Top 1200 Younger Generation Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Younger Generation quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
What the younger generation didn't understand was that the grass was greenest where it's watered.
The younger generation of rocket engineers is just beginning. They are of the new generation to which space travel is not going to be a dream of the future but an everyday job with everyday worries in which they will be engaged.
More and more - especially the younger generation - are functioning outside the binary concept of gender. That's just next-generation stuff. — © Anohni
More and more - especially the younger generation - are functioning outside the binary concept of gender. That's just next-generation stuff.
It's nice for me to be in touch with a younger generation.
Water has always been a large part of my life, so for me now, being a father with another child on the way, I'm just teaching some of the small things I've been able to learn - and passing that onto the younger generation. Small things like turning your faucet off when you brush your teeth, not taking a 30-minute shower when you really don't need to. So I want to teach the younger generation to spread the message and make a difference. I'm almost more excited to do this than I was to swim.
Of course there are a lot of books that are interesting to make movies out of, but on the other hand, I think video games are also kind of like bestselling books for the younger generation, and the younger generation is the one going to the theaters.
The younger generation will come knocking at my door.
I like to keep in touch with younger photographers. It's important that a younger generation comes up and questions the assumptions made by old farts like me.
I've always felt my role in life was to be a mentor. If I can do that with a younger generation, that's my goal.
Parents who wonder where the younger generation is going should remember where it came from.
The younger generation can smell fakes - Authenticity trumps cool.
The number of people my age, younger now, a whole generation younger, who are fiercely bright, over-educated, under-employed and who are politicised and purposeless really upsets me. It's soul-destroying.
I don't feel a connection with younger people or with Generation X, or any generation, I feel. If I felt a connection with people my age I wouldn't have written six books about feeling depressed, alienated, lonely. If I did I would have many friends and feel connected with them and probably be a happy person who has a real job.
It's sometimes comical to hear the younger generation ask their peers to repeat themselves. — © Billy Graham
It's sometimes comical to hear the younger generation ask their peers to repeat themselves.
The most aggravating thing about the younger generation is that I no longer belong to it.
It's a younger generation running the show, and I miss the generation we had in the '70s. They were really very honorable guys, like Neal Bogart and Bill Graham, people who will never be around again.
There's the generation that made the rules, the generation that codified them. The generation that broke them - that's mine. The generation that laughed at them - that's Tarantino's. And now there's a generation that doesn't know that there were any.
Fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice.
The younger generation gives me more respect than I could ever hope for.
This generation, our generation of people who benefited, must always be the pioneers who look to younger people and say mediocrity is not accommodated in what we do.
Nothing so dates a man as to decry the younger generation.
If readers, young and old, would take even a moment to reflect on our rapidly shifting culture and ideology, I would be happy. Many leaders of the older generation dismiss emerging culture. Those leaders are at risk of becoming a feeble voice-piece without followers. Most of the younger generation is going deaf to the truth.
I get a little cranky with the whole business about kids not having attention spans. This reminds me of the usual business of thinking that the next generation is hopeless. Every generation has said that about every younger generation.
I think with each generation comes more opportunity. At least that's the way that I see it. I grew up in a generation that watched the birth of the internet. We all have. But I feel like I look around at the generation younger than me and it's a very opportunistic mantra.
It is very common with artists who are of a generation that has already gone by to get overly concerned with, Oh my God I have to sell to the younger generation.
I don't want this music to die.The older people are passing it on to the younger generation so the younger generation can pass it on to the next generation.
Europe's younger generation has only experienced austerity.
The upside of being a part of a post-civil rights generation is that black folks really are more diverse. But the flash point for that diversity is caught up in Hip Hop. So you have a generation that says, 'I'm gonna wear my sneakers, and I'm gonna wear my pants how I like themThen you have a generation that says, 'I did not get bit by dogs for you to conduct yourself this way. Then the younger generation says, 'Yes, you did. This is what freedom means.'
While the women of the older generation were thankful if only they succeeded in obtaining 'a work and a duty,' however monotonous and wearing it might be, the will of the younger generation for a pleasurable labour has fortunately increased.
I had no new ideas on the physics we might learn, and I could not compete with the younger generation.
The air of the English is down-to-earth. They care about details; there's a tradition, but there's also a counter-culture: the younger generation versus the older generation and so on. But then that's well blended into a happy balance and crystallised into common sense.
There's one thing about freedom ... each generation of people begins by thinking they've got it for the first time in history, and ends by being sure the generation younger than themselves have too much of it. It can't really always have been increasing at the rate people suppose, or there would be more of it by now.
I feel education is more important even now for the younger generation than when I was younger. The kids really need to buckle down and get a good education. That's why it's so important to have computer programs and good tutoring programs, so they can have fun in school. It also keeps them out of trouble.
It's wonderful to be with people of a younger generation. it really is.
I love working with the younger generation.
I think singing traditional country is wonderful, because I'm bringing it to my generation and to the younger kids.
When I was younger, I didn't have that type of person that I could look up to and be like, 'OK, this is someone who dresses like me and I relate to.' I didn't have that growing up, so to give that opportunity to a younger generation of women - and not just Somali women, but anyone who feels different - that means a lot to me.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. — © Haim Ginott
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it.
I believe this generation, particularly the younger people don't really like labels.
Maybe at this stage in my career, it's from that younger generation that I have most to learn.
I'm showing the younger generation your career doesn't have to be over when you're 16-years-old.
The society has an obligation to protect younger generation and prevent them from the use of tobacco products.
There is good news in the data the strongest support for priests is to be found among the younger generation.
It was interesting that feminists of my generation told me: You are discouraging younger women; you are confirming stereotypes of women; you are opening a door, initiating a debate, that will harm our movement. And my point was: We are already having this debate, especially in the younger generation.
Every generation trash-talks younger generations. Baby boomers labeled Generation X a group of tattooed slackers and materialists; Generation Xers have branded millennials as iPhone-addicted brats.
The culture means the younger generation respecting the OGs, but at the same time, bringing it all to the older generation to where they can relate.
Employment for the younger generation is my top priority.
Anything we can do to educate the younger generation about conservation of energy is great.
My children and their generation are not aware of the stardom I had enjoyed during my younger days. — © Poonam Dhillon
My children and their generation are not aware of the stardom I had enjoyed during my younger days.
You will attract the younger generation and they might well prove tougher than the older generation. What we are trying to do is to look at the future and see what we can do to bring some stability back to people's lives.
When we see society telling women that they have a certain time, that they make women compete with each other, the older generation competing with the younger generation. They've made us believe that there's not enough men out there for us or that we're only hired because of our looks and not because of our abilities.
The trouble with the younger generation is that they don't stay young for very long.
I am excited to be working with the younger generation.
Narcissism is a fact of life - it's a natural part of growing older, right? It's a part of your development. So being angry about the younger generation being 'narcissistic,' that's like saying 'Oh, this young generation only wants to poop in their diaper! They don't want to use the bathroom!'
I pray every day for my little girls. It's hard out there for the younger generation.
You're talking about a younger generation, Generation Y, whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face.
The younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses . . . Each generation . . . will have its creed.
I've heard though that there is a younger generation of tonal French composers who are reacting with vigour.
My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation. Out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem like lions
It feels great to know that someone from the younger generation is following me.
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