Top 192 Wheelchair Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wheelchair quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
If I can be an inspiration for someone, that's fine, but just don't look down on me. Don't say, 'Oh, you're in a wheelchair.
Just because I am wheelchair-bound doesn't mean I don't get around.
Retire? I can't spell the word. I'd play in a wheelchair. — © Keith Richards
Retire? I can't spell the word. I'd play in a wheelchair.
Pity? You don't want to be pitied because you're a cripple in a wheelchair? Stay in your house!
I'd rather be in this wheelchair knowing God than on my feet without him.
Melvin Guillard went to a split decision with me, he left the third round in a wheelchair. He did not walk to the back - he left in a wheelchair.
I'm a full-time wheelchair user. And yet, given the right circumstances, I am able to work.
I played an old woman in a wheelchair at 18.
I got up from the wheelchair thanks to natural products like tulsi, aloe vera, kali mirch, and awla.
I have done all the work myself, not assistants. That's why I'm in a wheelchair: I've been doing it physically - it's hard labour - throughout my life.
I can't bear the thought of my mother having to push me around in a wheelchair. I'd rather die quickly.
My bike is my gym, my wheelchair, and my church all in one.
I wouldn't care if he lost both his legs and was in a wheelchair. But it he's having a hard time...Then I won't see him. — © Na Hae Ryeong
I wouldn't care if he lost both his legs and was in a wheelchair. But it he's having a hard time...Then I won't see him.
Commuting in a wheelchair is not easy. I live in a very old part of Rome. These cobbles everywhere... terrible! In London, it is the same. Every pavement is uneven.
My dad gave me my first bike at 16. I soon fell off and was in a wheelchair for weeks. I haven't fallen since.
Personally, I like a generous side of wheelchair access with my cities.
Being confined to a wheelchair doesn't bother me as my mind is free to roam the universe, but it felt wonderful to be weightless.
I was bullied in high school. I would go through the hallways and be pointed at and laughed at because I was the new kid in a wheelchair.
I don't want to hang around in a wheelchair in a nursing home. I don't. I don't want to be like that.
I'm pretty physically vulnerable, just being in a wheelchair.
A tragic car accident put me in a wheelchair and dashed my hopes and dreams for the future.
I was going blind, and I was in a wheelchair. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life living with my parents.
There are days when my legs don't work, so I have to be in my wheelchair.
Disability is as visual as race. If a wheelchair user can't play Beyonce, then Beyonce can't play a wheelchair user.
Walking the streets of Tokyo with Hawking in his wheelchair ... I felt as if I were taking a walk through Galilee with Jesus Christ [as] crowds of Japanese silently streamed after us, stretching out their hands to touch Hawking's wheelchair. ... The crowds had streamed after Einstein [on Einstein's visit to Japan in 1922] as they streamed after Hawking seventy years later. ... They showed exquisite choice in their heroes. ... Somehow they understood that Einstein and Hawking were not just great scientists, but great human beings.
You probably think Stephen Hawking is in that wheelchair because of a motor neuron disease. But if you got as much barely-legal student poontang as The Hawkster, you'd be in a wheelchair too.
I've gone on in a wheelchair. Another performance I did with no voice - and I had to apologize to the audience and whisper.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries.
For me, the wheelchair symbolizes disability in a way a cane does not.
This machine, the wheelchair, I can go all over the place, but you need a place without stairs to get in.
If I had to last 20 years, I would probably be batting in a wheelchair.
Money cannot buy health, but I'd settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.
It's nice to have more than one little one because then you'll have - while one is pushing you in a wheelchair, the other one can open the doors for you.
I can't disguise myself with a wig and dark glasses - the wheelchair gives me away.
My dad was in a wheelchair and on oxygen for the last few years of his life.
By the way, there is nothing cute about a pink wheelchair. Pink doesn't change a thing.
I firmly believe that everybody in America needs a safe place to walk or to wheelchair roll.
It's really bad sometimes to be crippled in a wheelchair, and it reminds you that you can't fight back when someone's trying to rob you. — © Fredrick Brennan
It's really bad sometimes to be crippled in a wheelchair, and it reminds you that you can't fight back when someone's trying to rob you.
A lot of the time, when people meet someone in a wheelchair, or with some disability, it's the first thing they notice, but they don't know how to react.
I thought my sports career was over once I got into a wheelchair. That was the hardest reality I had to face.
My disability exists not because I use a wheelchair, but because the broader environment isn't accessible.
Just imagine yourself in a wheelchair. Go through the building. If there's a place you can't go in, it's not accessible.
I don't care if what we do makes a profit; I care whether we get somebody out of a wheelchair.
Technically I can get out of my wheelchair and crawl around and do things, but when I've traveled and they've lost my wheelchair in transit, I feel like I need to be bound to it. My functionality and autonomy are often bound to this.
I quickly learned that asking if an interview space was wheelchair accessible was a bad idea; it gave a potential employer an immediate bad impression. It was either a black mark against my name, or a straight up discussion of why I wouldn't be able to work there because they had no wheelchair access.
In 2005, a man diagnosed with multiple myeloma asked me if he would be alive to watch his daughter graduate from high school in a few months. In 2009, bound to a wheelchair, he watched his daughter graduate from college. The wheelchair had nothing to do with his cancer. The man had fallen down while coaching his youngest son's baseball team.
Does anyone know if Lamborghini makes wheelchair vehicles? If not, I want to change that.
It's like, 'Wow. Yes, I had fun... but damn, was it really all worth it when I'm in a wheelchair at the age of 45 and can't play with my grandkids?' — © Donte Stallworth
It's like, 'Wow. Yes, I had fun... but damn, was it really all worth it when I'm in a wheelchair at the age of 45 and can't play with my grandkids?'
Equipment sellers can pocket more than $2,500 every time they send a powered wheelchair to a patient and bill Medicare.
My next climb is going to be a tourist troll in a wheelchair.
I typically start out almost every speech I give making some kind of joke about me being in a wheelchair.
I was too big to even contemplate exercise. I had to use a walking stick and a wheelchair to get around.
If I can be an inspiration for someone, that's fine, but just don't look down on me. Don't say, 'Oh, you're in a wheelchair.'
There is a good chance that, at 60, I will be in a wheelchair, but hey, I signed up for that. I know that.
Richard wondered how the marquis managed to make being pushed around in a wheelchair look like a romantic and swashbuckling thing to do.
You can really do amazing things in a wheelchair. It's very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, but you can even go up and down stairs in a wheelchair.
I was told that I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
In wheelchair sports, people thought athletes with disabilities were courageous and inspirational. They never give them credit for simply being competitive.
Well, I'm using a cane, so what? So what if they shot me sitting in a wheelchair? That's life!
I've never been tall. So it's not like I was six-foot, got paralyzed, and now I'm in a wheelchair. It doesn't really faze me all that much.
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