Top 1200 Wide Awake Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Wide Awake quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
I like to get away from noise, although I will play noisy music in my car to keep myself awake. But my ears need a rest sometimes. I do enjoy listening to classical music.
The younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses . . . Each generation . . . will have its creed.
I'm not certain that the BBC can claim to be making a wide enough range of distinctive programmes to make the case convincingly. — © Jonathan Dimbleby
I'm not certain that the BBC can claim to be making a wide enough range of distinctive programmes to make the case convincingly.
When I was setting up my own business in my early 20s I'd get up early and work every hour I could stay awake.
The word Buddha comes from the Sanskrit word Budh, meaning, to be awake. So Buddha is not a name and ultimately not a person, but a state of consciousness.
There was a fire in the wide hearth before them, and it was burning with a sweet smell, as if it were built of apple-wood.
When we're awake in our bodies and sense, the world comes alive. Wisdom, creativity, and love are discovered as we relax and awaken through our bodies.
My father works for Xerox and fixes those gigantic copy machines that are about 10 feet wide.
Thank God for sleep! And when you cannot sleep, still thank Him that you live to lie awake.
Death had to take Roosevelt sleeping, for if he had been awake, there would have been a fight.
I still lie awake at night thinking about everything that could have been, that wasn't done to stop 9/11. To the 9/11 families, I said, you deserve better from your entire government. All of us.
I take the ball, I go wide, I cross, I shoot, but when the moment beckons, I am ready to make the difference.
I've got anxiety and I don't sleep so I've been trying to balance this insomnia where I stay awake for three or four days and you don't want to really leave the house and stuff and you've got to go out and do a gig.
Emma was no asleep, she was pretending to be asleep; and, while he was dozing off at her side, she lay awake, dreaming other dreams. — © Gustave Flaubert
Emma was no asleep, she was pretending to be asleep; and, while he was dozing off at her side, she lay awake, dreaming other dreams.
We don’t sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we’ll be more awake in our lives.
Most people who have a problem concentrate on the problem. They take it to bed with them and stay awake all night thinking it over. Let go of that problem. Rise above it in consciousness.
Don't go to sleep now, for you have been awakened. Don't shut your eyes, or you will put out the light. Stay awake to the power and force that guides and protects your divine essence.
I'd just like to see athletes awake. And aware. There's so much going on and so much to know... We stay in our little boxes and don't think much about the outside world.
One improvement I have learned from my childhood experience with my father: I do not threaten punishment in the morning. That was awful. Late into the night I would lie awake tossing and wondering what he was going to do to me. Usually he did nothing. A quiet, impressive 'talking to' was all I got.
When asked if I miss being in government, I usually try to lighten the moment by responding that I awake most days, read the paper, and then observe that, 'It's yet another great day to be the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency.'
A president just can't make much showing against congress. They lay awake nights, thinking up things to be against the president on.
Whilst so much is being done in the world, to ameliorate the condition of mankind, and the spirit of Freedom is marching with rapid strides and causing tyrants to tremble, may America awake from the apathy in which she has long slumbered.
Enya was a huge deal for me. That kind of woman vocals and how wide those productions were.
Beijing's imperial reach extends far and wide, from Taiwan and Xinjiang to the South China Sea and beyond.
His [Donald Trump]support is crossing wide swaths of the party. It`s not just the evangelicals. It`s the moderates, as well.
My musical taste has always been wide. I started out as a folky before I moved on to blues and soul.
I thought cocaine was a fantastic drug. A wonder drug, like everybody else. It gave you [an] energy burst. You could stay awake for days on end, and it was just marvelous and I didn't think it was evil at all.
My troubles are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my friends under the apple trees.
Getting four people awake, fed, dressed, and out the door on time is a challenge. Add to that making a school lunch, and you can tilt over the edge. Unless you are well prepared and have a simple method to follow.
There's a lot of rage in my head. I like the friction that means there is nothing relaxing about writing a poem. I can't afford to relax in any area of life. You have to keep your senses awake to all the complacency that kicks in - particularly for the English.
