Top 1200 Yogi Bear Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Yogi Bear quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear, / You must never, never, never ask him where / He is going, / Or what he is doing; / For if you ever, ever dare / To stop a grizzly bear, / You will never meet another grizzly bear.
The mental ability to concentrate is inherent to all; it is not extraordinary or mysterious. Meditation is not something that a Yogi has to teach you; you already have the ability to shut out thoughts.
What I believe in touches many aspects of religious and spiritual thought. Mainly I'm influenced and inspired by the eastern yogi's aspect of mysticism, Which is, I think, the future.
The test of a man is: does he bear apples? Does he bear fruit? — © Abraham Maslow
The test of a man is: does he bear apples? Does he bear fruit?
It should not be taken in a hot climate. If you are in a place that is cool and peaceful, and you are alone and your mind is turned toward God, then you may take the yogi medicine.
He used both hands when he made the bear. Imagine a bear proceeding from the hands of God.
A postcard. Neat handwriting fills the rectangle. Half my days I cannot bear to touch you. The rest of my time I feel like it doesn’t matter if I will ever see you again. It isn’t the morality, it’s how much you can bear. No date. No name attached.
A lamp does not flicker in a place where no wind blows; so it is with a yogi, who controls his mind, intellect and self, being absorbed in the spirit within him.
Once upon a time there was a bear and a bee who lived in a wood and were the best of friends. All summer long the bee collected nectar from morning to night while the bear lay on his back basking in the long grass. When winter came the bear realised he had nothing to eat and thought to himself 'I hope that busy little bee will share some of his honey with me.' But the bee was nowhere to be found - he had died of a stress induced coronary disease.
The last faint spark In the self-murdered heart, the wounds of the sad uncomprehending dark, The wounds of the baited bear,-- The blind and weeping bear whom the keepers beat On his helpless flesh . . . the tears of the hunted hare.
No one can be a yogi, maintaining a state of mental equilibrium, free from inner involvement in planned desireful activities, unless he has renounced identification with his ego and its unsatisfiable lust for the fruits of actions.
That's the way the system works. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.
Yogi Adityanath is my Lord Krishna and I am his Arjuna. Under his leadership I will work to develop Gorakhpur as one of the best cities in north India.
A serious life means being fully aware of the alternatives, thinking about them with all the intensity one brings to bear on life-and-death questions, in full recognition that every choice is a great risk with necessary consequences that are hard to bear.
When you go into pre-production on a movie, you can spend weeks and even months working on the nuances of the animatronics on the bear head. If we were to write a sketch about an animatronic bear on 'SNL,' we'd have to come up with every aspect of the suit within 24 hours.
Peter swept aside Yogi Tea and Harmony Herbal Blend, though he hesitated a second over the chamomile. .... But no. Violent death demanded Earl Grey. — © Louise Penny
Peter swept aside Yogi Tea and Harmony Herbal Blend, though he hesitated a second over the chamomile. .... But no. Violent death demanded Earl Grey.
They say Yogi Berra is funny. Well, he has a lovely wife and family, a beautiful home, money in the bank, and he plays golf with millionaires. What's funny about that?
People think responsibility is hard to bear. It's not. I think that sometimes it is the absence of responsibility that is harder to bear. You have a great feeling of impotence.
If a man were to place himself in an attitude to bear manfully the greatest evil that can be inflicted on him, he would find suddenly that there was no such evil to bear; his brave back would go a-begging.
Although Christ, in my mind is an absolute Yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ.
The burden of Karma is heavy. All alike have heavy debts to pay. Yet none, so the Wisdom teaches, is ever faced with more than he can bear. Whether or not we can grin, we must bear it, and it is folly to attempt to run away.
Yogi's been an inspiration to me, not only because of his baseball skills, but of course for the enduring mark he left on the English language. Some in the press corps think he might even be my speechwriter.
Human beings can't bear silence.It would mean that they would bear themselves.
I am under no illusion that yoga is the solution to all issues! That's why I am a very open-minded yogi.
The person who will bear much shall have much to bear, all the world through.
To "bear arms" is, in itself, a military term. One does not bear arms against a rabbit.
A true yogi may remain dutifully in the world; there, he is like butter on water and not like the easily-diluted milk of unchurned and undisciplined humanity.
