Top 1200 World Hunger Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular World Hunger quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
Their [the evangelicals'] success also points to a hunger for the product they are selling, a hunger that goes beyond any particular issue or cause... They need an assurance that somebody out there cares about them, is listening to them.
Hunger also changes the world - when eating can't be a habit, then neither can seeing.
You know what the problem is with world hunger? We've been sending them food. — © Sam Kinison
You know what the problem is with world hunger? We've been sending them food.
This must be a world of democracy and respect for human rights, a world freed from the horrors of poverty, hunger, deprivation and ignorance, relieved of the threat and the scourge of civil wars and external aggression and unburdened of the great tragedy of millions forced to become refugees.
A man's physical hunger does not prove that man will get any bread; he may die of starvation on a raft in the Atlantic. But surely a man's hunger does prove that he comes of a race which repairs its body by eating and inhabits a world where eatable substances exist. In the same way, though I do not believe (I wish I did) that my desire for Paradise proves that I shall enjoy it, I think it a pretty good indication that such a thing exists and that some men will.
Hunger can explain many acts. It can be said that all vile acts are done to satisfy hunger.
Delaying a meal brings about symptoms most people call "hunger." These symptoms include abdominal cramping, weakness, and feeling ill-the same as during drug withdrawal. This is not hunger. Our dietary habits, especially eating animal-protein-rich foods three times a day, are so stressful to the detoxification system in our liver and kidneys that we start to get withdrawal, or detoxification, symptoms the minute we aren't busy processing such food. Real hunger is not that uncomfortable.
In being aware of others' hunger, we contribute to a more empathic world.
We were given appetites, not to consume the world and forget it, but to taste its goodness and hunger to make it great.
Imagine what it might do to the human spirit to know that we have conquered hunger as a world wide societal issue?
I don't think that there's a burning hunger in the wrestling world to see me necessarily wrestle anybody.
It occurred to me that there wouldn't be world hunger, if you people would MOVE WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!
A fast is not a hunger strike. Fasting submits to God's commands. A hunger strike makes God submit to our demands.
Every evening, I would excuse myself from playing in the backyard and go inside to watch the evening news... I wanted to get out there and see the world, and as a kid, I knew that Peter Jennings had a thirst and hunger to travel the world, too.
There is a spiritual hunger in the world today - and it cannot be satisfied by better cars on longer credit terms. — © Adlai Stevenson I
There is a spiritual hunger in the world today - and it cannot be satisfied by better cars on longer credit terms.
There's nothing as human as hunger. There's no creation without talent, I give you that, but talent is cheap. Talent goes begging. Hunger is the piston of art.
A man with money to pay for a meal can talk about hunger without demeaning himself. ... But for a man with no money hunger is a disgrace.
Veganism is an answer for almost every problem facing the world in terms of hunger and climate change.
The day hunger disappears, the world will see the greatest spiritual explosion humanity has ever seen.
What I did not know yet about hunger, but would find out over the next twenty-one years, was that brilliant theorists of economics do not find it worthwhile to spend time discussing issues of poverty and hunger. They believe that these will be resolved when general economic prosperity increases. These economists spend all their talents detailing the process of development and prosperity, but rarely reflect on the origin and development of poverty and hunger. A a result, poverty continues.
God will fill the hungry because He Himself has stirred up the hunger. As in the case of prayer, when God prepares the heart to pray, He prepares His ear to hear (Ps. 10:17). So in the case of spiritual hunger, when God prepares the heart to hunger, He will prepare His hand to fill.
The key to Christian living is a thirst and hunger for God. And one of the main reasons people do not understand or experience the sovereignty of grace and the way it works through the awakening of sovereign joy is that their hunger and thirst for God is so small.
The Church exists to connect people at the level of their hunger for a new world.
It's not volume, nor is it calories that we biologically hunger for. It's micronutrients. And until we receive enough, the hunger signal will continually urge us to eat. Thankfully, there's a simple fix: nutrient-dense food.
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.
The world of 'The Hunger Games' is a paranoid survivalist's dream.
Farmers everywhere provide bread for all humanity, but it is Christ alone who is the bread of life...Even if all the physical hunger of the world were satisfied, even if everyone who is hungry were fed by his or her own labor or by the generosity of others, the deepest hunger of man would still exist...Therefore, I say, Come, all of you, to Christ. He is the bread of life. Come to Christ and you will never be hungry again.