I love the smell of frying liver. It kind of releases a sweetness into the air, and it kind of prickles your nose, and it kind of makes you awake... it gets me excited.
You know you've have a good idea when you're lying awake at night going 'someone else is going to take it, I just know it!'
The instinct that pulls us toward art is the impulse to evolve, to learn, to heighten and elevate our consciousness. The Ego hates this. Because the more awake we become, the less we need the Ego.
We learn more when we hate than when we love, because hate is eternally awake, but love is everlastingly asleep.
Try to live without something digital - without digital code for about two hours, very hard to do if you're awake.
When you play a lead role, you're in pretty much every scene. It's incredibly tiring. You really have to disappear into the film because you have no time to do anything else. You are either awake and playing the character, or you are trying to catch up on sleep.
I see danger—awake! It's terrible, it's horrible, and it's almost here! This is why my spirit was sent to earth. This is the job God has given me. This is the job I must do, so my hands will be free of your blood.
Most of my nightmares that jolt me awake either involve the cosmos or something completely out of human control. In reality, I worry more about nuclear war, or war in general.
All bad things are exaggerated in the middle of the night. When you lie awake, you only think of bad things. — © Julian Barnes
All bad things are exaggerated in the middle of the night. When you lie awake, you only think of bad things.
Nature never deserts the wise and pure; no plot so narrow, be but nature there; no waste so vacant, but may well employ each faculty of sense, and keep the heart awake to love and beauty.
I think that part of being a good journalist, part of being an awake member of the world you're in, is to view yourself as an outsider, and I always have, to some degree.
All of the military services - land, sea, and air - spend a great deal of time awake. This is a direct result of the high tempo of operations we conduct while forward deployed well outside our national borders.
On 'Awake,' we would take a couple hours per scene. Whereas on 'Anger Management,' we can take maybe 10 minutes on a scene if we're lucky.
My dear father! When I remember him, it is always with his arms open wide to love and comfort me.
You have to find actors who have the ability to display a wide range of emotion effectively. That's so much harder than it seems.
What happens to the wide-eyed observer when the window between reality and unreality breaks and the glass begins to fly?
Honestly, the choice is: I can be a cheerful person, more awake to correction, more of a force for good ... when I'm writing. Or I can be the opposite of all those things, when I'm not writing.
We are a collage of our interests, our influences, our inspirations, all the fragmentary impressions we've collected by being alive and awake to the world. Who we "are" is simply a finely curated catalog of those.
If youre not living awake to the fact the life can change in a dime, then youre living asleep. — © Kristine Carlson
If youre not living awake to the fact the life can change in a dime, then youre living asleep.
Since ancient times the term awakening has been used as a kind of metaphor that points to the transformation of human consciousness. There are parables in the New Testament that speak of the importance of being awake, of not falling back to sleep.
The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.
Without the ability to think about yourself, to reflect on your life, there’s really no awareness, no consciousness. Consciousness doesn’t come automatically; it comes through being alive, awake, curious, and often furious.
Pride never sleeps. The principle at least is always awake. An intemperate man is sometimes sober, but a proud man is never humble.
They don't understand what it is to be awake, / To be living on several planes at once / Though one cannot speak with several voices at once.
Intelligence is the capacity to be in the present. The more you are in the past or are in the future, the less intelligent you are. Intelligence is the capacity to be here-now, to be in this moment and nowhere else. Then you are awake.
Planned Parenthood claims to offer a wide variety of services, but they actually fall short in many areas.
A rising nation, spread over a wide and fruitful Land, traversing all the seas with the rich production of their Industry.
Instead of being afraid of death, we should try to awake to life; and the only death we should escape from is to forget the presence of God into us.
If we Americans are split into two meaningful camps, it is not conservative versus liberal. The two camps are the politically awake and the hypnotized.
A wise man will keep his Suspicions muzzled, but he will keep them awake.
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