Top 1200 World Trade Organization Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular World Trade Organization quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
Unfair trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement eviscerated good-paying manufacturing jobs, putting more than 3 million U.S. workers out of work.
Bilateral trade deficits are not evil; historically, better growth in the U.S. economy has led to larger trade deficits.
In diabetes mellitus the case is as follows: the ego-organization, as it submerges in the astral and etheric realm, is so weakened that it can no longer effectively accomplish its action upon the sugar-substance. The sugar then undergoes the processes in the astral and etheric realms which should take place in the ego-organization.... From all this we see that a real healing process for diabetes mellitus can only be initiated if we are in a position to strengthen the ego-organization of the patient.
A significant idea of organization cannot be obtained in a world in which everything is necessary and nothing is contingent. — © Norbert Wiener
A significant idea of organization cannot be obtained in a world in which everything is necessary and nothing is contingent.
Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary.
We need real and dedicated fighters and champions in the UFC. It's simply the best organization in the world.
Our country is in serious trouble. We don't win anymore.We don't beat China in trade. We don't beat Japan, with their millions and millions of cars coming into this country, in trade. We can't beat Mexico, at the border or in trade.We can't do anything right. Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that.
I am a firm believer in free but fair trade. However the United States should not be on the losing end of trade agreements that are not enforced. It is time that we make China play fairly.
The biggest opportunities from Brexit will come from more trade with the rest of the world.
A country the size of Brazil can't be held back by Mercosur to do trade with the rest of the world.
Trump's trade and immigration policies will deliver an economic shock to states like Texas where trade produces a substantial share of the jobs, and which depend on high oil prices.
That level of trade deficit throttles real growth in our country and continues the unfortunate path of selling out America. We are not winning the global trade war, we are losing it badly.
Animation should be an art…what you fellows have done with it, making it into a trade…not an art, but a trade…bad luck.
I wouldn't trade my career with anybody's. I'd trade a few movies with Tom Hanks - 'Apollo 13' and 'Forrest Gump' - but other than that, I love my career. — © John Travolta
I wouldn't trade my career with anybody's. I'd trade a few movies with Tom Hanks - 'Apollo 13' and 'Forrest Gump' - but other than that, I love my career.
Acting is what I love to do. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I don't think of it as work. It's really fun for me.
The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.
I don't trade for excitement; I trade to win
Raising the minimum wage and lowering the barriers to union organization would carry a trade-off - higher unemployment. A better idea is to have the government subsidize low-wage employment. The earned-income tax credit for low-income workers - which has been the object of proposed cuts by both President Clinton and congressional Republicans - has been a positive step in this direction.
We've been the foolish country for so long with this free trade, but it's not free trade because it's - you know, just doesn't work. I mean, it's not working. You look at the deficits we have.
Traditionally, we think that people with ideas are innovators - that Silicon Valley is the world of ideas. But within the hedge-fund world, they believe that they are men of ideas - that the trade is unto itself one of ideas.
In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.
Feminists have to question, not just all of Western culture, but the organization of culture itself, and further, even the very organization of nature. Many women give up in despair: if that's how deep it goes they don't want to know.
I just don't accept that there is a trade off between trade and democracy ... what we've got now is an institution that has utterly outgrown its roots which were noble... the real difference was the introduction of the euro.
Through that organization [Community Service Organization], I met Cesar Chavez. We had this common interest about farm workers. We ultimately left CSO to start the National Farm Workers Organization, which became the United Farm Workers. I was very blessed to have learned some of the skills of basic grassroots organizing from Mr. Ross and then be able to put that into practice in both CSO and the United Farm Workers.
I wouldn't trade this experience for the world, and I hope I get to be a part of 'The Voice' for as long as I can.
We don't have a particular organization, but we all want to make a world in which justice is given to each one of us.
When I was in Minnesota serving in the state Senate and in Washington, D.C., I did everything I could to defeat cap and trade. I didn't work to implement cap and trade.
Only under conditions of revolutionary crises do you have the highest level of self-organization; this is the Soviet type of organization, which is to say, workers' councils, people's councils, call them what you want, popular committees.
