Top 1200 Within Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Within quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The angels and the devils are definitely within us, not within the machines we use.
Your Remedy is within you, but you do not sense it. Your Sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it. You Presume you are a small entity, But within you is enfolded the entire universe. You are indeed the evident book, By whose alphabet the hidden becomes the manifest. Therefore, you have no need to look beyond yourself, What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.
There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness. There is respect for the environment and for the individuals within it, which comes through experience of freedom within the community.
I believe that I am a child of God, endowed with a divine birthright. I believe that there is something of divinity within me and within each of you. I believe that we have a godly inheritance and that it is our responsibility, our obligation, and our opportunity to cultivate and nurture the very best of these qualities within us.
In reality, everything is within; the outer is just a projection. Fear is within you; it is projected as a hell. Hell is just a projected image on the screen - of the fear that is within you, of the anger, of the jealousy, of all that is poisonous in you, of all that is evil in you. Heaven is, again, a projected image on the screen - of all that is good and beautiful, of all that is blissful within you.
The enemy is within, and within stays within, and we can't get out of within. — © Arthur Miller
The enemy is within, and within stays within, and we can't get out of within.
There's no vocabulary For love within a family, love that's lived in But not looked at, love within the light of which All else is seen, the love within which All other love finds speech. This love is silent.
All that you seek is already within you. In Hinduism it is called the Atman, in Buddhism the pure Buddha-Mind. Christ said, 'the kingdom of heaven is within you.' Quakers call it the ‘still small voice within.’ This is the space of full awareness that is in harmony with all the universe, and thus is wisdom itself.
Artists have to show us what is not going well within the person and within the society, not try to cover it up.
You get a compound fracture in Colorado where I live, and you can probably be in a hospital within a matter of hours, certainly within a day.
The magic doesn't come from within the director's mind, it comes from within the hearts of the actors.
Cry within. Meditate within. Dive within. Your inner achievements will far outweigh your outer imperfections.
The babe is at peace within the womb, the corpse is at rest within the tomb. We begin in what we end.
I think you can make jokes about anything. But you have to accept that there will be people who don't like it. And they are completely within their rights, just as you are completely within your rights to say whatever you want to say. They're within their rights to react how they're going to react.
It's nice to create a character, not just within two scenes, but within the journey of a whole movie. It's fun to do that.
My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. Truly yours, Albert Camus
If you can draw the stone rightly, everything within reach of art is also within yours. — © John Ruskin
If you can draw the stone rightly, everything within reach of art is also within yours.
Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life - this is what you are here for
Within us lies the peace, the beauty, the glory of our being. There is an ocean of all that. We cannot seek it outside, we have to go within.
As you meditate, over time your consciousness becomes awake within itself. The silent witness within saturates and illuminates the mind so that it does not look to the past or the future for fulfillment. It experiences peace and freedom within itself in every moment.
In chanting, one tries to find one's own sound, literally, and then to go within that-to find the sounds within one's own sound, to bring out that which is within, to go into, explore and discover oneself.
The Spirit lurks within the Flesh Like Tides within the Sea That make the Water live, estranged What would the Either be?
I think I just really understand what it is to feel like you don't fit in, within your society, within your world, within your family, within whatever. I've always felt like an odd duck so I really understood that.
I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one.
Peace is when the heart is no longer in duality, when the struggle within has been resolved.... A voice has been calling out: "What you are looking for is within you. Your truth is within you, your peace is within you..."
When you feel expansion of your consciousness, that is the most ecstatic experience possible, because suddenly you are the whole universe. Stars are within you. The sun rises within you and sets within you. The earth moves within you. The flowers blossom within you.
When the very source of creation is within you, all the solutions are within you. The problems are just created by you.
The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite wisdom, infinite power and infinite supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within they will take form in the world without.
As long as we work within the budget and are responsible, which by the way it's amazing how many people aren't but we are. We've worked within the budget. We've worked within the time and we're making the movie that we want. That's the reward and I couldn't be happier.
Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell.
Though the eye is small, the soul which sees through it is greater and vaster than all the things which it perceives. In fact, it is so great that it includes all objects, however large or numerous, within itself. For it is not so much that you are within the cosmos as that the cosmos is within you.
