Top 1200 Wrong Move Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Wrong Move quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
Welcome to fear, said Moist to himself. It's hope, turned inside out. You know it can't go wrong, you're sure it can't go wrong... But it might.
Intel announced it will move ahead with a new plant in Arizona that probably was never going to move ahead with, and that will result in at least so - in at least 10,000 American jobs.
For every social wrong there must be a remedy. But the remedy can be nothing less than the abolition of the wrong. — © Henry George
For every social wrong there must be a remedy. But the remedy can be nothing less than the abolition of the wrong.
The country is yearning to put behind all these horrible things that have to do with corruption, state capture, behind us. The sooner these are all done, the better, because we want to move on; we want to move on to a better life.
If you're going to be wrong, be dramatically wrong.
People always ask me what I did when things went wrong on stage with AC/DC. Nothing ever went wrong. I might drop a drum stick, maybe, but that was about the only thing.
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world - No, you move.
There is nothing wrong with being afraid - but there is nothing more wrong than allowing that to be your master.
I feel like we are so much more comfortable sweeping things under the rug and putting on a brave face, and to me, sweeping under the rug is a coward move, not a brave move at all. I want to get out there and have a conversation.
If we keep asking the wrong questions, we are just going to get better wrong answers. The solution to lack of community isn't to give up on the community.
Frankly, right is right and wrong is wrong, particularly when a parent is talking to a child. A bright line around moral responsibility is very important.
Mike Cernovich is not everything that's wrong with society, but he is definitely the low hanging fruit of what's wrong with society.
There are literally several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to live in that alternate universe where SCO would be right, they'd still be wrong.
Families, when they get a housing voucher, they move a lot less. They move into better neighborhoods. Their kids go to the same school more consistently. Their kids have more food, and they get stronger. There are massive returns.
At my job, my manager had a massive heart attack; we had layoffs. It made me realize that nothing is certain, nothing is for sure, and if I'm going to make a move, I gotta make a move now.
I played the wrong wrong notes.
A lot of my characters in all of my books have a self-destructive urge. They'll do precisely the thing that they know is wrong, take a perverse delight in doing the wrong thing. — © Richard Russo
A lot of my characters in all of my books have a self-destructive urge. They'll do precisely the thing that they know is wrong, take a perverse delight in doing the wrong thing.
In terms of representation, television is reflecting an era that has passed. It's the wrong time; it's the wrong period. In all sorts of television, it doesn't feel like the 21st century.
There's nothing wrong with being a pretty girl, because you want to be, desirable. There's nothing wrong with that, but you should have a plan B even if that is getting pregnant by a rich dude.
I don't much like to look back with the idea that I was doing it wrong then or I'm doing it wrong now.
Oh, here's a clever one. Do you remember this question from the first test?It reads, 'What wrong with this statement?' And do you know what Constance wrote in reply? She wrote, 'What's wrong with you?
Everyone I talked to was a recording-the bank, the elevator, your office, the school, a wrong number. You used to be able to call a wrong number and get a person.
And so whether it's failing to move forward on the Dream Act, failing to move forward on putting teachers back to work, failing to do all the things we could do right now to help the economy and middle class, this Congress is just saying no.
If it's wrong for 13-year-old inner-city girls to have babies without the benefit of marriage, it's wrong for rich celebrities, and we ought to stop putting them on the cover of People magazine.
If the churches don't move, much of the community won't move. We've got a situation in which a black church is still a major institution in the black community where 55 percent of the black folk attend and over 75 pass through its doors.
It's very good for you, riding. You know how every model is like, 'I do yoga.' Well, I find horses to have the same effect, in that you have to put your ego aside and concentrate on making the horse do the things you want it to do, and move in the way you want it to move - particularly if you're doing dressage.
In my mind, there's nothing wrong with it. I don't instinctively know what's wrong with it. There is a language of the ghetto. There is a language of the barrio. And it's not good. There is an attitude. There is a behavior. There is a mindset and we wouldn't anybody to be stuck in it.
The more we focus on what everyone else is doing wrong, the less energy we have to fix what we're doing wrong.
There's something wrong with the Labour party. There's something wrong with the fact that women never rise to the top.
The moment you begin to depend on audience reaction, you're doing the wrong thing. You're doin' it wrong, it's a mistake, it's not right. You can't allow yourself, no matter what, to depend on them.
If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.
