Top 92 Yin Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Yin quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I've gone pretty high at times so I think the yin yang of that is going pretty low.
All things carry yin and embrace yang. They reach harmony by blending with the vital breath.
Yin and Yang are one vital force -- the primordial aura. — © Wang Yangming
Yin and Yang are one vital force -- the primordial aura.
The dreams of existence of that we call time, space, matter, subject, object, yin, yang - everything flows forth from this tai chi.
When I saw that combination of grace and power, the fast and the soft, the yin and the yang, that's what I'd been looking for.
There are no greater adversaries than yin and yang, because nothing in Heaven or on Earth escapes them. But it is not yin and yang that do this, it is your heart that makes it so.
Spiritual balance is tai chi. It is the center of things. It is the place where yin and yang meet. In the chakras, it is considered the heart chalkra, anahata.
I'm fascinated by the yin and yang of everything.
In Taoist philosophy, 'yin' is the feminine principle, representing the forces of earth, while 'yang' is the masculine principle, representing spirit.
The world is, was, will always be filled with good and evil, because good and evil is the yin and yang of the human condition.
What we are seeking is the nexus of all possible worlds and states of mind, which is within us. The source of yin and yang is within you.
We are the yin and the yang of the creative process.
Taoist philosophy is essentially monistic. Matter and energy, Yang and Yin, heaven and earth, are conceived of as essentially one or as two coexistent poles of one indivisible whole.
Stillness and action are relative, not absolute, principles. It is important to find a balance of yin and yang, not just in qigong, but in everyday life. In movement, seek stillness and rest. In rest, be mindful and attentive.
'Six Feet Under' was about repressing our deepest, most primal impulses, and 'True Blood' is about giving full sway to them all the time. In a way they are like yin and yang.
I saw someone on Twitter describe Pence as the yin to Trump's yang and there is a truth in that. — © Mollie Hemingway
I saw someone on Twitter describe Pence as the yin to Trump's yang and there is a truth in that.
As with lemon juice, the more sorrel you use, the more it has to be balanced with something sweet, starchy or creamy - it's a yin-yang approach to cooking that I find rather calming.
Yin and yang, male and female, strong and weak, rigid and tender, heaven and earth, light and darkness, thunder and lightning, cold and warmth, good and evil...the interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe.
All of our punishment institutions, including jails, laws, church confessionals, and so forth, are systems of illusion. The order of the universe, the infinite justice of yin and yang, naturally takes care of all motion and compensation. We don't need to invent arbitrary ways to make balance with punishments.
There is no life without death. That is the true meaning of yin and yang
To confront those fears, in a controlled environment, where there's 300 people around you going through the same thing, it's this weird sort of yin and yang.
The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven and earth, water and fire, yin and yang.
I think there's a yin and a yang to everything.
Only here [in the Center] a new union can occur, as the Mysterious Pass is the ideal space and time to experience the interpenetrating fluctuations of Yin and Yang. The Mysterious Pass is therefore the primordial Chaos (hundun) containing the germ of life-the pre-cosmic sparkle of Original Yang and Original Yin-which is the prime mover and the materia prima of the alchemical work.
The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things... The complete whole is the complete whole. So also is any part the complete whole... But forget about understanding and harmonizing and making all things one. The universe is already a harmonious oneness; just realize it.
In the West when you talk about yin and yang, people normally think of yin and yang as something that's linear. But in the east we tend to think of yin and yang as circles. They're two circles that actually can lie on top of each other, yet they remain separate.
You can't do seven successful albums and just hate each other. Our yin and yang, and night and day, is what made us great when we went into the studio.
Yin and Yang control man's actions, and both extremes are a natural reaction.
Whenever you're making a dark comedy, you're always looking for the yin and yang in an actor.
The Pentacle - The ancients envisioned their world in two halves - masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.
Countless words count less than the silent balance between yin and yang
If you take the yin-yang, it has a piece of the other inside itself. You can't be too much of one thing and be balanced.
Qi gong therapy, as well as other branches of Chinese medicine, can be reduced to two simple principles: the cleansing of meridians to achieve harmonious energy flow, and the restoration of yin-yang balance.