The true teacher is within us. A good teacher is someone who can help you to go back and touch the true teacher within, because you already have the insight within you.
There is a peace deep within myself from knowing that all things are held within and sustained by the love of God.
Within a social structure, a familial structure, or a cultural structure of various kinds, there is a substitute for actual freedom. I mean, actual freedom is a very abstract notion; we have no idea what it means, except within a context - freedom to do what? So within these social structures, freedom becomes defined as power, your ability to make choices, and the power relationship within a family, any family.
When you are in touch with that dimension within yourself-and being in touch with it is your natural state, all your actions and relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within. This is love. Laws, commandments, rules and regulations are necessary for those who are cut off from who they are, the Truth within.
New York in a way functions as another character within the story, as it does within most of Woody Allen's stories.
The music comes from within and outside. Within is the big mystery of life; we've all got it.
Greatness can’t be imposed; it has to come from within. But it does live within all of us.
Heaven and God are not high above us, far away; they are deep within us. Heaven is not a distant country where there are trees and houses and other objects; it is a plane of consciousness within us. Seekers of the eternal Truth will realise their eternal Heaven within their aspiring hearts.
Nobody can do as much damage to the church of God as the man who is within its walls, but not within its life.
Any time you know you're within the law, within your legal rights, within your moral rights, in accord with justice, then die for what you believe in. But don't die alone. Let your dying be reciprocal. This is what is meant by equality. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Married life, if lived with the proper love and understanding, helps awaken the feminine within a man, and the masculine within a woman. — © Mata Amritanandamayi
Married life, if lived with the proper love and understanding, helps awaken the feminine within a man, and the masculine within a woman.
I think that women find their strength and power in their sexuality, in their sensuality within, [through] getting older and being secure within that.
God thinks within geniuses, dreams within poets, and sleeps within the rest of us.
You study, you learn, but you guard the original naivete. It has to be within you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within the lover.
I create a guise or a band that I can operate within, and within each one of those bands, I've got an M.O. or a set of rules and parameters I can work within.
Suppose within each book there is another book, and within every letter on every page another volume constantly unfolding; but these volumes take no space on the desk. Suppose knowledge could be reduced to a quintessence, held within a picture, a sign, held within a place which is no place. Suppose the human skull were to become capacious, spaces opening inside it, humming chambers like beehives.
Within You is the Light of a Thousand Suns. - Within You is Unimaginable Beauty.
If you bring forth that which is within you, Then that which is within you Will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, Then that which is within you Will destroy you. —THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS
I don't know - too much about Robert Williams tactics, but if he was trying to defend himself, he was within his God-given rights and within - and he was also within his natural right, because first law of nature is self-preservation.
What we are seeking is the nexus of all possible worlds and states of mind, which is within us. The source of yin and yang is within you.
Remember that true beauty comes from within - from within bottles, jars, compacts, and lipstick tubes — © Jeffree Star
Remember that true beauty comes from within - from within bottles, jars, compacts, and lipstick tubes
The real road, to me, was within the actor, within myself, within my own personality. How much Jeffrey can I find, and how much of Jeffrey could I access? What parts of Jeffrey have I never used for Hank or for George or Oscar? - and that was a delight.
I'm obsessed with the science of music. I'm obsessed with the way you can string notes together and they can do something, and you play the same notes in another way and they do nothing. How the essence within songs - within words, within lyrics - finds its place.
[Donald Trump] can do it [build the wall] by executive order by just re-programming money within the within the Immigration Service.
Look within. Within you is the hidden God. Within you is the immortal soul. Within you is the inexhaustible spiritual treasure. Within you is the ocean of bliss. Look within for the happiness which you have sought in vain.
When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing?
Let there be peace within my walls and prosperity within my palaces.
I had about the biggest, longest wish list anyone could have, and 99 percent of what I wanted to get on the screen we got on the screen within our schedule and within our budget and within our resources.
The source of wisdom and power, of love and beauty, is within ourselves, but not within our egos. It is within our consciousness. Indeed, its presence provides us with a conscious contrast which enables us to speak of the ego as if it were something different and apart: it is the true Self whereas the ego is only an illusion of the mind.
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