Top 1200 Young At Heart Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Young At Heart quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's heart.
Here dead lie we because we did not choose to live and shame the land from which we sprung. Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose; but young men think it is, and we were young.
Christmas began in the heart of God.  It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man.Why wait for a call when you have a command? — © Robert Hughes
Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man.Why wait for a call when you have a command?
We are who we are. People who are older have the advantage of more experience. But you don't have to despair just because you're young. If young age is the problem, you can take comfort in the fact that it gets better with each passing day.
The literary scene is filled with young people now, which is a great joy. They seem fully capable of saving the world, as we failed to do when young, though heaven knows we tried.
The truth is... I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart... and I never really got it back.
When one heart opens to another heart, it usually results in love.
I know that when I like music, when it touches my heart, that it will touch your heart, too. That, I think, is the secret to my success.
Man can see his reflection in water only when he bends down close to it, and the heart of man, too, must lean down to the heart of his fellow; then it will see itself within his heart.
While technically I did not commit a crime, an impeachable offense... these are legalisms, as far as the handling of this matter is concerned; it was so botched up, I made so many bad judgments. The worst ones, mistakes of the heart, rather than the head. But let me say, a man in that top job - he's got to have a heart, but his head must always rule his heart.
You can know the law by heart without knowing the heart of it
It changes you a little bit every time you either break someone's heart or get your heart broken.
Home is where the heart is, and my heart will forever be in Cleveland. — © Anderson Varejao
Home is where the heart is, and my heart will forever be in Cleveland.
Any honest conversation about engaging young people must address discrimination against young people.
I want young people to ask me if I'm serious. Our young people have been lied to and misled for so long. When I stand on this soapbox, I want young people to ask me that because once they know I'm serious, they'll be willing to ride with me.
I'm only 24, which is still young, but I don't think of myself as one of the young lads anymore. I suppose that's how people have always seen me. But there comes a time when you have to take extra responsibility.
I care a lot about Heart; I was there at the inception of Heart.
Do what the heart commands. The heart is our only guide.
I played the young Reese Witherspoon in 'Sweet Home Alabama' when I was 7, and the boy who played the young Josh Lucas was 10.
Your heart pilots you to a far better life than you could have ever dreamed of. That's how the heart works.
Tawbah is the cleaning of the heart, dhikr is the feeding of the heart.
The world isn't going backward, if you can just stay young enough to remember what it was really like when you were really young.
I believe that whether a person follows any religion or not is unimportant, he or she must have a good heart, a warm heart.
My sister has the heart of an artist with a hatchet and an eye patch. And I, we both now know, have a heart that is undeniably, irreparably different.
Lord, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love, with all my heart. With all my heart.
Whatever other children learn in a year, let Bahá’í children learn in a month. The heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá longeth, in its love, to find that Bahá’í young people, each and all, are known throughout the world for their intellectual attainments. There is no question but that they will exert all their efforts, their energies, their sense of pride, to acquire the sciences and arts.
He needs to have a strong heart, because critics don't have a heart.
When I was a young man in school, I used to read science fiction and really liked it. And as I became a young artist, I was filling up my portfolio with alien planets and spacecraft and things like that.
Sebastian just smiled. “I could hear your heart beating,” he said softly. “When you were watching me with Valentine. Did it bother you?” “That you seem to be dating my dad?” Jace shrugged. "You’re a little young for him, to be honest.” “What?” For the first time since Jace had met him, Sebastian seemed flabbergasted.
When you're a young man, a young boy, all you want to be is that action hero; you want to be the James Bond, and I got to do that for a bit, and that was great.
I believe young children in particular enjoy witnessing the survival of youthful protagonists against terrible odds. I think it's gratifying to the reader when you give young characters that kind of agency.
I think he [Leonardo DiCaprio] is a terrific actor. And I've - I've been rooting and voting for him since "Gilbert Grape." I thought he was so amazing in that one. He was a young man, really very young boy.
God accomplishes His purposes heart to heart.
Well when I was young, when I was very young, when I was a little boy I don't remember the music I heard, but there was an article in the Brooklyn Daily written by my Aunt about how I could choose phonograph records.
Time flies, though, huh? But I feel young. And do you know how I stay feeling young, ladies and gentlemen? I'll share my secret with you: I live in a senior citizen retirement community.
Love makes those young whom age doth chill, And whom he finds young, keeps still.
Home is where the heart is, no matter how the heart lives.
Continuity is at the heart of conservatism: ecology serves that heart. — © Garrett Hardin
Continuity is at the heart of conservatism: ecology serves that heart.
There are chefs who are spectacular technicians, and often their food is worth eating once or twice, but if there's no heart in it, if there's no personality in it, it's not something you want to go back for. But heart without any skill at all? All the heart in the world ain't gonna help you if you can't peel an onion, or if you don't understand how to apply heat properly. A well-done steak is a well-done steak.
Peace of heart is the natural outcome of purity of heart.
I leave the world and its affairs to the young and energetic, and resign myself to their care, of whom I have endeavored to take care when young.
Romance is possible between two people at any age! I love feeling young and acting young as I age.
That young man with the long, auburn hair and the impudent face - that young man was not really a poet; but surely he was a poem.
People say I'm around because I have a lot of heart, but I know all the heart in the world couldn't have helped me if I wasn't physically fit.
I'm a work in progress, but if I know in my heart that I'm doing my best, that my heart's in the right place, that I have unconditional love, I feel okay.
My heart, far too sensitivefor this human world.My heart, so easily wounded, sheds rose tears of compassion.
When you're put in a position to really affect young people who are going to run the world one day, if you're able to be in their life at a young age and make a positive impact, I think that's a beautiful thing.
Everybody's trusting in the heart like the heart don't lie... — © Rob Thomas
Everybody's trusting in the heart like the heart don't lie...
Let us encourage the generosity which is typical of the young and help them to work actively in building a better world. Youth do not solely need material things. Above all, they need to have those non-material values which are the spiritual heart of a people ... spirituality, generosity, solidarity, perseverance, fraternity, and joy.
Because women don't expect to have heart disease, a lot of times they don't seek help if they have the early symptoms of a heart attack.
If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business.
Let your broken heart create an open heart
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
I look back over my shoulder and feel the presence of an intense young girl and then a volatile and disturbed young woman, both with high dreams and restless, romantic aspirations
Sometimes being young and confident is better than being old with experience...when I was young I wasn't scared about anything
If you think childlike, you'll stay young. If you keep your energy going, and do everything with a little flair, you're gunna stay young. But most people do things without energy, and they atrophy their mind as well as their body. You have to think young, you have to laugh a lot, and you have to have good feelings for everyone in the world, because if you don't, it's going to come inside, your own poison, and it's over.
A True Friend who leaves heart felt messages, can be a lighthouse to others, sharing light and truth, which comes from their heart.
Ugh! Young girls, they should laugh. Life's bad enough when you're grown, you might as well laugh when you're young.
I don’t have anger towards women. It’s the first script I wrote, I was really young. I got older. It’s told from an angry point-of-view. Young men are crazy strange emotional beings.
The action genre is kind of designed for a young male audience. But we found on 'The Matrix' that we hit the Valhalla of movie making, which is the four quadrant audience - the young male audience, the older male audience, the young female audience and the older female audience.
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