Top 288 Whiskey Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Whiskey quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Every article I see is dope this, junkie that, whiskey this - that ain't my title.
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.
If when you say 'whiskey' you mean the devil's brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, dethrones reason... then I am certainly against it. But, if when you say 'whiskey' you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine... the drink that enables a man to magnify his joy... then I am certainly for it. This is my stand. I will not retreat from it. I will not compromise.
Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whiskey and wine. — © Kid Rock
Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whiskey and wine.
Whiskey will always be a part of my life.
Champagne's funny stuff. I'm used to whiskey. Whiskey is a slap on the back, and champagne's a heavy mist before my eyes.
I can't drink whiskey like I used to back then, that's for sure.
I do get a kick out of the fact that this 'Wrestling With Whiskey' thing has become known enough both amongst whiskey fans, but also amongst the wrestling fans that when something like that pops up then that's kind of the immediate reaction so I get a kick out of that.
God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.
Religion is like an ice cold whiskey on a hot day.
I like whiskey. I always did, and that is why I never drink it.
Knowing he [Bob Serber] was going to the [first atom bomb] test, I asked him how he planned to deal with the danger of rattlesnakes. He said, 'I'll take along a bottle of whiskey.' … I ended by asking, 'What would you do about those possibilities [of what unknown phenomena might cause a nuclear explosion to propagate in the atmosphere]?' Bob replied, 'Take a second bottle of whiskey.'
We come late, if at all, to wine and philosophy: whiskey and action are easier.
God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world. — © Kinky Friedman
God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world.
Stories, like whiskey, must be allowed to mature in the cask.
Some of you fellers are getting 'Whiskey Slick.'
The true pioneer of civilization is not the newspaper, not religion, not the railroad - but whiskey!
Whiskey is by far the most popular of all remedies that won't cure a cold.
I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian who didn't have a gun, a pack of cards, and a jug of whiskey.
You can steal my women but don't play with my whiskey.
Drown in a cold vat of whiskey? Death, where is thy sting?
When I was a young reporter, the great vice among journalists was whiskey. Today, it's cynicism.
Someone told me once that blues is like whiskey. They keep whiskey in the barrel for so many years, and then they talk about how well it's aged. But I don't think that goes for him. I think this young man has just stepped in there sayin', 'I'm gonna prove you all wrong.' I think he's like a watermelon, man. He's ripe.
As adults we try to relax from the never-ending quest for reason and order by drinking a little whiskey or smoking whatever works for us, but the wisdom isn't in the whiskey or the smoke. The wisdom is in the moments when the madness slips away and we remember the basics.
Whiskey has killed more men than bullets, but most men would rather be full of whiskey than bullets.
He had a habit of remarking to bartenders that he didn't see any sense in mixing whiskey with water since the whiskey was already wet.
My idea of working out is drinking whiskey - instead of beer.
You'll be my glass of wine I'll be your shot of whiskey
I learned you can't drink whiskey and play golf.
Economy, n. Purchasing the barrel of whiskey that you do not need for the price of the cow that you cannot afford.
The giant imaginary bottle of whiskey is with me.
Everybody who tells you how to act has whiskey on their breath.
A drunkard is like a whiskey-bottle, all neck and belly and no head.
Hormones were as potent as whiskey, and twice as sneaky.
In the '80s, we played the Roxy and the Whiskey with our bands.
You know what southern women are? Whiskey in a teacup. We're strong in the inside, but ornate on the outside.
There is no bad whiskey. There are only some whiskeys that aren't as good as others.
Whiskey: a torchligh procession marching down your throat.
Whiskey claims to itself alone the exclusive office of sot-making. — © Thomas Jefferson
Whiskey claims to itself alone the exclusive office of sot-making.
Give me lace and whiskey, Mama's own remedy.
Crooked cards and straight whiskey, Slow horses and fast women.
An old stomach reforms more whiskey drinkers than a new resolve.
Give me snuff, whiskey, and Swedes, and I will build a railroad to hell.
My life was once whiskey, tears and cigarettes... now it's snot, tears and a color of poop. Bliss. I do miss the whiskey, though.
Y'all drinking whiskey is probably a gregarious act. When you're not an alcoholic it's pretty fun to drink whiskey. But when you are it's a very solo ritual. It's not gregarious at all. But vice has always informed country music and all music.
My dad worked for different companies that made whiskey for a long time, so we were definitely whiskey drinkers. Growing up, my friends would get toy cars, and I would get swag from whisky companies.
Whiskey don't make liars it just makes fools.
I sat down to my supper, twas a bottle of red whiskey.
It's Faster horses, Younger women, Older whiskey and More money. — © Tom T. Hall
It's Faster horses, Younger women, Older whiskey and More money.
Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.
The light music of whiskey falling into glasses made an agreeable interlude.
Coffee, whiskey, and fishing poles. That’s really all you need in life.
I still have a little whiskey left and therefore a chance.
I love whiskey and haggis. I can't get enough of either.
I usually keep a bottle of whiskey. I'm not a big drinker, but I feel like it's important to have.
The advantages of whiskey over dogs are legion. Whiskey does not need to be periodically wormed, it does not need to be fed, it never requires a special kennel, it has no toenails to be clipped or coat to be stripped. Whiskey sits quietly in its special nook until you want it. True, whiskey has a nasty habit of running out, but then so does a dog.
I'm drowning in whiskey river.
A woman warm and willing is what I'm looking for, cause the whiskey ain't working anymore.
I get whiskey bent and hell bound.
Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey
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