And invention must still go on for it is necessary that we should completely control our circumstances. It is not sufficient that there should [only] be organization capable of providing food and shelter for all and organization to effect its proper distribution.
The Palestinian economy is, and will likely continue to be, highly reliant on trade. And yet, trade between the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states is extremely limited.
Free trade has been one of the tenets of the modern Mexican economy, and it's through competition and free trade that we will continue to advance.
Trade is not the cause for unemployment. In fact, the biggest drivers for unemployment are innovation and increased productivity. It has nothing to do with trade.
Science is not the enemy of humanity but one of the deepest expressions of the human desire to realize that vision of infinite knowledge. Science shows us that the visible world is neither matter nor spirit; the visible world is the invisible organization of energy.
Together, leading the world, the U.S.A. will rid our planet of this barbarous organization called ISIS.
It makes me happy to think that this world of art-as-investment is a minuscule fraction of the art world overall. Most people who create, trade and own art do it for a much simpler reason. They just like it.
Unless the trade deficit shrinks, the combination of the trade deficit and the interest and dividend payments to foreigners will grow ever more rapidly.
Free trade is an important component of our economy, but it also has to be fair. Too often, the needs of American workers are ignored while the interests of huge corporations are the focus of these trade deals.
All the principal people in the town are concerned in the slave trade, and their chief wealth consists in the number of slaves they possess; therefore there is little chance of the trade being, for many years, totally abolished.
We saw when those World Trade towers came down what these terrorists will do. — © Paul Cellucci
We saw when those World Trade towers came down what these terrorists will do.
Main Street investors, who cannot trade credit default swaps, should not be tempted to trade an instrument with the same risk profile simply because it has been given a different name.
When I was in Minnesota serving in the state Senate and in Washington, DC, I did everything I could to defeat cap and trade. I didn't work to implement cap and trade.
If trade undermines life, narrows it or impoverishes it, then it can destroy the world. If it enhances life, then it can better the world.
For trade to grow, India must make a strategic decision that you want to encourage interdependence and more openness and more trade-based economy.
The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression.
In a nutshell, this United Nations non-profit organization [World Food Programme] feeds millions of starving children at schools in third world countries as an incentive for them to attend school, which in turn might better their futures. They do so much more but I was so struck by this story.
One of the roles of a U.S. ambassador - anywhere in the world - is to promote bilateral trade and investment.
Today I stand before the world organization which has succeeded to the mantle discarded by its discredited predecessor.
It will be the CIA's mission and my own if confirmed to ensure that the agency remains the best in the world at its core mission - collecting what our enemies do not want us to know. In short, the CIA must be the world's premier espionage organization.
Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world. The drug trade is responsible for much of that. — © Renee Montagne
Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world. The drug trade is responsible for much of that.
It so happens that because all the economies are strongly inter-connected and aggregated, there is trade that is happening not just from China to the rest of the world, but from the rest of the world to China as well, and that is going to continue.
I love to remember the World Trade Centre walk, but it should not define me.
Given that trade benefited the Asian economies on the way up, it seems natural that the slowdown in global trade, whatever its causes, could lead to some loss of dynamism and growth in the region.
The Internet is an élite organization; most of the population of the world has never even made a phone call.
I actually do not believe that Trump is anti-trade as such. He himself was a life-long trader in his own area, the real estate sector. And hasn't he just closed an arms deal with the Saudis valuing over $100 billion? The difference is that Trump sees trade as something with a winner and a loser. This seems to be a theme of his, and that makes us different. For us, trade is something where both sides win.
I wouldn't trade my career with anybody's. I'd trade a few movies with Tom Hanks - 'Apollo 13 and 'Forrest Gump' - but other than that, I love my career.
Our grandfathers lived in a world of largely self-sufficient, inward-looking national economies - but our great-great grandfathers lived, as we do, in a world of large-scale international trade and investment, a world destroyed by nationalism.
We have the greatest negotiators in the world, we have the greatest business people in the world, we don't use them. We use political hacks. So we have a trade deficit of almost $800 billion.
Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership.
This is what Donald Trump understands. This is the trade deficit. We run a trade deficit of close to $800 billion a year.
I guess I'm the most successful man I know. I wouldn't trade places with anybody in the world.
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