Congratulations, love. You traded up. Does he treat you well?' 'He's a teddy bear,' I said. Teddy bear looked like he was suffering from murder withdrawal. (Rene and Kate on Jim!)
If you are not willing to take the shame on yourself, you then let it remain on Jesus Christ. You must bear the reproach of your sinful state of indifference, or the cause of our Master must bear it.
To act with a tennis ball and imagine it's a tentacle, or if you're in some kind of wilderness film and you go, 'Okay, we can't have a grizzly bear here, but imagine when you step over the rock there there's a grizzly bear.' I don't know. They're tough moments.
The ordinary man considers solids and liquids and the energy manifestations of the material world to be vastly different, but the yogi sees them as various vibrations of the one cosmic light.
Life is a voyage, and we are all sailing under sealed orders. We plan, plot, scheme and arrange, and some fine day Fate steps in and our dreams are tossed into the yeasty deep. We grin and bear it--anyway we bear it: it is the only thing to do.
Our souls - our invisible selves - bear the mark of God Himself. We're like God in that we bear His image.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear was kind of my first important book
Public opinion, I am sorry to say, will bear a great deal of nonsense. There is scarcely any absurdity so gross, whether in religion, politics, science or manners, which it will not bear.
Let us bear with magnanimity whatever it is needful for us to bear.
A sacred burden is this life ye bear, Look on it, lift it, bear it solemnly, Stand up and walk beneath it steadfastly; Fail not for sorrow, falter not for sin, But onward, upward, till the goal ye win.
A fool thinks it like honey so long as the bad deed does not bear fruit, but when it does bear fruit he experiences suffering.
Once, when we were discussing a world peace project with my teacher, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, somebody asked him, Where is all the money going to come from? And he replied without hesitation, From wherever it is at the moment.
African-Americans are as fair as any other group, but they bring their life experiences to bear as just as whites bring their experiences to bear. — © Alan Dershowitz
African-Americans are as fair as any other group, but they bring their life experiences to bear as just as whites bring their experiences to bear.
Those who will bear much, shall have much to bear.
Near the foot of the mountain we visited a yogi who dwelled in a hollow tunneled beneath a boulder. He pondered our notion of climbing Shivling and said: 'First travel, then struggle, finally calm'.
We can bear the sun not to set, but we cannot bear the sun not to rise!
Yogi seemed to be doing everything wrong, yet everything came out right.
Become a Canadian for the Great Bear by signing our charter online – join the team today to speak out for a sustainable future for the Great Bear region.
Hitler gave us orders - and we believed in him. Then he commits suicide and leaves us to bear the guilt. He should have remained alive to bear his share.
The less you think you are, the more you bear. And if you think you are nothing, you bear everything.
We don't have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government.
The yogi should meditate on a firm seat, one that is clean - untainted by dirt or unspiritual vibrations of others. The thought or life force emanating from an individual saturates the objects he uses and his dwelling.
If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.
With Fancy Bear, we have medium-level confidence it's GRU, which is Russia's military intelligence agency, and with Cozy Bear, we have low-level confidence it's FSB, the Russian federal security service.
I think NATO as a concept is good, but it is not as good as it was when it first evolved. And I think we bear the, you know, not only financially, we bear the biggest brunt of it.
every man who takes a part in politics, especially in times when parties run high, must expect to be abused; they must bear it; and their friends must learn to bear it for them.
Best of children, sisters arm-in-arm, we must bear what the gods give us to bear-- don't fire up your hearts with so much grief. No reason to blame the pass you've come to now.
If I go on talking and talking...and telling you things about pretending, I shall bear it better. You don't forget, but you bear it better. — © Frances Hodgson Burnett
If I go on talking and talking...and telling you things about pretending, I shall bear it better. You don't forget, but you bear it better.
I think that I could have been take apart if the bear market continued, but I waited three years before I felt the bear market was over and I was right.
You know that Yogi and Huckleberry didn't just belong to the kids. Grownups know all about our animal friends.
A new yogi doesn't handstand on their first try, and a new teacher doesn't start out as a headliner. Be patient, and trust it's all going to add up and unfold in due time.
If we do not bear the cross of the Master, we will have to bear the cross of the world, with all its earthly goods. Which cross have you taken up? Pause and consider.
Intellectuals tend to be arrogant. Intelligence, like money, is a good servant but a bad master. When practicing pranayama, the yogi [makes] himself humble and without pride in his intellectual attainments.
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