Top 1200 Words Of Gratitude Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Words Of Gratitude quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
We owe our lives to the sun... How is it, then, that we feel no gratitude?
I sometimes feel I would like to do crazy things with 'Endgame,' where someone says something, but the words, instead of being spoken, are written words projected out of their mouth.
There are some things for which three words are three too many, and three thousand words that many words too less. — © William Faulkner
There are some things for which three words are three too many, and three thousand words that many words too less.
I had one really memorable line. It was all the words you're not allowed to say on the airwaves, so it's one long list of swear words. I knew it anyway, because I was a huge George Carlin fan.
There is a direct parallel in the way that we speak, with natural variations of pitch and volume that give full meaning to our words. This is what is missing in the words on the page of a book, and the notes on the score.
I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable, failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat; for they are the words of fools.
Show enough regret, and your refusal will inspire gratitude.
I find a lot of swearing in films. And I guess that shows my age. But I also feel that where they say those words, they could just as easily have written other words.
My personal prayer is simply my joy to be alive, and to live in gratitude and generosity.
They [corporations] feel neither shame, remorse, gratitude, nor goodwill.
Gratitude and complaining cannot co-exist simultaneously. Choose the one that best serves you.
Words, isolated in the velvet of radio, took on a jeweled particularity. Television has quite the opposite effect: words are drowned in the visual soup in which they are obliged to be served.
Gratitude is the single greatest treasure I will take with me from this experience. — © Oprah Winfrey
Gratitude is the single greatest treasure I will take with me from this experience.
In most of mankind gratitude is merely a secret hope of further favors.
Without Exception, Begin Every Day of your Life with Gratitude.
It's no longer possible to simply build English country houses out of words, because they've already been so thoroughly described that all the applicable words have been used up, and one is forced to build them instead out of words recycled and scavenged from other descriptions of other country houses.
We must purposefully create a life of gratitude if we want to be fully alive.
When you feel gratitude, you are the closest to the natural state you were born to live in.
The worst moment for an atheist is when he feels a profound sense of gratitude and has no one to thank.
Have you ever stopped to consider the power of words? Through mere words, wars have started and ended. Tender feelings have been hurt and soothed. Courage has been instilled and fear has been implanted. Lives have been destroyed and others changed for the better. Think back on your own life when words have hurt you deeply or have comforted and given you strength and hope to do better.
Gratitude is the richest, most joyful feeling humans are privileged to experience.
Time erodes gratitude more quickly than it does beauty!
In religion all words are dirty words. Anybody who gets eloquent about Buddha, or God, or Christ, ought to have his mouth washed out with carbolic soap.
For me, poetry is a way of thinking, and like many poets, I'm driven by the idea of trying to find the impossible, perfect words: the words that will hold my subject.
It's amazing how words can do that, just shred your insides apart. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me - such bullshit.
When you speak words that are relevant to people, they automatically shut up and you know you are in the presence of some very magical words. It's a gift when someone can listen and be quiet and not interrupt.
Develop an 'attitude of gratitude.' Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything they do for you
But still, here are the words Despereaux Tilling spoke to his father. He said, "I forgive you, Pa!" And he said those words because he sensed that it was the only way to save his heart, to stop it from breaking in two. Despereaux, reader, spoke those words to save himself.
All actors have to make the words fit in their mouths, and make the words the words fit to how you say it and how you make it life-like and make it look like what you're saying is just conversation that you're just thinking off the top of your head. That process is not quite improvisation.
Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.
There's often a distressing disconnect between the good words we speak and the way we live our lives. In personal relations and politics, the mass media, the academy and organized religion, our good words tend to float away even as they leave our lips, ascending to an altitude where they neither reflect nor connect with the human condition. We long for words like love, truth, and justice to become flesh and dwell among us. But in our violent world, it's risky business to wrap our frail flesh around words like those, and we don't like the odds.
If the communication is perfect, the words have life, and that is all there is to good writing, putting down on the paper words which dance and weep and make love and fight and kiss and perform miracles.
Yes, I like that word. "More" is a prayer to God, isn't it? Gratitude and plea, all in one.
MONOSYLLABIC, adj. Composed of words of one syllable . . . Commonly Saxon - that is to say, words of a barbarous people destitute of ideas and incapable of any but the most elementary sentiments and emotions.
Jesus evidently hates it when we tear into our brothers or sisters with demeaning words, words that fail to honor the people around us as the beautiful image-bearing creatures that they are.
Friendship based solely upon gratitude is like a photograph; with time it fades.
To see someone you love, in a bad setting, is one of the great barometers of gratitude.
Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people. — © Samuel Johnson
Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.
When gratitude has become a matter of reasoning there are many ways of escaping from its bonds.
Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us.
Gratitude is the appreciation of what is, of life, of existence, of anybody and anything, for just the way it is.
Gratitude is not a virtue I believe in, and to me it seems hypocritical to expect it from a child.
I intend to show my gratitude through actions after forming the government.
Words are humanity's greatest natural resource, but most of us have trouble figuring out how to put them together. Words aren't cheap. They are very precious.
We are full of words whose true meaning we haven't been taught, and one of those words is suffering. Another is the word death. We don't know what they mean, but we use them, and this is a mystery.
The words used to describe the heroes of D-Day are not the current lexicon we tend to use for success. Humble, selfless, brave. Those are not words we attach in 2019 to superstars.
Now this is very profound, what rhythm is, and goes far deeper than words. A sight, an emotion, creates this wave in the mind, long before it makes words to fit it.
God give you pardon from gratitude and other mild forms of servitude. — © Robert Creeley
God give you pardon from gratitude and other mild forms of servitude.
God's foremost treasure on earth Is my ever-blossoming Gratitude-heart.
I'm still happy with the way Einstein's Dreams came out. That book came out of a single inspiration. I really felt like I was not creating the words, that I was hearing the words. That someone else was speaking the words to me and I was just writing them down. It was a very strange experience. That can happen with a short book. I don't think it could happen with a long book.
My gratitude to them [my first teachers] grows as I myself grow older.
The grateful heart will always find opportunities to show its gratitude.
And when you find love, or when you are mature enough to understand it, the feeling you get is gratitude.
What she said was always strange. It had happened long ago. It seemed insignificant. And yet it was something you remembered forever. The words as well as the story. The voice as much as the words.
The energy of gratitude catapults us into the most profound experiences imaginable.
Liquid, flowing words are the choicest and the best, if language is regarded as music. But when it is considered as a picture, then there are rough words which are very telling, they make their mark.
The Rolling Stones were an inkling towards an appreciation of the unity of music, dance and words. Any of the black R&B people who had a stage show that involved dancing, music and words did the same thing, except that I thought Jagger's words were good, his music was good and his dancing was good. I spoke to him about Blake and tried to get him to sing [William] Blake's The Grey Monk, to use his words as lyrics. He didn't do it. In the end, I did it myself.
Gratitude to God makes even a temporal blessing a taste of heaven.
How do you know that?" "Because,"Chong said with raised eyebrows,"when you open those things called 'books',there are words as well as pictures.Sometimes the words tell you stuff.
It is better to light one small candle of gratitude than to curse the darkness.
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