Top 121 Yogi Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Yogi quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
When asked what would he do if he found $1 million, Yogi responded, If the guy was poor, I'd give it back.
A yogi is one who leaves a place a little nicer than when they arrived.
I nodded, chewing my own syrup-soaked bite. "But surely that's not all there is to it. I mean, really? A big picnic? That's Avari's master plan? That makes him sound about as dangerous as Yogi Bear." Tod shrugged. "Yeah. If Yogi were a soul-sucking, body-stealing, boyfriend-snatching, damned-soul-torturing evil demon from another world. Besides, what else could he be planning?
Assign Yogi Berra to Cape Canaveral; he could handle any missile. — © Marianne Moore
Assign Yogi Berra to Cape Canaveral; he could handle any missile.
When I see a non-yogi [benefit], that's when it really affects my life.
Yogi Bear - there's everything before Yogi Bear and there's everything after Yogi Bear. Like a major car accident, or the birth of Christ.
God-realization is attained only by great effort on the part of the yogi and by divine grace.
The yogi cannot be afraid to die, because he has brought life to every cell of his body. We are afraid to die, because we are afraid we have not lived. The yogi has lived.
A lamp does not flicker in a place where no wind blows; so it is with a yogi, who controls his mind, intellect and self, being absorbed in the spirit within him.
I am under no illusion that yoga is the solution to all issues! That's why I am a very open-minded yogi.
Surprise me! Yogi's reply when he was asked by his wife, Carmen, where he would like to be buried
The Yogi conquers the body by the practice of asanas, making the body a fit vehicle for the spirit. The Yogi knows that it is a necessary vehicle for the spirit, for a soul without a body is like a bird deprived of its power to fly.
Take new values: Leave behind a legend to be followed by those who follow you. Be a yogi - don't be an ordinary person.
The mental ability to concentrate is inherent to all; it is not extraordinary or mysterious. Meditation is not something that a Yogi has to teach you; you already have the ability to shut out thoughts.
What I believe in touches many aspects of religious and spiritual thought. Mainly I'm influenced and inspired by the eastern yogi's aspect of mysticism, Which is, I think, the future.
I'm not a yogi, but I know the sun salutation. — © Marc Jacobs
I'm not a yogi, but I know the sun salutation.
Actually, I never liked Dylan's kind of music before; I always thought he sounded just like Yogi Bear.
Yogi seemed to be doing everything wrong, yet everything came out right.
They say Yogi Berra is funny. Well, he has a lovely wife and family, a beautiful home, money in the bank, and he plays golf with millionaires. What's funny about that?
Death is unimportant to a yogi; he does not mind when he is going to die. What happens after death is immaterial to him. He is only concerned with life-with how he can use his life for the betterment of humanity. Having undergone various types of pain in his life and having acquired a certain mastery over pain, he develops compassion to help society and maintains himself in purity and holiness. The yogi has no interest beyond that.
The yogi learns to forget the past and takes no thought for the morrow. He lives in the eternal present.
The yogi should meditate on a firm seat, one that is clean - untainted by dirt or unspiritual vibrations of others. The thought or life force emanating from an individual saturates the objects he uses and his dwelling.
I am what we call a 'karma yogi' in Sanskrit. A karma yogi is somebody who believes in data. I collect a lot of data.
Yogi saw three of his players in the locker room wearing Cone Head hats. Yogi said, Those guys make a pair.
People say Yogi (Berra) is a strange guy, and I've heard Yogi say some funny things. But he has a beautiful wife, he's rich, and he's famous. I don't see anything strange about that.
The pure mystic wishes to approach his God only in the all-embracing love. The yogi, too, walks toward one single aspect of God. The bhakti-yogi keeps to the road of love and devotion, the raja and hatha yogi choose the path of self-control or volition, the jnana yogi will follow that of wisdom and cognition.
Yogi Bear changed my life in ways that I can't explain because it's not a full feature on me.
