Top 1200 Windows And Doors Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Windows And Doors quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
In spring 2011, I was arrested for allowing my son, then 4, to wait in a car with the windows open for a few minutes.
I think Apple's revenge is just the fact that Windows, you know, PCs all became Macintoshes in a way.
When I was a girl, my grandmother would take me during the holidays to see the windows at Saks and Rockefeller Center. — © Michael Learned
When I was a girl, my grandmother would take me during the holidays to see the windows at Saks and Rockefeller Center.
Doors are for people with no imagination.
Huh? Windows was designed to keep the idiots away from Unix so we could hack in peace. Let's not break that.
Be an opener of doors
I sang the songs in 'The Doors'.
In my head there are several windows, that I do know, but perhaps it is always the same one, open variously on the parading universe.
Window washers increase the vision in the windows of the buildings; wisdom quotes do the same thing in the eyes of the people!
Writing is like washing windows in the sun. With every attempt to perfect clarity, you make a new smear.
I saw my bulky person in the windows of the passing storefronts and wondered, when will that man there find himself to be loved? the habit of watching every bit of human life I can see about my windows, but I do it so that I am not observed at it.
Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened. — © Charles Spurgeon
Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.
Let no one destitute of geometry enter my doors.
I see the role of the writer as creating a room with big windows and leaving the reader to imagine. It's a meeting on the page.
For me, the Lord has opened the windows of heaven and showered blessings upon my family beyond my ability to express.
Imagination is a licensed trespasser: it has no fear of dogs, but may climb over walls and peep in at windows with impunity.
When cars honk and hoot and drunks squeeze out of car windows and scream, you can be sure that football is in the air.
The doors of wisdom are never shut.
We are the windows through which our children first see the world. Let us be conscious of the view.
There are many doors to the heart.
Doors are for those who lack enemies.
In L.A. you hear all these stories of people being filmed in their own homes through their windows. I think that is so scary.
It's doubtful that any fiction worth reading has been produced on a computer running Windows Vista.
My father probably - he had flashes of creativity - he used to do store windows for fruit stores that he worked in and stuff.
There are no unlockable doors.
I think belief is like having the first Microsoft Windows - it's so rudimentary, in the human brainwork, it's so obviously a sham.
When we are not rich enough to be able to purchase happiness, we must not approach to near and gaze on it in shop windows.
There are some heads which have no windows, and the day can never strike from above; nothing enters from heavenard.
Good clothes open all doors.
They say dreams are the windows of the soul-take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts.
I do not wish my house to be walled and my windows stuffed. I want all cultures to blow freely through my dwelling.
Our computers have become windows through which we can gaze upon a world that is virtually without horizons or boundaries.
...primal people see the objects of this world not (or not only) as solid but as open windows to their divine source.
I appreciate all the devices the Windows people are coming up with, but the operating system... I just want to smash it.
I liked the Doors and that kind of music.
The body is a house of many windows: there we all sit, showing ourselves and crying on the passers-by to come and love us.
What I do with my books is to create windows to my world that all may peer into. I share the images, the feelings and thoughts, and, I hope, the delight. — © Walter Dean Myers
What I do with my books is to create windows to my world that all may peer into. I share the images, the feelings and thoughts, and, I hope, the delight.
And I see that not touching for so long was a drive to the beach with the windows rolled up so the waves feel that much colder.
She liked the way he smelled - kind of free and open, like driving with the windows down at night.
I open the doors for everybody all the time.
First sentences are doors to worlds.
The doors of hell are locked from the inside!
If the great thing about the Internet is that it throws wide the doors of discussion to everyone, the bad thing about the Internet is that it throws wide the doors of discussion to everyone.
The whole existence is surrounded by a divine energy that protects you, cares for you, is always available. If you go on missing it, it is only because of you. If you keep your doors closed, the sun may be outside but you will live in darkness. Even if the doors are open and the sun is there, you can keep your eyes closed and you will still live in darkness. So is the case with god: his love is always there but our hearts are not open, our hearts are closed.
He stepped into my room with one graceful move, as if entering through bedroom windows was nothing out of the ordinary.
There are a lot of films where I play characters that are about the windows to the interior person rather than the exterior.
Booking windows are shrinking, and customers are going mobile: trends which position HotelTonight perfectly for the future. — © Barry Sternlicht
Booking windows are shrinking, and customers are going mobile: trends which position HotelTonight perfectly for the future.
I thank God for Closed Doors
When windows shatter through a bomb, we will repair it next week because we are Afghans. That's the spirit.
If you play well, you can open doors.
Assumptions are unopened windows that foolish birds fly into, and their broken bodies are evidence gathered too late.
All doors open to courtesy.
There are no windows within the dark house of depression through which to see others, only mirrors.
Doors opened for me and I ran for it.
The first step in wisdom, as well as in morality, is to open the windows of the ego as wide as possible.
When I see Tiffany windows in churches across the United States, I get a sense of spiritual upliftment from that.
We must open the doors of opportunity.
I did not want windows, only skylights. I chose my painting wall as it has the best morning light.
For personal use, I recommend the free and open-source Truecrypt, which comes in flavors for Windows, Mac and Linux.
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