The forgotten world is made up primarily of the developing nations, where most of the people, comprising more than fifty percent of the total world population, live in poverty, with hunger as a constant companion and fear of famine a continual menace.
Twelve million children in the United States face hunger every day. Bringing an end to this terrible situation is a passion I share with my friends in the entertainment industry. Together we can end hunger.
Approval makes the world go round, even if many of us want to transcend our hunger for it.
The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty—it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There’s a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.
I want to show the world that there is more to Africa than poverty, hunger, and disease.
The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.
Happiness is when there is no hunger or want at all, when we're completely free of all hunger, desire, and want.
Yay, Old'uns' Smart mastered sicks, miles, seeds an' made miracles ord'nary, but it din't master one thing, nay, a hunger in the hearts o' humans, yay, a hunger for more.
While we yearn for peace, we live in a world burdened with hunger, pain, anguish, loneliness, sickness, and sorrow.
As a fan of the books, I feel fortunate to be part of 'The Hunger Games' family. It was an amazing experience; I am proud of the film and my performance. I want to thank all of my fans and the entire 'Hunger Games' community for their support and loyalty.
Back in 2005, we lost in the semi-final of the World Cup and that was a great learning curve for the team. It gave us a goal and even more of a hunger to win the World Cup, so we went away and set ourselves a long-term plan to do it.
The free world wants to feed South Africa to the Red Crocodile [communism], to appease its hunger. — © P. W. Botha
The free world wants to feed South Africa to the Red Crocodile [communism], to appease its hunger.
we shall know that we have begun to speak true by an increased hunger for true-speaking; we shall have the whole hunger only after we have given ourselves the first taste of it.
Many times, a child's struggle against hunger begins before he or she is born because the mother is undernourished. Making sure prenatal care and proper nutrition are available for expectant mothers in need is a critical part of ending childhood hunger.
I wasn't going to make a slick, glossy over-produced piece of entertainment because then I would be doing what the Capitol did. Then I'm actually putting on the Hunger Games and not making a movie of the 'Hunger Games.'
To hunger and thirst after righteousness is when nothing in the world can fascinate us so much as being near God.
Yes, there is a crisis of hunger on the planet, but hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but a scarcity of democracy.
When I write of hunger, I am really writing about love and the hunger for it, and warmth and the love of it and it is all one.
God is calling us to change the politics of hunger because the need is especially great right now. But the opportunities are also very clear. We can do a lot, but we can't food bank our way to the end of hunger.
The world designed by God cannot be a world in which some hoard immoderate wealth in their hands, while others suffer from destitution and poverty, and die of hunger. Love must inspire justice and the struggle for justice
As an anti-hunger advocate, I found the perplexity of the obesity problem and the hunger problem existing side-by-side in our increasingly global food system begged further investigation.
[B]ut he had lived in a world in which, as he said, no one who loved ideas need hunger mentally.
A boy's appetite grows very fast, and in a few moments the queer, empty feeling had become hunger, and the hunger grew bigger and bigger, until soon he was as ravenous as a bear.
I think the two biggest issues are world hunger and health, and all the things that stem from bad food. — © Brett Dennen
I think the two biggest issues are world hunger and health, and all the things that stem from bad food.
In vast stretches of the earth, men awoke today in hunger. They will spend the day in unceasing toil. And as the sun goes down they will still know hunger. They will see suffering in the eyes of their children. Many despair that their labor will ever decently shelter their families or protect them against disease. So long as this is so, peace and freedom will be in danger throughout our world. For wherever free men lose hope of progress, liberty will be weakened and the seeds of conflict will be sown.
The most fitting monuments this nation can build are schoolhouses and homes for those who do the work of the world. It is no answer to say that they are accustomed to rags and hunger. In this world of plenty every human being has a right to food, clothes, decent shelter, and the rudiments of education.
Human hunger birthed the Civlize, but human hunger killed it too.
America, which leads the world in so many ways, can end childhood hunger within its borders.
I just see in pop culture, music, visual art, books, etc., a real hunger for the new and different, and I think that's amazing. Satisfying this hunger is part of the responsibility of a creative person.
Hunger, prolonged, is temporary madness! The brain is at work without its required food, and the most fantastic notions fill the mind. Hitherto I had never known what hunger really meant. I was likely to understand it now.
I acquired a hunger for fairy tales in the dark days of blackout and blitz in the Second World War.
My motto in life is 'If you think it, you can do it' and if we all apply that thought we can end hunger the world over.
There is...a spiritual hunger in the world today and it cannot be better cars on longer credit terms.
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