Top 1200 Will You Marry Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Will You Marry Me quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Girls marry for love. Boys marry because of a chronic irritation that causes them to gravitate in the direction of objects with certain curvilinear properties.
If you would marry suitably, marry your equal.
Diogenes would frequently praise those who were about to marry, and yet did not marry. — © Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes would frequently praise those who were about to marry, and yet did not marry.
You can rest assured that I will marry... And I will also create my own family.
For so many generations, a woman's only career path was to marry well and to marry up. Those days have changed.
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.
This is a slippery slope in addition to that. At what point are we going to OK marrying inanimate objects? Can - can I marry this table, or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? This is ridiculous.
Southern Baptist Convention's EC president Frank Page tells me: "If I'm told I have to marry same sex couples I will refuse."
You marry your friends when you stay with your friends. It's hard enough to find a good roommate, let alone a good person you can live with and fall in love with at the same time. You might as well just take your roommate, if you can find one, and marry them. I mean, if you can find somebody that doesn't drive you crazy, I would say marry that.
I had done an interview with 'Hello' magazine. In it, they asked me if I was going to marry Emily Blunt. Of course, what was I going to say? I said, 'Oh yeah I am going to marry her and I love her and all of this stuff.' It's true. I was making a joke. They said to me, 'Have you asked her?' I said, 'Have I? Maybe I am asking her through the magazine.'
I gained everything. Or at least I'll think so," he growled, suddenly impatient, anxious, "when you give me a bloody answer to my bloody question. How many times are you going to make me ask you? Will you marry me, Gabrielle O'Callaghan? Yes or yes? And in case you're still managing to miss the point, the correct answer is 'yes.' And, by the way, anytime you'd like to tell me you love me, I wouldn't mind hearing it.
Go figure that. Joseph Morelli with a house, a dog, a steady job, and an SUV. And on odd days of the month he woke up wanting to marry me. It turns out want to marry him on even days of the month, so to date we've been spared commitment.
wait," I said. "so you're saying that you proposed to me because I'm a mess and I'm a person and because we need each other, while Rebecca was —— something else? I get it, I follow you, but I'm also thinking, is the bullshit getting a little deep in here?" "Yes, it is. You've caught me. And so fine, I will come clean, and I will tell you the absolutely true and naked reason why I want to marry you and only you, and not Rebecca." "Why?" "Because when I'm with you, I'm the pretty one.
When I meet a beautiful girl, the first thing I say is 'will you marry me?'. The second thing I say is, 'how do you do?' — © Tommy Manville
When I meet a beautiful girl, the first thing I say is 'will you marry me?'. The second thing I say is, 'how do you do?'
At what age should one marry? As a rule of thumb, perhaps not until you are past the age of feeling strongly that you must marry.
People marry through a variety of other reasons, and with varying results: but to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy.
The girl who I will marry will have a heart so wise that in the hollow of her eyes my heart will want to tarry. The girl who will be mine will have skin so soft and tender, and when it comes December, her skin will be my wine.
I have thoroughly compromised your niece," Alex declared. "Will you plase insist that she marry me?" Caroline didn't bat an eyelash. "This", she announced, "is most peculiar.
Mort was hurt by this. It was one thing not to want to marry someone, but quite another to be told they didn't want to marry you.
Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves.
The answer is no, I would rather marry the Demon King himself than marry you. I suggest you look elsewhere for a bride. And heaven help the one you choose.
When I marry my name will not change.
Don't marry so you can stop pursuing women. Marry so you can perfect the pursuit of ONE woman for a lifetime.
People don't think about the fact that when Barack Obama's parents had him - it was illegal for them to be married in several states in this country. So if we start making it okay that certain people can marry and other people can't, it's a slippery slope of civil rights. Who knows who is going to be allowed to marry or not marry next.
Here's my advice to you: don't marry until you can tell yourself that you've done all you could, and until you've stopped loving the women you've chosen, until you see her clearly, otherwise you'll be cruelly and irremediably mistaken. Marry when you're old and good for nothing...Otherwise all that's good and lofty in you will be lost.
