Top 1200 Wise Life Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wise Life quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The only real difference between a wise man and a fool, Moore knew, was that the wise man tended to make more serious mistakes—and only because no one trusted a fool with really crucial decisions; only the wise had the opportunity to lose battles, or nations.
Much has been said of the loneliness of wisdom, and how much the Truth seeker becomes a pilgrim wandering from star to star. To the ignorant, the wise man is lonely because he abides in distant heights of the mind. But the wise man himself does not feel lonely. Wisdom brings him nearer to life; closer to the heart of the world than the foolish man can ever be. Bookishness may lead to loneliness, and scholarship may end in a battle of beliefs, but the wise man gazing off into space sees not an emptiness, but a space full of life, truth, and law.
Be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would. — © Neil Gaiman
Be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.
It is ignorance that is at times incomprehensible to the wise; for instance, he may not see 'the positive person' or 'the negative person' in a black and white way as many people do. A wise man may not understand it because, as a catalyst of wisdom, but not wise in his own eyes, even he can learn from and give back to fools. To think that an individual has absolutely nothing to offer to the table is counter-intuitively what the wise man considers to be 'the ignorance of hopelessness'.
We are the wise. Do not envy us— We who are too wise to draw near the fire Lest we get burned; We who are too wise to love Lest love should vanish and we be hurt. We are the wise. Do not envy us our wisdom— We who are too wise to live Lest we should die.
I'm going forward with my plans for life. I'm looking at things not only basketball-wise, but personal-wise.
I don't really know the person who wrote the things I wrote. I kind of know him, but I change so much all the time that it's like I start fresh over and over and over and over. Writing-wise and life-wise.
When we looked at the life cycle in our 40s, we looked to old people for wisdom. At 80, though, we look at other 80-year-olds to see who got wise and who not. Lots of old people don't get wise, but you don't get wise unless you age.
In the West the wise are usually thought of as leaders. In the East, the wise are very often though of as followers.
No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise or entertainment industry-wise.
Every man wishes to be wise, and they who cannot be wise are almost always cunning.
All my songs instinctively erupted from my guitar and lyrical visions followed the spirit of the music, bot image wise and rhythmical cadence wise. It remains one of life's greatest joys to this day.
If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue. — © Francis Quarles
If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue.
Being a senior doesn't automatically make one wise but the wise & foolish alike have things to teach us.
Advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.
To be wise use three languages: think well, feel well and do well. And to be wise allow yourselves to be surprised by the love of God. That will guarantee a good life.
They're mutually incompatible I feel; being a wise thief and a wise father.
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
The wise man must be wise before, not after, the event.
The wise man is wise in vain who cannot be wise to his own advantage. [Lat., Nequicquam sapere sapientem, qui ipse sibi prodesse non quiret.]
The wise are not wise because they make no mistakes. They are wise because they correct their mistakes as soon as they recognize them.
Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise.
Wise kings generally have wise counselors; and he must be a wise man himself who is capable of distinguishing one.
A wise quote can only change a wise man! Therefore, wise sayings are for the wise men, not for the fools! The sunflowers turn their face toward the Sun, the fools, toward the darkness!
Wise leaders generally have wise counselors because it takes a wise person themselves to distinguish them.
I was born wise. Street-wise, people-wise, self-wise. This wisdom was my birthright.
To be afraid of our next life because we don't feel we've done a good job with this life is not wise. It creates unhappiness now.
There is no man ... however wise, who has not at some period of his youth said things, or lived a life, the memory of which is so unpleasant to him that he would gladly expunge it. And yet he ought not entirely to regret it, because he cannot be certain that he has indeed become a wise man -- so far as it is possible for any of us to be wise -- unless he has passed through all the fatuous or unwholesome incarnations by which that ultimate stage must be preceded.
I find that with period pieces, you're sort of able to really take advantage of what's around you because prop-wise, wardrobe-wise and location-wise, it's all so specific due to that time.
By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself.
Cato used to assert that wise men profited more by fools than fools by wise men; for that wise men avoided the faults of fools, but that fools would not imitate the good examples of wise men.
Much has seen said of the wisdom of old age. Old age is wise, I grant, for itself, but not wise for the community. It is wise in declining new enterprises, for it has not the power nor the time to execute them; wise in shrinking from difficulty, for it has not the strength to overcome it; wise in avoiding danger, for it lacks the faculty of ready and swift action, by which dangers are parried and converted into advantages. But this is not wisdom for mankind at large, by whom new enterprises must be undertaken, dangers met, and difficulties surmounted.
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Now I got kids and I'm more wise now. Life means more to me than having fun. I'm more calm, more wise, and more cautious.
Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise.
The man who walks with wise men becomes wise himself.
In New Mexico, my local church did a nativity play, and I was cast as Wise Man #3. Of course, Wise Man #3 had no damn lines. Wise Man #1 had all the lines! I stood there thinking, 'I could do that role so much better!' From that moment on, I knew I wanted to be an actor.
Friendship of the wise is good; a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. — © Rumi
Friendship of the wise is good; a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
When I can look life in the eyes, grown calm and very coldly wise, life will have given me the truth, and taken in exchange - my youth.
Lots of old people don't become wise, but you don't get wise unless you age.
The difference between a 'wise guy' and a wise man is plenty!
We have no words for speaking of wisdom to the stupid. He who understands the wise is wise already.
Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice.
Where wise actions are the fruit of life, wise discourse is the pollination.
There's no greater sign of being a poor philosopher and wise man than wanting all of life to be wise and philosophical.
There is a lot of territory out there still to explore TV-wise, show-wise, movie-wise, everything.
Woody Allen once said that 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.' This is certainly a very wise wish! Whoever grasped the triviality of anything besides the existence is a wise man indeed! There is no substitute for life!
To the wise man, to the wise nation, the mistakes of the past are the torches of the present. — © Robert Green Ingersoll
To the wise man, to the wise nation, the mistakes of the past are the torches of the present.
To be wise doesn't always mean to have a wrinkled face and sparkly eyes. To be wise means to be still inside.
All things and all people in life have to sink or swim on their own merits, not their reputation; that just as a wise man can say a foolish thing, a fool can say something wise.
None of us was born knowing or wise; but men become wise by consideration, observation, experience.
We can learn much from wise words, little from wisecracks, and less from wise guys.
All I have learned in life really just boils down to this: there is only one difference between the so-called wise and the so-called foolish...and between those who are truly happy and those who are not. Those who are wise - and those who are happy - embrace and appreciate life. Those who are unhappy and unwise do not. That is all; that is the only difference.
The life of any one can by no means be changed after death; an evil life can in no wise be converted into a good life, or an infernal into an angelic life: because every spirit, from head to foot, is of the character of his love, and therefore, of his life; and to convert this life into its opposite, would be to destroy the spirit utterly.
One is more apt to become wise by doing fool things than by reading wise sayings.
I'm very positive - music-wise, production-wise and life-wise.
Far best is he who is himself all-wise, and he, too, good who listens to wise words; But whoso is not wise or lays to hear another's wisdom is a useless man.
If you young fellows were wise, the devil couldn't do anything to you, but since you aren't wise, you need us who are old.
Maybe in my personal life, but as far as my career, I've been offered some humongous things in my career and didn't take them. I look back and think, oh man, well I'd have been well off monetarily wise, but artistic wise I don't know. I'd have to say, personally, in my personal life, yeah, but in my musical life, on twenty-twenty hindsight I would say just take the good with the bad.
O' youth do not disobey the words of the wise. Its better than fortune if the wise-one gives you advice.
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