Top 378 Zeal Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Zeal quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Zeal is ever the buckler and shield of a true soldier.
The hopes of zeal are not wholly groundless.
Through zeal, knowledge is gotten, through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost; let a man who knows this double path of gain and loss thus place himself that knowledge may grow.
The zeal of fools offends at any time. — © Alexander Pope
The zeal of fools offends at any time.
I have more zeal than wit.
False zeal is every day bringing true zeal into disrepute.
The zeal of friends it is that razes me, And not the hate of enemies.
Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame,The fire of love supplies ;While that which often bears the name,Is self in a disguise.True zeal is merciful and mild,Can pity and forbear ;The false is headstrong, fierce and wild,And breathes revenge and war.
Liberty is too priceless to be forfeited through the zeal of an administrative agent.
The zeal of atheists is the most admirable thing about them.
Zeal for the glory of God motivates world missions
Zeal is the chief source, or one of the chief sources of spiritual power. God employs living souls to communicate life. In all ages, men of zeal have produced great results. This qualification, in the absence of others, can accomplish wonders.
No one can display or can cultivate a fervent zeal in the mere repetition of a form.
I work with the same dedication and zeal in all my projects, but 'Raees' is very special. — © Mahira Khan
I work with the same dedication and zeal in all my projects, but 'Raees' is very special.
Reagan was conservative, but he didn't approach global management with an unbending religious zeal.
Through zeal, knowledge is gotten; through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost.
Zeal and duty are not slow But on occasion's forelock watchful wait.
We do have a zeal for laughter in most situations, give or take a dentist.
Trustful people are the pure at heart, as they are moved by the zeal of their own trustworthiness.
May we not say, that true zeal is not mostly charitable, but wholly so? That is, if we take charity in St. Paul's sense, for love; the love of God and our neighbour. For it is a certain truth, (although little understood in the world), that Christian zeal is all love. It is nothing else.
Too much zeal offends where indirection works.
There seemed to be some correlation between devotion to God and a misguided zeal for marshmallows.
The vigour of government is essential to the security of liberty. . . . a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people, than under the forbidding appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government.
If we have no zeal for the glory of God our mercy must be superficial, man-centred human improvement with no eternal significance. And if our zeal for the glory of God is not a revelling in his mercy, than our so-called zeal, in spite of all its protests, is our of touch with God and hypocritical.
As holy zeal is the fervency of our grace, so sinful zeal is the intention and fervency of sin.
It would seem that zeal is not an effect of love. For zeal is a beginning of contention.
When you are laboring for others let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself.
It is true that zeal is the soul of the virtues, but most certainly, Monsieur, it must be according to knowledge, as Saint Paul says; that means: according to knowledge of experience. And because young people ordinarily do not possess this experiential knowledge, their zeal goes to excess, especially in those who have a natural asperity.
Nothing spoils human nature more than false zeal. The good nature of a heathen is more God-like than the furious zeal of a Christian.
There is no zeal blinder than that which is inspired with a love of justice against offenders.
If you would have a clear evidence that little love, that little faith, that little zeal, you have is true? Then live up to that love, live up to that faith, live up to that zeal that you have; and this will be evidence beyond all contradiction.
Zeal should not outrun discretion.
Zeal without knowledge is like expedition to a man in the dark.
We are sometimes stirred by emotion and take it for zeal.
Zeal, the blind conductor of the will.
Zeal is fit for wise men, but flourishes chiefly among fools.
When you are laboring for others, let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself.
When commerce with Moslems flourished, zeal for their massacre declined.
We didn't move here so I could save American democracy. But I've embraced it with the zeal of a convert. — © Steve Hilton
We didn't move here so I could save American democracy. But I've embraced it with the zeal of a convert.
Real zeal is standing still and letting God be a bonfire in you.
Fanaticism is the child of false zeal and of superstition, the father of intolerance and of persecution.
Our children must never lose their zeal for building a better world.
Zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow.
Have therefore zeal to better thyself and then mayst thou have zeal to thy neighbor.
Minnesotans hate zeal. Zeal is right up there on the list of suspicious emotional behaviors like joy and despair. Always err on the side of blandness.
Do not too many believe no zeal to be spiritual but what is censorious or vindictive? Whereas no zeal is spiritual that is not also charitable.
Zeal will do more than knowledge.
It is and has always been an American zeal to be first in everything we do, and to win.
All zeal for a reform, that gives offence To peace and charity, is mere pretence. — © William Cowper
All zeal for a reform, that gives offence To peace and charity, is mere pretence.
I appreciate zeal and energy and passion but in our zeal, we just need to do it in a loving way and do it in a compassionate way, not share our faith in a robotic or mechanical way, but interact with the person, listen to them, and respond appropriately to their questions.
Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal.
There is no pestilence in a state like a zeal for religion, independent of morality.
Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.
We are often moved with passion and think it to be zeal.
Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others.
A believing man will be a zealous man. Faith makes a man zealous. Faith shows itself by zeal. Not by zeal for a party or a system or an opinion; but by zeal for Christ - zeal for His church - zeal for the carrying on of His work on earth.
We have come tardily to the tremendous task of cleaning up our environment. We should have moved with similar zeal at least a decade ago. But no purpose is served by post-mortems. With visionary zeal but the greatest realism, we must now address ourselves to the vast problems that confront us.
Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.
What can't change is the zeal and passion I have for work.
Teach yourself freedom with the same zeal that the world has taught you limits.
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