Top 1200 Word-Of-Mouth Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Word-Of-Mouth quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Well digital media and social media are eliminating the middle man - in the old days, you had to go through the editors. Or the television producer, you know? Now you have people talking directly to each other, globally who have never met. I think you put the "word" in "word of mouth."
Every time you have with your mouth said well of godliness, and yet gone on in wickedness; or every time you have condemned sin in others, and yet have not refrained it yourselves; I say, every such word and conclusion that hath passed out of thy mouth, sinner, it shall be as a witness against thee in the day of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus Christ utters a word, He opens His mouth so wide that it embraces all Heaven and earth, even though that word be but in a whisper. — © Martin Luther
When Jesus Christ utters a word, He opens His mouth so wide that it embraces all Heaven and earth, even though that word be but in a whisper.
Marketing only really works with word of mouth.
Word of mouth is the best medium of all.
When we were younger and first starting out in Australia, we found that we sold more records by word of mouth because we were playing the bars, clubs, and small places and building a following. And as we got bigger, we still relied a lot on word of mouth.
I want word of mouth to be our biggest voice.
Service Over the years, the number one driver of our growth at Zappos has been repeat customers and word of mouth. Our philosophy has been to take most of the money we would have spent on paid advertising and invest it into customer service and the customer experience instead, letting our customers do the marketing for us through word of mouth.
You can't make money on advertising; you just have to seed the clouds. What you're after is word of mouth.
Success of a film released through DTH depends on word-of-mouth publicity.
Word of mouth travels faster than anything else.
Every word out of my mouth is a word that I've approved.
Word of mouth will trump media attention every time. — © Camille Perri
Word of mouth will trump media attention every time.
I think we're going to have to forget about the radio and just go back to word of mouth.
I'm beginning to think cookies is a code word for something else." "Maybe it is." He tugged on my bag again as he took a confident step back, forcing me down another step. "And just think about it. If cookie was a code word, whatever it symbolizes, it's been in your mouth, sweetheart.
Word of mouth is everything.
No word in our language - not even "Socialism" - has been employed more loosely than "Mysticism." The history of the word begins in close connexion with the Greek mysteries. A mystic is one who has been, or is being, initiated into some esoteric knowledge of Divine things, about which he must keep his mouth shut.
Viral word-of-mouth marketing for GoPro is massive. Video is really the conduit.
'Nuclear' is nothing but trouble. Do you say 'new-clear' or do you say 'nuke-you-ler'? Whoever invented that word had obviously never studied the human mouth. We don't have enough muscles in our face to make that group of letters come out smoothly. The word is missing a middle syllable, for cryin' out loud.
Every time your faith is strengthened as you hear the Word, release it through your mouth to receive your miracle, for God’s Word is out to prosper you!
Word of mouth is the most effective means of communication.
The very first word out of Jesus; mouth in is ministry in the New Testament is clear: repent.
We shed blood to take the word `Grexit' away from the mouth of foreigners, and Syriza is bringing this word back to their mouths.
Starting epidemics requires concentrating resources on a few key area. The Law of the Few says that Connectors, Mavens, and Salesman are responsible for starting word-of-mouth epidemics, which means that if you are interested in starting a word-of-mouth epidemic , your resources ought to be solely concentrated on these three groups. No one else matters.
The American revolutionaries believed in the power of the word. But they had only word of mouth and the printing press. We have the Internet.
The word liberty in the mouth of Mr. Webster sounds like the word love in the mouth of a courtesan.
The name of God should no longer come from the mouth of man. This word that has so long been degraded by usage no longer means anything.... To use the word God is more than sloth, it is a refusal to think, a king of short cut, a hideous shorthand.
Those who seek the Lord should not look for Him outside themselves; on the contrary, they must seek Him within themselves through faith made manifest in action. For He is near you: 'The word is... in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith' (Rom. 10:8) - Christ being Himself the word that is sought.
Remember how it was when we kissed? Armfuls and armfuls of light thrown right at us. A rope dropping down from the sky. How can the word love and the word life even fit in the mouth?
