Top 1200 Young Sons Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Young Sons quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
As far as this citizen is concerned, the decision to commit men and women, who are also sons and daughters, to combat is an extraordinarily important one, and not to be done to just feel good; to be done to absolutely accomplish a mission.
When in many societies, fathers are usually known by their sons, I am one of the few fathers who is known by his daughter, and I'm proud of it.
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. — © Solomon
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.
Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant.
Traditionally, all the kings of Saudi Arabia have been sons of the founder of Saudi Arabia, and they've gone from one son to the next.
It is my conviction that your generation is better and stronger than was ours... better in many ways! I have the faith that you young men and young women can meet the world on its own terms and conquer it.
Work together as a family, even if it may be faster and easier to do the job ourselves. Talk with our sons and daughters as we work together.
I think about my own sons and my own daughters, and I'm sure that many parents are concerned about what their children are exposed to.
I want to say to all the young women out there, as I say to all young people: believe in yourselves, follow your passion and never give up, because you will create a future filled with possibility.
Many people, especially young people, would like to be more independent and on their own. But it is very difficult and they suffer from feelings of isolation. I think that is one reason why young readers support my work.
Grace means the free, unmerited, unexpected love of God, and all the benefits, delights, and comforts which flow from it. It means that while we were sinners and enemies we have been treated as sons and heirs.
As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a misfortune to be fatherless; and considering the general run of sons, as seldom a misfortune to be childless.
Virtually every society that survived did so by socializing its sons to be disposable. Disposable in war; disposable in work. We need warriors and volunteer firefighters, so we label these men heroes.
I love Russian culture. I don't know the young Russia, I'm not at all familiar with young Russia, but the old school Russia is good enough for me for the moment.
It's the hardest thing for a young player to develop. At the same time a young player also has to deliver their musicality to the audience. I'm still developing my own sound, because you can never know all the music.
A work settles nothing, just as the labor of a whole generation settles nothing. Sons, and the morrow, always start afresh.
Pounds are the sons, not of pounds, but of pence. — © Charles Buxton
Pounds are the sons, not of pounds, but of pence.
I just talked to a young lady, a freshman at Santa Barbara. She's taking a course, and Moneyball's one of the required readings. This young lady could dream of one day becoming a general manager.
God cursed those who are the sons of Israel, through David and Jesus, the son of Mary. Those people, God made monkeys and pigs.
We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow. Our wiser sons, no doubt will think us so.
Diana introduced me to Princes William and Harry. Diana just wanted her sons to know what was happening in her life.
Abe Ribicoff believes in that American dream. I believe it from the bottom of my heart, and your sons and daughters, too, can have the American dream come true.
The moment we put an end to speculation in land, we put an end to making money at the expense of our sons and daughters.
I've done a lot of things for a very young audience so far, such as The Sarah Jane Adventures. I'm tiny and petite and I look very young, so I tend to attract those kinds of roles.
I would tell young people to start where they are with what they have and that the secret of a big success is starting with a small success and dreaming bigger and bigger dreams, I would tell them also that a young Black woman or a young Black man can't dream too much today or dare too much if he or she works hard, perseveres and dedicates themselves to excellence.
Encouraging young people to believe in themselves and find their own voice whether it's through writing, drama or art is so important in giving young people a sense of self-worth.
You, the sons and daughters, the future of Turkiye, even under such circumstances and conditions, your duty is to save the Turkish independence and the Republic, you will find the power you need in the noble blood in your veins.
A kshatriya woman's highest purpose in life is to support the warriors in her life: her father, brother, husband and sons.
It's very difficult being an actor and being away for a lot of time, but my sons haven't complained too much too often.
I wanted a good humored kind of show, a show without violence. I liked the idea behind 'My Three Sons,' and I liked the people involved.
It should not be harder for our daughters to direct than our sons. It should be an equal playing field.
I really want my daughter to see that she can go out to work, but equally I want my sons to see it.
But sons have to be soldiers. And soldiers adapt.
It is not sufficient for the young to devote their enthusiasm, their courage, their ambition, their self-sacrifice to the great ideas of the time; the young must not only preserve but increase their powers if they are to be really equal to their eternal task: that of drawing the age in advance.
