Top 749 Widely Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Widely quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I loved 'Robotech' as a kid; I think that's pretty widely known.
I believe that reading widely is the best preparation for writing.
I believed then, and continue to believe now, that the benefits to our security and freedom of widely available cryptography far, far outweigh the inevitable damage that comes from its use by criminals and terrorists. I believed, and continue to believe, that the arguments against widely available cryptography, while certainly advanced by people of good will, did not hold up against the cold light of reason and were inconsistent with the most basic American values.
Cities vary widely in the use of DNA testing. — © Bill Dedman
Cities vary widely in the use of DNA testing.
Desiring things widely different for their various tastes.
She was widely read enough to appreciate my literary wit but not so widely read that she knew my sources. I like that in a woman.
I urge you to travel - as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to.
People who go around saying that it is wrong to fly and to eat meat are not so much making appeals to us from within our shared morality, but engaging in something more like "persuasive definition." They want us to look at the world and ourselves in a different way. Someday these prohibitions against flying and eating meat may be written into our moral psychology, but it will only be after there are viable, widely shared alternatives that are beginning to be widely adopted.
Bengal's indigenous art and craft is widely popular throughout the world.
I've travelled pretty widely and have never taken a violent dislike to anywhere.
The judiciary in Burma is not independent. It's widely known, everybody knows that.
Our Founding Fathers well understood that concentrated power is the enemy of liberty and the rights of man. They knew that the American experiment in individual liberty, free enterprise and republican self-government could succeed only if power were widely distributed. And since in any society social and political power flow from economic power, they saw that wealth and property would have to be widely distributed among the people of the country. The truth of this insight is immediately apparent.
Guessing has never been widely acclaimed as a good gambling strategy.
The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross. — © Eric Schlosser
The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross.
By the time that product is ready to be distributed widely, it will already have established customers.
It is widely grokked that cats have the hacker nature
Anytime something becomes widely condemned and taboo, it will be eroticized.
Experience seems to be the only thing of any value that's widely distributed.
I left before I had the opportunity to pursue work more widely in Chicago.
I'm not so widely known that I'm going to be pigeonholed
We sometimes differ more widely from ourselves than we do from others.
The free software community should be supported more widely. I’m totally in solidarity with what they do.
That 'change makes us uncomfortable' is now one of the most widely promoted, widely accepted, and under-considered half-truths around. [I]t is not change by itself that makes us uncomfortable; it is not even change that involves taking on something very difficult. Rather, it is change that leaves us feeling defenseless before the dangers we 'know' to be present that causes us anxiety.
The sophists were as a rule men who had traveled widely and seen different forms of government. Both conventions and local laws in the city-states could vary widely. This led the Sophists to raise the question of what was natural and what was socially induced. By doing this, they paved the way for social criticism in the city-state of Athens.
Amoebas are quite obviously widely spread protozoans and some of them have been established as causing serious disease in animals and humans. It is also quite well-established that amoebas are important contaminants of tissue cultures used in preparation of live biologicals, vaccines being the most important of them because they are widely injected into small babies and children.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
Ensuring that the benefits of globalisation are shared widely remains a challenge.
Soccer is the most widely played sport in the U.S.
I'm not so widely known that I'm going to be pigeonholed.
It's widely accepted that it is reasonable for a government to use tax policy to change behaviour.
I can swing widely in both directions of helpful or not.
The credit quality of junk bonds varies widely.
The elements which are the most widely diffused have small atomic weights.
The principles governing the behavior of systems are not widely understood.
I'm no enthusiast for the Coase Theorem. I don't like it, but it's widely used.
America is one of the few places where the failure to promote oneself is widely regarded as arrogance.
Of course, I follow Bollywood. In fact, it's widely followed in Brazil.
Television probably has become the most evocative, widely observed signpost we have.
Our bounty, like a drop of water, disappears, when diffus'd too widely — © Oliver Goldsmith
Our bounty, like a drop of water, disappears, when diffus'd too widely
In film lyrics, I avoid Persianised words because they are not widely understood.
I grew up in a bookish family, so I read very widely. I was omnivorous, really.
Religion is the most widely debated and least agreed upon phenomenon of human history.
Whales and dolphins have extraordinary hearing and the ability to communicate in widely varying voices.
I think the other misconceptions when the film came out, he was very upset that it was so widely released and so widely seen. And neither one of us - well, I think I had hopes it would be, 'cause I really did think it was something special.
I read more widely. I made friends more widely. I wore more red. I stayed home on Sundays. I did things that were never in the realm of possible things to do before. That was a real desert experience for me.
Our Cosmic Habitat is certain to be widely quoted and widely read. It is beautifully written, using inspiring and stimulating analogies. While the book is intended for the nonscientist, it provides an accurate guide to the best current thinking about the nature and constitution of our universe. If I wanted to give a gift to a person I would like to become a close friend, this is the book I would choose.
The aristocracy most widely developed in America is that of wealth.
The events of October 1962 are widely hailed as Kennedy's finest hour.
Growth is widely thought to be the panacea for all the major economic ills of the modern world. — © Herman Daly
Growth is widely thought to be the panacea for all the major economic ills of the modern world.
She was loved deeply, but not widely
Turkey is widely envied while there are very serious troubles in the world economy.
Money is like manure. It's most effective when it's spread around widely.
I think 'method acting' is a widely abused term.
Read widely and with discrimination. Bad writing is contagious.
Arbitrage proof has since been widely used throughout finance and economics.
Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely.
As a reader, I read quite widely.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
The value of an arts education is widely accepted, especially in California.
Paul Ryan is a nationally tested leader that is widely known and respected.
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