Top 1200 West Point Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular West Point quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
At some point... Israel ground away, or gave away, her birthright of loyalty from the West.
My experience at West Point and my service as an army officer have molded the way I look at the world.
Maybe we need to start with the rethinking of what is "west" and what is "non-west." It seems to me that there are any number of populations who already cross that divide, and we could probably point to several existing states that belong exclusively neither to one category nor to the other. Do we use these terms to designate geographical realities, geopolitical ones, or perhaps sites of power, exploitation, orientalism that move through space and time in ways that have to be tracked historically.
Sometimes Hollywood is a small town on the West Coast of America at the furthest point from everywhere else, and that can make it a little provincial and insular. — © Howard Stringer
Sometimes Hollywood is a small town on the West Coast of America at the furthest point from everywhere else, and that can make it a little provincial and insular.
There was never a day at West Point where I didn't ask myself, 'Where would I put the camera?'
From the U.S. point of view, negotiations are, in effect, a way for Israel to continue its policies of systematically taking over whatever it wants in the West Bank, maintaining the brutal siege on Gaza, separating Gaza from the West Bank and, of course, occupying the Syrian Golan heights, all with full U.S. support.
My father was career military. He was a veteran, he was a doctor of political science, he taught at West Point and Air Command Staff and lectured at the War College.
I am a West Point graduate and an Army veteran.
During my 40-year coaching career at West Point, Indiana and Texas Tech, my teams reached the Final Four on five occasions, winning the national championship three times.
I went to college. West Point is technically a college.
They were saying you would be a tremendous addition to the military, and we can get you into West Point with a full scholarship. And I simply said, I want to be a doctor. I really appreciate it.
I think, Russia is pushing against the West in general, not just the United States but the institutions of the West, the key governments in the West using a variety of tools, as well as military assault on Ukraine.
The United States dollar took another pounding on German, French and British exchanges this morning, hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany.
Our youths are constantly trying to learn everything the West has to teach, but what is newest in the West has existed in China for thousands of years. — © Sun Yat-sen
Our youths are constantly trying to learn everything the West has to teach, but what is newest in the West has existed in China for thousands of years.
I collect cigars. I love giving 'em away to people that really enjoy 'em, and I could think of no better place than West Point!
It was because of my great interest in the West, and my belief that its development would be assisted by the interest I could awaken in others, that I decided to bring the West to the East through the medium of the Wild West Show.
I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country.
You know how you smoke out a sniper? You send a guy out in the open, and you see if he gets shot. They thought that one up at West Point.
I think every tour stop on the west coast is equally rewarding for me. There is something healing about the air and the light in the west.
We must stop posing as victims of the West and behaving negatively towards the West. We must participate with the West on an equal footing in the reconstruction of the world.
I am less disposed to think of a West Point education as requisite for this business than I was at first. Good sense and energy are the qualities required.
And most worryingly, it wouldn't surprise me if Putin ends up starting a major military conflict with the West at some point in the future to save his own skin as head of state in Russia.
If you ask children in the west where's God, they'd point to the sky. If you ask children in India, they point at themselves.
My son's a West Point cadet.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a cop. Then I watched 'The Wild Wild West,' and so I wanted to be in the Secret Service like James West. At some point I realized, 'That guy is not in the Secret Service. He's an actor.' That sounds like a good idea too.
My dad being an Army officer, I was just born to it. I was raised in a military manner, and it was a given that Army brats went to West Point, so I went to West Point in 1941. And being in the military has been my life.
Not making the baseball team at West Point was one of the greatest disappointments of my life, maybe my greatest.
The West has never been all of the world that matters. The West has not been the only actor on the stage of modern history even at the peak of the West's power (and this peak has perhaps now already been passed)... It has not been the West that has been hit by the world; it has been the world that has been hit - and hit hard - by the West.
I have therefore concluded to apply for the privilege of becoming a Cadet at West Point.
The truth is that there wasn't much competition. There was the East and the West, but there was really no West before us. We came in so different, so real, that we were immediately heard.
My mother cried when I told her I really didn't want to go to West Point. So I went.
