells whatever heat it holds.
I fought to make a multiple series commitment with John Wells.
The constant drip drop of fraudulent activities coming out of Wells Fargo is absolutely outrageous.
My father became the Mayor of Indian Wells, California, a tony desert enclave of rich, conservative Republicans. — © Taylor Negron
My father became the Mayor of Indian Wells, California, a tony desert enclave of rich, conservative Republicans.
Jonathan Wells has done us all - the scientific community, educators, and the wider public - a great service. In Icons of Evolution he has brilliantly exposed the exaggerated claims and deceptions that have persisted in standard textbook discussions of biological origins for many decades, in spite of contrary evidence. these claims have been so often repeated that they seem unassailable - that is, until one reads Wells's book.
A part of fate is the freedom of man. Forever wells up the impulse of choosing and acting in his soul.
Especially at Indian Wells, Miami, the hard courts are what I grew up on, so I'm probably most used to it.
I was playing 25Ks in Japan, and now I'm the... champion of Indian Wells. It's crazy.
I was raised on the classics - Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and others.
Look, I am living. On what? Neither childhood nor future lessens . . . . Superabundant existence wells in my heart.
I'll oil wells love you. I'll oil wells care. I'll oil wells need you. I want you oil wells dear.
Wells Fargo's internal review only covers unauthorized accounts dating back to 2011. News reports and court documents suggest these problems might have existed long before then. The 2013 'Los Angeles Times' articles led to the L.A. city attorney's office investigation into Wells Fargo's sales practices.
From the heart of this fountain of delights wells up some bitter taste to choke them even amid the flowers.
There are deep wells of strength that are never used.
I could give you no advice but this: to go into yourself and to explore the depths where your life wells forth.
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