On TV, only a handful of people can move the meter so to speak - only a handful of personalities can move ratings. LeBron seems to single-handedly affect those ratings.
The phrase booze and mischief left me worrying I'd stumbled into what my mother referred to as "the wrong crowd," but for the wrong crowd, they both seemed awfully smart.
If I work on a certain move constantly, then finally, it doesn't seem risky to me. The idea is that the move stays dangerous and it looks dangerous to my foes, but it is not to me. Hard work has made it easy.
We have learned the need to be flexible or to have flexible forces, agile forces, who can move quickly, secure themselves when they arrive in a location, assess the needs of a given mission, and move to that mission.
What is wrong is wrong but there has to be a layered narrative. And that is what makes 'Mahabharat' timeless. People find its characters realistic. They could see their reflection in people even today.
If first of all you have a wrong idea, then it's kind of wasting time. No matter how hard that you try with a wrong idea, it makes it difficult to be successful.
Quarrelling means trying to show that the other man is in the wrong. (And) There is no sense in trying to do that unless you and he had some sort of agreement as to what Righ and Wrong are.
I don't know why people are so surprised by my live performances. My approach is so simple; every song I sing, every story I tell, every move I make, must move the audience to laughter, tears or inspiration. Otherwise, why should I do it?
The nature of comedy is 'just do it.' But I think what's interesting about it is this joke has been around and why. And it's just saying what's wrong and how wrong can you be if you say it.
One of the hallmarks of the team is this sense of looking to be wrong. It's the inquisitiveness, and sense of exploration. It's about being excited to be wrong, because then you've discovered something new.
Of course great politicians are always liable to be wrong about something, and the more people tell them they are wrong, the more stubbornly they defend their error. — © Ferdinand Mount
Of course great politicians are always liable to be wrong about something, and the more people tell them they are wrong, the more stubbornly they defend their error.
claire:shes floating whats wrong with that shane:Nothing but she didnt even insult me now thats just desturbs me.
Child, that is why all the rest are now a horror to her. That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. Oh, the fruit is good, but they loath it ever after.
There's nothing wrong with being an actor, if that's what a man wants. But there's everything wrong with achieving an exalted status, simply because one photographs well and is able to handle dialogue put in one's mouth by others.
A government cannot be wrong in punishing fraud or force, but it is almost certain to be wrong if, abandoning its legitimate function, it tells private individuals that it knows their business better than they know it themselves.
Moving fashion used to be one of my chief goals. It's not necessarily any more. Fashion needs to change when life changes. You only need to move fashion forward when there's a reason to move fashion forward.
I think we are all slightly down in the dumps after another loss. We may be in the wrong sign... Venus may be in the wrong juxtaposition with somewhere else.
Tell me, if you thought a man had a tendresse for you, but he wasn't doing anything about it. And you wanted to hurry him up a little so you made a move, an unmistakable move; one that nobody could pretend had been a misunderstanding. And he - he ignored it - ignored you. What would you feel?
Segregation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it is still wrong when it is requested by black people.
You know when I told you the joke about how a friend will help you move, but a real friend will help you move a body? I was only kidding.
I loved 'Casablanca.' You know, right vs. wrong. I think I like a movie where there is a victory, right over wrong, but there's always some price to be paid. — © Jeannette Walls
I loved 'Casablanca.' You know, right vs. wrong. I think I like a movie where there is a victory, right over wrong, but there's always some price to be paid.
Time is running out for us But you just move the hands upon the clock You throw coins in the wishing well For us You just move your hands upon the wall
We do want the freedom to move scenes from episode to episode to episode. And we do want the freedom to move writing from episode to episode to episode, because as it starts to come in and as you start to look at it as a five-hour movie just like you would in a two-hour movie, move a scene from the first 30 minutes to maybe 50 minutes in. In a streaming series, you would now be in a different episode. It's so complicated, and we're so still using the rules that were built for episodic television that we're really trying to figure it out.
I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dreams wholeheartedly, you become free. Know what I'm saying? Move past the fear.
More than half the G League is going to be high school kids that are trying to make it. I hope I'm wrong. I absolutely hope I'm wrong.
Yes, I will take a stand when someone is doing wrong. I will never side the one who is wrong.
I've learned one thing about life. We're a good deal like that ball, dancing on the fountain. We know as little about the forces that move us, and move the world around us, as that empty ball does.
I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name
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