Top 1200 Yourself Short Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Yourself Short quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
You don't dare think whole even to yourself the entirety of a dear hope or wish let alone a desperate one else you yourself have doomed it.
If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
It's not easy to do morning TV. A lot of people think you just show up and be yourself, but one of the hardest things to do is be yourself when the camera comes on. — © Michael Strahan
It's not easy to do morning TV. A lot of people think you just show up and be yourself, but one of the hardest things to do is be yourself when the camera comes on.
Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience and perception.
What 'Survivor' is really about is the inescapability of your being yourself, even when you have told yourself you can be someone different for 30 days.
By letting go of yourself, leaving yourself and everything yours behind so decisively that nothing more is left of you but a purposeless tension .
You need to accept yourself for who you are and surround yourself with a good group of girl friends that'll lift you up instead of put you down.
Ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write [create]? Dig into yourself for a deep answer.
I have had a strong and a long relationship on national security, I've been involved in every national crisis that this nation has faced since Beirut, I understand the issues, I understand and appreciate the enormity of the challenge we face from radical Islamic extremism. I am prepared. I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn't a mayor for a short period of time. I wasn't a governor for a short period of time.
What you do for yourself, any gesture of kindness, any gesture of gentleness, any gesture of honesty and clear seeing toward yourself, will affect how you experience your world. In fact, it will transform how you experience the world. What you do for yourself, you’re doing for others, and what you do for others, you’re doing for yourself.
If you're an only child, you spend a lot of time by yourself, and you develop a strong ability to entertain yourself, to conjure up fantasy.
It will do you no harm to find yourself ridiculous. Resign yourself to be the fool you are... ...We must always take risks. That is our destiny.
Unless and until you introspect you cannot even respect yourself. You cannot even love yourself. If you love yourself you will introspect and find out what's wrong.
This is a broad thought, but loving yourself and having the support so that you can love yourself is the most important thing that young people in Chicago can get. — © Common
This is a broad thought, but loving yourself and having the support so that you can love yourself is the most important thing that young people in Chicago can get.
As an exercise in appreciation, try for one hour to feel grateful for every single thing you find yourself doing. When you read, be grateful you can see and read. When you walk, be grateful for the use of your feet. When you talk, be grateful for the ability to communicate with others. For a full hour do not take even the smallest action for granted. Be aware of every detail of what you can do. Anyone who does this daily for even a short time will have a much greater appreciation for everything he does.
Use all the willpower at your disposal to make yourself happy. Construct the right stories about yourself - and believe them!
What if we choose not to do the things we are supposed to do? The principal gain is a sense of an authentic act - and an authentic life. It may be a short one, but it is an authentic one, and that's a lot better than those short lives full of boredom. The principal loss is security. Another is respect from the community. But you gain the respect of another community, the one that is worth having the respect of.
You can’t be good to others if you’re not strict with yourself. The more shallow you are with yourself, the harsher you are with others. The more profound you are with yourself, the more generous you are with others
The main thing you can change is how you perceive yourself. Stop looking in the mirror and realize that youre living for yourself, not other people.
Sometimes it's the toughest moments that you learn the most about yourself, and the more you know yourself, the less you are willing to give away.
You don't owe anybody the present other than yourself. Take time for you. Respect yourself and your privacy. Set boundaries.
Everybody has to work on themselves, no one is perfect. No one wakes up every morning and, you know, you have to love yourself but you also have to drive yourself from within.
Confidence, to me, is just pushing yourself a little bit further than you think you can go, and you'll always surprise yourself.
If you say to yourself 'It's difficult to get up in the morning', 'It's hard to cease smoking', then you are already using hypnotic suggestions on yourself
What are friends for? They are the ultimate reflection of yourself. Always surround yourself with people who inspire you and return the favor by giving them the best of you.
I just want to remind people that you know yourself better than anybody else and if you don't believe in yourself, then who will?
People aren't defined by their relationship. The whole point is being true to yourself and not losing yourself in relationships, whether romances or friendships.
You know that you are. Don't burden yourself with names, just be. Any name or shape you give yourself obscures your real nature.
If you are deeply connected with yourself, with your energy, staying awake to yourself in the moment, other prisoners tend to leave you alone.
I think that's become passe, but if you can surround yourself with a kind of monument to yourself and your family - a statement - and you can afford it, then that's a noble project.