I'm a big yogi.
I'm a yogi, not a businessman.
Once, when we were discussing a world peace project with my teacher, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, somebody asked him, Where is all the money going to come from? And he replied without hesitation, From wherever it is at the moment.
The Yogi must always practice.
Some of the stuff about Yogi energy is really fascinating.
Even in the world, the yogi who faithfully discharges his responsibilities, without personal motive or attachment, treads the sure path of enlightenment.
The pair of opposites do not effect a yogi - neither praise nor insult.
He'd (Yogi Berra) fall in a sewer and come up with a gold watch.
Yogi Adityanath is my Lord Krishna and I am his Arjuna. Under his leadership I will work to develop Gorakhpur as one of the best cities in north India.
I've read 'Autobiography of a Yogi' at different ages and interpret something new each time.
Yogi Berra, Bill Lee, they were irreverent, poked fun at the stodgy owners and managers.
Although Christ, in my mind is an absolute Yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ. — © George Harrison
Although Christ, in my mind is an absolute Yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ.
Autobiography of a Yogi is justifiably celebrated as one of the most entertaining and enlightening spiritual books ever written.
A true yogi may remain dutifully in the world; there, he is like butter on water and not like the easily-diluted milk of unchurned and undisciplined humanity.
Intellectuals tend to be arrogant. Intelligence, like money, is a good servant but a bad master. When practicing pranayama, the yogi [makes] himself humble and without pride in his intellectual attainments.
No one can be a yogi, maintaining a state of mental equilibrium, free from inner involvement in planned desireful activities, unless he has renounced identification with his ego and its unsatisfiable lust for the fruits of actions.
Be thou a true yogi. A yogi who understands that everything he's looking for is really inside himself. Learn to live more in the Self.
Yogi Bear was a real moment in my life. Post-Yogi Bear: don't drink as much. Pre-Yogi Bear: like to drink much.
Yogi ordered a pizza. The waitress asked How many pieces do you want your pie cut? Yogi responded, Four. I don't think I could eat eight.
The yogi will tell you that you feel and look as young as your spine is elastic.
When the restlessness of the mind, intellect and self is stilled through the practice of Yoga, the yogi by the grace of the Spirit within himself finds fulfillment.
You know that Yogi and Huckleberry didn't just belong to the kids. Grownups know all about our animal friends.
I have a four-and-a-half-year-old and, when she was two and a half, she would make my wife and I do voices, like Woody and Jessie the Cowgirl, or Elmo, or Yogi Bear and Booboo. If we didn't do it, she would scream at us. So, my wife and I would have adult conversations as Yogi Bear and Booboo. It was just a nightmare year.
It should not be taken in a hot climate. If you are in a place that is cool and peaceful, and you are alone and your mind is turned toward God, then you may take the yogi medicine.
I'm a Yogi and a tea drinker, and having a gun is the last thing that one would expect of me as a human being. — © Brenda Strong
I'm a Yogi and a tea drinker, and having a gun is the last thing that one would expect of me as a human being.
Yogi Berra put it best, "If people don't want to come, we can't stop them."
A yogi's brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of his head
The ordinary man considers solids and liquids and the energy manifestations of the material world to be vastly different, but the yogi sees them as various vibrations of the one cosmic light.
'Yogi Bear' changed my life in ways that I can't explain because it's not a full feature on me. 'Yogi Bear' - there's everything before 'Yogi Bear,' and there's everything after 'Yogi Bear.' Like a major car accident, or the birth of Christ.
Don Baylor, New York Yankees DH, on Billy Martin and his predecessor Yogi Berra: Playing for Yogi is like playing for your father; playing for Billy is like playing for your father-in-law.
Peter swept aside Yogi Tea and Harmony Herbal Blend, though he hesitated a second over the chamomile. .... But no. Violent death demanded Earl Grey.
I am not a yogi yet, but I aspire to have more balance in my life.
If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.
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