Will and I are yin and yang. He's all sky, vast and bright and soaring, and I'm all earth. I'm here to ground him, and he's here to help me fly.
Given a choice I want to do a yin and yang tattoo on the middle of my chest and right next to my heart.
I feel like I always had a yin and yang experience with music. I've always been able to rock out, and then I've always had to take piano lessons, too.
I like the yin-yang of a cop's life, where he's part fascist and part saint. That's where the good dramas are.
The division yin and yang pervades all culture, history, economics, nature itself; modern Western versions of sex discrimination are only the most recent layer. — © Shulamith Firestone
The division yin and yang pervades all culture, history, economics, nature itself; modern Western versions of sex discrimination are only the most recent layer.
It is yin and yang. Light is the left hand of darkness ... how did it go? Light, dark. Fear, courage. Cold, warmth. Female, male. It is yourself ... both and one. A shadow on snow.
Katya and I, as a yin and a yang, we pretty much represent the entire, full gambit of talent, you know? Together, there's not really much we can't do.
It is up to you to be asking for help continuously, whether you want to talk directly to God or to the angels or the ascended masters, like Jesus or Kuan Yin. It really doesn't matter who you ask. What matters is that you ask for help.
I think Too Faced is the yin to my yang. When you look at Kat Von D beauty and Too Faced and put them together, they look like complete opposites, but there are tons of similarities.
I think the world consists of yin and yang. There should be a balance, and it's important to coexist peacefully, with respect and dignity, and whenever those lines are crossed I think it's important for people to speak up for what they believe in.
My sister Kwan believes she has yin eyes. She sees those who have died and now dwell in the world of Yin, ghosts who leave the mists just to visit her kitchen on Balboa Street in San Francisco.
In neidan, the Mysterious Pass represents the time and place in which an alchemist joins the complimentary antinomies on which he or she works, such as inner nature and vital force (xing and ming), Dragon and Tiger (longhu), lead and mercury, Fire and Water, heart and kidneys, or k?n ? (Yang within Yin) and lí ? (Yin within Yang).
The physical universe was created when Oneness became duality, and we can see this duality, this yin and yang, everywhere in the universe, in every atom, every action, and in every function of the human body. Yin and yang are manifest everywhere, except at the very center of being, the perfect point of balance, at that infinite moment where the future becomes the past.
For woman is yin, the darkness within, where untempered passions lie. And man is yang, bright truth lighting our minds.
Growing up, me and my brother, we were kind of exact opposites. We were completely yin and yang. He was more rough and tumble, and I just wanted to play with my girlfriends.
Often, the truly great and valuable lessons we learn in life are learned through pain. That's why they call it "growing pains." It's all about yin and yang. And that's not something you order off column A at your local Chinese restaurant.
I don't know why we work, my husband and I. We just do. We are black and white - yin and yang.
I think the combo of spin and yoga is a yin and yang thing. It's very important to have balance. I like to bring energy to yoga, and spinning gets you very connected to your core.
I have to admit that many of the relationships I write about are destructive, but that's the yin to the yang of a good relationship. Maybe you have to experience the terrible ones to appreciate the good unions!
Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs - Yin and Yang, right and wrong, men and women; whats pleasure without pain? — © Angelina Jolie
Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs - Yin and Yang, right and wrong, men and women; whats pleasure without pain?
Words and pictures are yin and yang. Married, they produce a progeny more interesting than either parent.
New York for me is about work. If L.A. were to become a West Coast version of that, I'd shoot myself. The climate, the lifestyle - it really fits as the yin to my New York yang.
In a universe animated by the interaction of yin (female) and yang (male) energies, the moon was literally yin visible. Indeed, it was the very germ or source of yin, and the sun was its yang counterpart.
Whenever I explore the land of Yin, I always take one on the chin.
The feminist anti-pornography movement, no less than the feminist movement of a century ago, encourages the assumption that male and female sexuality, and possibly morality, are as unlike as yin and yang.
The fact of the matter is that all true artistes are androgynous by nature, the yin and yang perfectly balanced.
Sex is life: The act of creation in pleasure, the loss of oneself in another, the coming together of opposites in a temporary union of yin and yang, that creates something other than either. What is life if not this?
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