Top 1200 Young Sons Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Young Sons quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
When you're a young man, a young boy, all you want to be is that action hero; you want to be the James Bond, and I got to do that for a bit, and that was great.
I want young people to ask me if I'm serious. Our young people have been lied to and misled for so long. When I stand on this soapbox, I want young people to ask me that because once they know I'm serious, they'll be willing to ride with me.
I look back over my shoulder and feel the presence of an intense young girl and then a volatile and disturbed young woman, both with high dreams and restless, romantic aspirations
Is it possible that my sons-in-law will do toilets? If we raise boys to know that diapers need to be changed and refrigerators need to be cleaned, there's hope for the next generation.
We are who we are. People who are older have the advantage of more experience. But you don't have to despair just because you're young. If young age is the problem, you can take comfort in the fact that it gets better with each passing day.
Sugar planting was the oil business of the eighteenth century, and Saint-Domingue was the Ancien Regime's Wild West frontier, where sons of impoverished noble families could strike it rich.
I'm personally very grateful to my many friends in the Greek-American community, sons and daughters of Greece who have found success in every walk of American life. — © Barack Obama
I'm personally very grateful to my many friends in the Greek-American community, sons and daughters of Greece who have found success in every walk of American life.
Time flies, though, huh? But I feel young. And do you know how I stay feeling young, ladies and gentlemen? I'll share my secret with you: I live in a senior citizen retirement community.
After every concert, I greet young people in the lobbies. And I see a huge surge of young people playing music.
Nothing is less promising than precocity. A young thistle is more like a future tree than is a young oak.
That young man with the long, auburn hair and the impudent face - that young man was not really a poet; but surely he was a poem.
I'm only 24, which is still young, but I don't think of myself as one of the young lads anymore. I suppose that's how people have always seen me. But there comes a time when you have to take extra responsibility.
Love makes those young whom age doth chill, And whom he finds young, keeps still.
For the fans, for the club, for the young players, I want to show there is a pathway at Fulham for young players to go through in the first team.
When I was young, I was very blessed to have this insight that my best work would be when I was an older actress. I just always knew that as a young actress.
I think he [Leonardo DiCaprio] is a terrific actor. And I've - I've been rooting and voting for him since "Gilbert Grape." I thought he was so amazing in that one. He was a young man, really very young boy.
If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business. — © Scooter Braun
If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business.
Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics.
Passion is a young man's game. Young people can be passionate. Older people gotta be more wise.
I believe young children in particular enjoy witnessing the survival of youthful protagonists against terrible odds. I think it's gratifying to the reader when you give young characters that kind of agency.
Any honest conversation about engaging young people must address discrimination against young people.
I must be getting old ... People are beginning to tell me I look so young. They never tell you that when you are young.
There's not a lot of pictorial evidence from the Highlands, because only the very wealthy had their portraits painted - but there is one well-known painting of the two sons of the Duke of Argyll, wearing tartan.
I started Athletes vs Cancer as a way to honor my mother, but now giving back has become a part of who I am, and more importantly, this is a key value I hope to pass on to my own sons.
When I watch my sons play, I think, God, acting's the most natural thing in the world. They take the 'Star Wars' characters and say, 'Let's pretend that I'm Hans and you're Luke and that we're on this planet,' etc.
Both JFK and George W. Bush were the sons of wealthy U.S. ambassadors and thus privileged to meet distinguished figures, to travel, and to see the world and think about its problems if they chose.
Sometimes being young and confident is better than being old with experience...when I was young I wasn't scared about anything
Well when I was young, when I was very young, when I was a little boy I don't remember the music I heard, but there was an article in the Brooklyn Daily written by my Aunt about how I could choose phonograph records.
When you're put in a position to really affect young people who are going to run the world one day, if you're able to be in their life at a young age and make a positive impact, I think that's a beautiful thing.
As gay young people, we are marginalized. As young people who are HIV-positive and have AIDS, we are totally written off.
The literary scene is filled with young people now, which is a great joy. They seem fully capable of saving the world, as we failed to do when young, though heaven knows we tried.
The action genre is kind of designed for a young male audience. But we found on 'The Matrix' that we hit the Valhalla of movie making, which is the four quadrant audience - the young male audience, the older male audience, the young female audience and the older female audience.
I played the young Reese Witherspoon in 'Sweet Home Alabama' when I was 7, and the boy who played the young Josh Lucas was 10.
Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope as old as your despair. In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage, so long are you young. When your heart is covered with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and then only, are you grown old. And then, indeed as the ballad says, you just fade away
You always like to learn from people as a young actor. I think every young actor says that, but it's true.
Romance is possible between two people at any age! I love feeling young and acting young as I age.
I leave the world and its affairs to the young and energetic, and resign myself to their care, of whom I have endeavored to take care when young.
I got to do a lot of good things at a young age. I really kind of knocked out my bucket list when I was really young.
Ugh! Young girls, they should laugh. Life's bad enough when you're grown, you might as well laugh when you're young.
I think I'm rather young and sprightly, but then you see pictures of yourself and think, 'Who is that old man?' and I realise I'm not as young as I thought I was.
Augusta National is a young man's golf course, and you really need a young man's nerves to play on it. — © Jack Nicklaus
Augusta National is a young man's golf course, and you really need a young man's nerves to play on it.
I think it's perfectly fine and interesting to have someone get married at a young age and have kids at a young age.
Roman matrons used to say to their sons: 'Come back with your shield or on it.' Later on, this custom declined. So did Rome... (but not before it created an Empire that changed the world -EM).
We went to open-mike night at a comedy club called Stanford & Sons and the comics were terrible. My cousin dared me to get up there and, well, he was challenging my manhood. I had to do it.
America must raise an empire of permanent duration, supported upon the grand pillars of Truth, Freedom, and Religion, encouraged by the smiles of Justice and defended by her own patriotic sons.
Generations of gun owners have taught their sons and daughters that it takes as much patience and skill to be a good shot as it does to be a good steward of a powerful weapon.
Being young is hard. Being young and queer is even harder, regardless of how accepting your parents or community are.
We are happier in many ways when we are old than when we were young. The young sow wild oats. The old grow sage.
Here dead lie we because we did not choose to live and shame the land from which we sprung. Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose; but young men think it is, and we were young.
It’s always surprising to me how many young women think they have to be perfect. I rarely meet a young man who doesn’t think he already is.
The world isn't going backward, if you can just stay young enough to remember what it was really like when you were really young. — © A. J. Liebling
The world isn't going backward, if you can just stay young enough to remember what it was really like when you were really young.
Not every age allows its sons to reap the results which remain great for all time, and . . . not every century is fitted to make the men who live in it distinguished and happy.
I know you loved both he and I, the way a mother can love two sons. And no one should be judged for loving more than they ought, only for loving not enough.
Music spoke to me when I was young in such an intimate, empowering, magical way, and I think that music is already doing that for young queer kids.
That's one reason I really love 'Supergirl.' It's a great show for people to watch with their children - sons and daughters alike. It features strong female characters which is always something to appreciate.
When I was a young man in school, I used to read science fiction and really liked it. And as I became a young artist, I was filling up my portfolio with alien planets and spacecraft and things like that.
I keep my old friends, and get older with them, but push young. It's good to be surrounded by kids, because they keep you young.
I don’t have anger towards women. It’s the first script I wrote, I was really young. I got older. It’s told from an angry point-of-view. Young men are crazy strange emotional beings.
Young people drift away from society because, in many cases, they have no hope or goals. So, hope will have to be given to the young.
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