At a certain point, the atmosphere in the West could change. But I don't see determined political will [for that] at the moment.
People in the West want to hear Indian melody, not someone who is aping the West.
He was a graduate of West Point, which is military academy that turns young men into homicidal maniacs for use in war.
I run in the West Side highway. I've gotten recognized, but unless you're a runner, you really can't do nothing but just point.
The West appears to have decided for the Ukrainian people what their choice is. The EU does not condemn violent actions in Ukraine which are punishable in the West.
Someone else is going to read for me or go at my place to the mosque, and/or to tell me you shouldn't take anything from the West because the West is the enemy and so on. It is to me to decide. I am intelligent enough to be critical towards the West and take what I need and reject what is bad for me.
Now, I know it's a widespread assumption in the West that as countries modernize, they also westernize. This is an illusion. It's an assumption that modernity is a product simply of competition, markets and technology. It is not. It is also shaped equally by history and culture. China is not like the West, and it will not become like the West.
As a cultural product of both 'East' and 'West', I do not believe there is a fundamental basis for a clash of civilisations, or that the West is the cause of all problems. — © Ahmed Zewail
As a cultural product of both 'East' and 'West', I do not believe there is a fundamental basis for a clash of civilisations, or that the West is the cause of all problems.
Every member of our baseball team at West Point became a general: this proves the value of team sports.
Far from the West having caused the poverty in the Third World, contact with the West has been the principal agent of material progress there.
The majority of Arab people would side with Russia and China, not with the West. And they'd throw their 'elites' groomed in and by the West, straight out the window.
I only pick one thing; North, South, East or West. I just get on the road and go. That's the point. The only governor I give myself is what's the time limit.
It's a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds' cries; I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes. For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills, And April's in the West wind, and daffodils.
The vanishing point leads to the missiles of today, which can take us out of this world. It could be that the west's greatest mistakes were the 'invention' of the external vanishing point and the internal combustion engine.
Remember, I'm West Point, where I was born. My father went there.
Almost every profession has an outstanding training ground. The military has West Point, music has Juilliard, and the culinary arts has The Institute.
You know how you smoke out a sniper? You send a guy out in the open, and you see if he gets shot. They thought that one up at West Point
Russia despises the West. And is doing what it can to weaken the West. — © Daniel Fried
Russia despises the West. And is doing what it can to weaken the West.
The American West is just arriving at the threshold of its greatness and growth. Where the West of yesterday is glamorized in our fiction, the future of the American West now is both fabulous and factual.
I've been a conservative in West Virginia before that was popular. I've seen a change in West Virginia. Not a change in John Raese, but a change in West Virginia and a change in America.
News is that which comes from the North, East, West and South, and if it comes from only one point on the compass, then it is a class; publication and not news.
During the Cold War, the West was extremely careful not to allow the gap between the rich and poor to widen too far, first and foremost to counter communist depictions of the squalid masses in the West. But the same remains true today: If the West does nothing about the growing social inequities, it endangers its internal legitimacy.
Europe began as the relatively empty, uncivilized Wild West of Asia; then the Western Hemisphere became the Wild West of Europe. Now the sun has set in our West and risen once more in the East.
I knew what my father, more than anything else, wanted me to do. Seventeen, vain, and spoiled by poems, I prepared to enter a remote West Point. I would succeed there, it was hoped, as he had.
I graduated from West Point in 1974. It was an all-male institution. I went back to teach at West Point in 1984 and found the place far better than it was when I had been a cadet... I attributed a good amount of that to the fact that we opened up the academy to women.
I think the West is in a low point we haven`t seen since the 1930s.
I think that we're beginning to globalize medicine now. You have to take Eastern approaches and bring them to the West, and share West with the East.
In Korea, if a player makes a mistake, the other players don't like to point it out. Rather, they try to embrace it; they take the attitude, 'Let's do better next time.' But in the West, if you do something wrong, another player will make a point of saying something, and you will have to fix it immediately.
I've thought about doing other dramatic roles besides westerns, but I grew up in the West and I know the West.
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