Any one may mouth out a passage with a theatrical cadence, or get upon stilts to tell his thoughts; but to write or speak with propriety and simplicity is a more difficult task. Thus it is easy to affect a pompous style, to use a word twice as big as the thing you want to express; it is not so easy to pitch upon the very word that exactly fits it.
A single word that can be offensive to someone is a horrible thing for anyone who has iman. In other words, filthy language out of your mouth and faith inside your heart cannot coexist. You cannot have iman in your heart and ugly words come out of your mouth. If you have no control over whatever four letter words you keep using every time you get frustrated, there's a spiritual problem, it's not just a habit problem. How can you use a terrible word for anyone who has iman?
We're living in an era where word-of-mouth is on steroids.
I heard you good with them soft lips.. Yeah you know word of mouth.
Word of mouth and the Internet are the only press we have left.
Word-of-mouth is powerful, trusted, and cheap.
"Nuclear" is nothing but trouble. Do you say "new-clear" or do you say "nuke-you-ler"? Whoever invented that word had obviously never studied the human mouth. We don't have enough muscles in our face to make that group of letters come out smoothly. The word is missing a middle syllable, for cryin' out loud.
I [i.e., God] have given you baptism as a gift for the forgiveness of sins, and preach to you unceasingly by word of mouth concerning this treasure, sealing it with the Sacrament of my body and blood, so that you need never doubt. True, it seems little and insignificant that by the washing of water, the Word, and the Sacrament this should all be effected. But don't let your eyes deceive you.
Like all books that have that kind of momentum, it starts from word of mouth. — © Nick Hornby
Like all books that have that kind of momentum, it starts from word of mouth.
If you want to live in the fullness of God's anointing, fill your mouth with His Word.
A team of horses cannot overtake a word that has left the mouth.
God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word.
If the lost word is lost, if the spent word is spent If the unheard, unspoken Word is unspoken, unheard; Still is the spoken word, the Word unheard, The Word without a word, the Word within The world and for the world; And the light shone in the darkness and Against the Word the unstilled world still whirled About the center of the silent Word. Oh my people, what have I done unto thee. Where shall the word be found, where shall the word Resound? Not here, there is not enough silence
I think that when audiences find a movie that they don't expect to like, it adds great word of mouth.
The brand of the patient, consistent, connected, and trusted. The new brand is based on the truth that only comes from experiencing the product, not just yelling about it. Word of mouth is more important (by a factor of 20) than TV advertising, and the remarkability word of mouth demands comes from what we experience, not from spin or taglines or a campaign slogan.
The word itself creates an empty sensation. Try saying it now. "Why?" Notice how your tongue touches nothing when you form the word with your mouth. Feel the gap, the space inside your mouth, that it creates. The air. It is a place that needs filling. It is missing an answer.
How can the word love, the word life, even fit in the mouth?
Without integrity, no company can have positive word of mouth
Word of mouth now has a unprecedented influence because it spreads so far and so fast. — © Alexis Ohanian
Word of mouth now has a unprecedented influence because it spreads so far and so fast.
There’s nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth.
When you gossip, it's self-hexing. Because when you do it, it comes back to you. Everything starts with the word. The word is demonstrating a condition of the mind. If it's in your mind and comes out of your mouth, it will be created.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Some women can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.
Movements, like films, depend on word of mouth.
When one person is struck by the Word, he speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find His living Word in the witness of a brother, in the mouth of man. Therefore, the Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word to him. The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother’s is sure.
Word of mouth is way more important than millions of dollars spent marketing.
Now, there is no business like show business, and there is no publicity like word of mouth. What is word of mouth, you may ask? Well, word of mouth is gold to Hollywood bigwigs, and it equates to box office bonanzas and hit TV shows.
We cannot justify ourselves in living by that particular part of the word that appeals to us, the part that we desire to obey, but must be willing to. . . live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
Word of mouth is very powerful.
There was a sense that there was a lot of word of mouth happening with 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter,' even in hardcover.
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