You start projecting hurt and pain onto yourself when you don't find closure. Be honest with the situation and yourself, clean the wound, and move on.
Confidence literally starts from yourself. You have to go look in the mirror at yourself. If you don't like what you see, you're going to give off that energy.
To cook is not just to prepare food for someone or to cook for yourself; it is to express your sincerity. So when you cook you should express yourself in your activity in the kitchen. You should allow yourself plenty of time.
Be authentic, true to yourself, genuine. Question what you really love along the way. There are so many voices out there. And you can lose yourself.
You can be yourself without pursuing yourself. Have you ever seen a dog chase his own tail? He just runs in circles.
You can't define yourself either in shades of what you are contesting or entirely in antithesis to it. By doing so, what you reveal is that you have nothing to say for yourself. Or that you are unsure of your messaging.
People always say that Californian women are obsessed with their appearance but I think you've got to take good care of yourself, for yourself.
President Reagan was a master communicator. In this particular speech he did a brilliant job moving between the stately role of U.S. President and a national eulogist. The pain of the event was etched on his face. In 4 short minutes, he addressed five different audiences. He spoke to the collective mourners, families of the fallen, NASA employees, school children, and even took a poke at Russia. He communicated comfort and patriotism within a very short timeframe. That's not easy to do.
Going to the darkest place you can to make yourself really upset and adding that with the physicality and running around, you can work yourself into hysteria that way. — © Alexandra Daddario
Going to the darkest place you can to make yourself really upset and adding that with the physicality and running around, you can work yourself into hysteria that way.
If I had it my way, I would have just kept it short forever. Of course, men like long hair. There's no two ways about it. The majority of the boys around me were like, 'Why did you do that? That's such an error.' And I was like, 'Well, honestly, I don't really care what you think!' I've never felt so confident as I did with short hair - I felt really good in my own skin.
Pulling yourself up again is the most important part of your life. Getting out of the bottom that you put everything into - yourself!
Let yourself go, the pleasure of physical movement is so important. If that's a problem, you say to yourself, what is there that I am afraid of, or hiding? Maybe your libido!
When you walk on the set, whatever it is, you commit yourself to the job. You're committing yourself to doing the best you can do with it, no matter what you feel about it, and that never changes.
I like to use light as a material, but my medium is actually perception. I want you to sense yourself sensing - to see yourself seeing.
The trouble with being quoted a lot is that it makes other people think you're quoting yourself when in fact you're merely repeating yourself.
Remember you come here having already understood the necessity of struggling with yourself — only with yourself. Therefore thank everyone who gives you the opportunity.
Love what you do. Believe in your instincts. And you'd better be able to pick yourself up and brush yourself off every day.
Nothing important was ever accomplished without chutzpah. Columbus had chutzpah. The signers of the Declaration of Independence had chutzpah. Don't ever aim doubt at yourself. Laugh at yourself, but don't doubt yourself.
To leave in search of yourself, of your real needs, is easier when you don't have to justify yourself to anyone, when there are not too many people bestowing you their attention.
You must know for yourself, directly, the truth of yourself and you cannot realize it through another, however great.  There is no authority that can reveal it. — © Jiddu Krishnamurti
You must know for yourself, directly, the truth of yourself and you cannot realize it through another, however great. There is no authority that can reveal it.
The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know.
Your actions reflect what you want for yourself and how much you love and value yourself. Your actions reflect how you see yourself, what you feel you deserve.
Why do you do these things to yourself? Not just what you did to the window, but the way you talked to Clary. What are you punishing yourself for? You can't help how you feel.
The point is that there are challenges within techniques. When you differentiate in technique, you challenge yourself; you ask yourself the same question in a new way.
A little flattery, like a warm bath and soft towel, will let you get along with yourself, lie down with yourself, and sleep.
When you accept yourself completely you do not have to maintain a phony front, drive yourself to ''achieve'' or feel insecure if people tune-in to you and what you are doing.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.
You can't dwell on the past and be down on yourself because you lost. You have to take the positive away from it and see how you can improve yourself moving forward.
If you see yourself in the paper every day and people keep talking about you, you will have a little breakdown in yourself, too.
When you have more respect for yourself and put yourself in a position where you feel your sense of value or worth, that's how you know you're on the right path.
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