Mr. Speaker, at a time when the nation is again confronted with necessity for calling its young men into service in the interestsof National Security, I cannot see the wisdom of denying our young women the opportunity to serve their country.
You try not to have a favorite when you have sons or kids. Can't have a favorite. Can't let them know know if you do. I don't. I treat my main son and the other two exactly the same way.
Thank God I have four sons. The mother/daughter relationship is one of mankind's great mysteries, and for womankind, it can be hellaciously complicated. My mother and I are quintessential examples of the rewards and frustrations, and the joys and infuriations it can yield.
When you are brought up as a frozen child, you go on freezing. It wasn't until I had my four sons, who have brought me immense joy, that I began to thaw. That I realised how utterly extraordinary my childhood was.
We live in the age of communication. Write letters to the editor. Speak to your congressman, to your senator. If you are young, especially young people are taken by this human rights activities. They should organize the universities.
What we do now, on the other hand...Don't think that I'm crazy about this kind of politics. It's no accident that I've done everything to keep my sons out of it, and so far I've succeeded. After independence I retired immediately from politics.
My body is full of graves. A sepulcher is dug up, and a young girl comes out of it with her dusty hands in tears. A lady who is a young girl and an old girl at the same time feels the presence of the young girl. I feel that the 15-year-old me and the 50-year-old me come out of the sepulcher through an illegal excavation.
All sciences originated among the sons of Israel, the reason being the existence of prophecy among them which made their perfection in the sciences amazing. — © Averroes
All sciences originated among the sons of Israel, the reason being the existence of prophecy among them which made their perfection in the sciences amazing.
But the sons of this world have not God; they have only each other, and they walk holding to each other and looking to one another for assurance like frightened children.
From a very young age, I felt a spiritual, visceral, instinctual connection with 'black is beautiful.' Just the black experience and wanting to celebrate that. And I didn't know how to articulate that as a young child.
I have a wide spectrum, a wide demographic. I have the young girls, I have the gay community, I have many regular theatergoers. I do feel a tremendous responsibility and pride to be a role model for some of these young people.
When I was young, I despised old people. I was provincial and narrow-minded. It's the reason I stayed stupid so long. If you only get involved with young people you don't learn anything about the world.
I didn't appreciate the young woman that I was, or my young beauty, because I was so obsessed with the fact that I felt fat. It's never good to add to anybody else's suffering. It's an important topic to really get the gravity and the importance of - dealing with dignity.
I have a Children's Charity in Cuckfield, West Sussex, which helps young children affected by cerebral palsy and associated disorders. The perseverance these young people display every day is inspirational.
Young love don't know nothin' when the radio plays you sing along. When she's holding on you just can't get close enough, you swear it's sent from above. It's real,it's good, and it's young love
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
As a Goodwill Ambassador for YouthAIDS, I've learned that the face of AIDS is increasingly young and female. By educating young people and empowering them to make the right choices we can stop the spread of HIV/AIDS
Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a duty - to establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from America's domination and its Zionist allies, it is your battle - either victory or martyrdom.
My mom sees her sons as baby boys. Well, I stopped being her baby boy a long time ago. — © Bryant Gumbel
My mom sees her sons as baby boys. Well, I stopped being her baby boy a long time ago.
As a young surgeon in training at the University of California San Francisco General Hospital in the early '80s, my colleagues and I were inundated with an epidemic of young men with fevers, rashes, swollen lymph nodes and eventually death.
I have never admitted the right of an elderly author to alter the work of a young author, even when the young author happens to be his former self.
The one thing that always sticks out to me was how reading to young people - even if they're not that young, even if they're too cool for school, middle schoolers - what a profound act of love it is.
That's what sons do: write to their mothers about recall, tell themselves about the past until they come to realize that they are the past.
The interesting thing about cybercrime and the whole cyber world is that many of the people that are most proficient in it are young people, really young people.
Yes, yes I am ill. I go in for the kill. Hoes is my sons, birth control, I am on the pill
The Vietnam War ended because of the campus situation. And so many other injustices have been corrected in the World today only thanks to the young people. So, young people especially have a responsibility for Tibet.
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