Top 1200 Wind Turbines Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Wind Turbines quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
My parents played the Bee Gees; Earth, Wind & Fire; Michael Jackson. The best pop music to infiltrate a child's mind.
The White House says that the vacation in Texas will give President Bush the chance to unwind. My question is, when does the guy wind?
Evolution is a process that never stops. Baboons who fail to exhibit moral behavior do not survive; they wind up as meat for leopards. — © Robert A. Heinlein
Evolution is a process that never stops. Baboons who fail to exhibit moral behavior do not survive; they wind up as meat for leopards.
You can widen the feet of a compass, but they are still attached at the top; you can spin them away from each other, but you always wind up where you started.
what if a much of a which of a wind gives the truth to summer's lie; bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun and yanks immortal stars awry?
Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design?
I was termed 'choosy' because when an actor decides to go against the wind and takes on only non-formula films, he is not left with much choice.
Everybody thinks they can do my job better than me, they always feel you've got to throw caution to the wind and that's the way supporters are.
The oboe's a horn made of wood. I'd play you a tune if I could, But the reeds are a pain, And the fingering's insane. It's the ill wind that no one blows good.
Stay free of petty jealousies, live by no man's code, and hold your judgment for yourself, lest you wind up on this road.
Unfriending me when I didn’t even know we were friends? It’s like breaking wind when you’re home alone. If I can’t smell you, knock yourself out.
The writer gleans wind scraps; he listens wherever he can. Each day is full of instances; what counts, as with all stimuli, is the sympathetic response.
What to do when inspiration doesn't come; be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes. — © John Huston
What to do when inspiration doesn't come; be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes.
I have a soft spot for 'Wind of Change' because it was my first one, and it was a departure from Humble Pie - very much so. It showed me the spectrum of what I could do.
I was a reluctant convert, and I am by no means a zealot. But the evidence is compelling: to write off wind-power is either ill-informed or dishonest.
Courage! Do not fall back; in a little the place will be yours. Watch! When the wind blows my banner against the bulwark, you shall take it.
their powerlessness, innocence, and imagination fused to enable them to turn time inside out, travel on the wind, and enter the souls of animals.
There's an energy and excitement when you're building a company. You have so much tail wind. You're planting new seeds. But it's also scary, because there's no safety net.
Steve Jobs was not only the heart and soul of Apple, he was the wind underneath the technology market. Both are significantly diminished by his passing.
A million dollars sounds like a lot, I know. Especially when you're young. But you can't let money erode your principles or you'll wind up with nothing.
The pine fought the storm and broke. The willow yielded to the wind and snow and did not break. Practice Jiu-Jitsu in just this way.
Starting a novel is opening a door on a misty landscape; you can still see very little but you can smell the earth and feel the wind blowing.
May is a pious fraud of the almanac A ghastly parody of real Spring Shaped out of snow and breathed with eastern wind.
I turned my head and saw the wind, Not far from where I stood, Dragging the corn by her golden hair, Into a dark and lonely wood.
When wild the head-wind beat, Thy sovereign Will commanding Bring them who dare to fly To a safe landing.
Like two eagles soar as one upon the river of the wind with the promise of forever, we will take the past and learn how to begin.
A voice is in the wind I do not know A meaning on the face of the high hills Whose utterance I cannot comprehend. A something is behind them: that is God.
I feel like if you're a girl in the South, you know 'Gone with the Wind' better than anything. Scarlett O'Hara is such a quintessential Southern woman.
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary.
You ask Why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl's better off dead
I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.
You can catch a scent in the wind - an idea, or a concept - and follow it. You can delve into your subconscious and see what happens, in a way you just can't when you're writing a novel.
I was asleep, in the upstairs bedroom, in the rear of the house. There was this tremendous crash, there was a terrible wind force hitting my body, and then I blanked out.
The sea, the stars, the night wind in waste places, mean more to me than even the human beings I love best.
Our nation's power plant fleet must include a mix of solar, wind, hydro, natural gas and nuclear plants.
I want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia, where we harness our greatest natural resources: sun, wind, and brain power.
It's a lot harder to push forward things, like energy policy. There's a big dream out there about wind and solar power.
In winter, when the dismal rain 
 Comes down in slanting lines, 
 And Wind, that grand old harper, smote 
 His thunder-harp of pines. — © Alexander Smith
In winter, when the dismal rain Comes down in slanting lines, And Wind, that grand old harper, smote His thunder-harp of pines.
These television shows that have 14 shots of somebody looking at each other with the wind blowing through their hair drive me insane.
Well, I aren't like a bird-clapper, forced to make a rattle when the wind blows on me. I can keep my own counsel when there's no good i' speaking.
My writing life is always a bit disorganized. It's hard for me to get going, but sometimes, once I begin, I go like the wind.
The last thing you want to do is play a long gig on a hot night, pass out, and wind up in a hospital emergency room.
Our doom is, to be sifted by the wind, heaped up, smoothed down like silly sands. We are less permanent than thought.
I don't intend to kind of like wind down and get decrepit. I have a challenge to keep myself going. To eat right. To exercise.
I think sometimes older people wind up being a little childlike. They've done their time, now they get to do what they want.
There's no place you can go on the prairie that you don't hear the white noise of the wind, steady and rough as surf curling along a non-existant shore.
Fossil fuels are raw materials that have to be extracted and processed. Wind and solar energy are different. The only costs associated with them are technological.
Whenever you put your faith in big government for any reason, sooner or later you wind up an apologist for mass murder. — © Karl Hess
Whenever you put your faith in big government for any reason, sooner or later you wind up an apologist for mass murder.
It's said that love makes the world go around. Let me tell you, the announcement lacks verification. It's the wind from the dinner horn that does it.
The laws of supply and demand drive up the price, inevitably, over time. But solar and wind are abundant and renewable resources.
And like a wind shall I one day blow amongst them and with my spirit take away their soul's breath: thus my future wills it.
Vain the ambition of kings Who seek by trophies and dead things To leave a living name behind, And weave but nets to catch the wind.
There was nothing dishonourable in not being blown about by every little modern wind. Better to have worth, to entrench, to be an oak of one's own generation.
I'm proud of the fact that I thought of the solar wind. It was an exercise in pursuing curiosity, which is the main motivation for studying physics from a personal standpoint.
Making the unbelievable believable is different on a set with 'Fantastic Four,' where it's like, 'Wind machines! Because the airship is coming in and you're pretending to be afraid!'
Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame!
Whenever I throw caution to the wind I make sure I'm facing the right way so that it doesn't blow back and hit me in my face.
Saudi Arabia is blessed with energy from various sources, whether it's fossil in oil and gas, or renewables, wind and solar, that are extremely competitive.
The idea that men are from Mars and women are from Venus is a bunch of bullshit. Treat her like you would a friend, and you'll wind up with a lover.
I realized that it's insane to oppose it. When I argue with reality, I lose-but only 100% of the time. How do I know that the wind should blow? It's blowing!
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