Never marry something until you've established the perfect pizza ratio...The premise is simple. My husband and I knew we were made for each other because we're a 6:2 ratio, six slices for him and two for me...Never marry a man who wants two slices one week and four the next. They're undependable and highly unpredictable and will likely dump you for some Internet honey who says she doesn't mind his back hair.
If you can marry a handsome man or a beautiful woman and you have two choices and both people are equally nice or obnoxious, you might as well marry the wealthy one.
You must be independent and able to do for yourself. Then you do not have to marry a rich man; you can marry a poor one. And if it is wrong, you can go.
I can do anything for the person I love. I love my parents, and if they ask me to blindly marry someone, I will do so.
Men marry what they need. I marry you.
I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd.
Marry or marry not, in any either case you'll regret it
We read that Adam and Methuselah lived so many centuries; at that time, it was the custom to marry in the family - marry as closely as possible - so that the tie of blood might be as strong as it could be made.
Marry your sonne when you will; your daughter when you can. [Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.]
Unlike President Obama, I am not afraid to state, without a wink or a nod, that the government has no right to tell us who we can marry or not marry.
I want to keep the government out of the business of giving incentives to have or not have kids, or incentives to marry or not marry.
When you marry someone, you marry their entire family.
I pride myself on my personilty and not my looks because one day, I will be old and crusty with a moustache, and someone is going to love me for my personality and not looks. So whoever is going to marry me is going to laugh till he dies.
Marriage is a civil right. If you don't want gay people to marry in your church, good for you. But you can't say they can't marry in your city. — © Julian Bond
Marriage is a civil right. If you don't want gay people to marry in your church, good for you. But you can't say they can't marry in your city.
If a man really loves a woman, of course he wouldn't marry her for the world if he were not quite sure that he was the best person she could possibly marry.
As you are not yet married, and as marriage is the fundamental state of life as well as the unity of the commonwealth, make up your mind whether you are called to this state. If you make up your mind to marry, do not marry merely a good wife: marry a good mother to your children.
I will not marry again. There is no need.
Would I marry again? No. But never say never. Why marry? It's a beautiful fortress, but I don't need it.
Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary: I humbly pray to heaven above that I love the man I marry.
Will you marry me, vile and abominable girl that you are? Yes, but, mind, it only to save my neck from being wrung!
I asked my girlfriend, 'Will you marry me?' She said, 'We'll have to ask my father.' So we had a seance and Jack Ruby says, 'Hello!'
Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not.
Keep dating and you will become so sick, so badly crippled, so deformed, so emotionally warped and mentally defective that you will marry anybody.
I would have everybody marry if they can do it properly: I do not like to have people throw themselves away; but everybody should marry as soon as they can do it to advantage.
If thou wouldst marry wisely, marry thine equal. — © Ovid
If thou wouldst marry wisely, marry thine equal.
Marry a good woman, and be happy the rest of your life. Or, marry a bad, and become a good philosopher
The thing is, if I ever found a guy I could fall in love with, I'd want to marry him and have his children. And that scares me to death because I think I'm a whole bunch of crazy, and I always worry that a guy will walk away once he really, truly knows me.
On the whole, I haven't found men unduly loath to say, 'I love you.' The real trick is to get them to say, 'Will you marry me?
How long before married people answer the dictators thus: Regardless of law, marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down, so it can be replaced with a government that will respect and support marriage, and help me raise my children in a society where they will expect to marry in their turn.
When you're told there's no way you can marry the woman you love and your only hope of being near her is to marry her sister, wouldn't you do the same?
I had never considered myself a political guy, but there are certain things I can't shut up about. When I hear people say things like, 'If 'we' allow gays to marry, then people will want to marry animals and children,' I can't just stand there.
People marry for a variety of reasons and with varying results. But to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy.
The stupid vamp just asked me to marry him. Here, now? As if looking like I just died is how I wanted to be proposed to." Joy did a lap around Kylie's heart. "And you said?" Holiday took a sip of water. "I asked him if we couldn't just live together in sin." "And?" "He told me it wouldn't be a good example to our students. So...I agreed to marry him." She pushed a hand against her forehead. "Dear God, what am I getting myself into?
The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
At my graduation, I thought we had to marry what we wished to become. Now you are becoming the men you once would have wished to marry.
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