Top 77 Quotes & Sayings by Bebe Buell

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American model Bebe Buell.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Bebe Buell

Beverle Lorence "Bebe" Buell is an American singer and model. She was Playboy magazine's November 1974 Playmate of the Month. Buell moved to New York in 1972 after signing a modeling contract with Eileen Ford, and garnered notoriety after her publicized relationship with musician Todd Rundgren from 1972 until 1978, as well as her liaisons with several rock musicians during that time and over the following four decades. She is the mother of actress Liv Tyler, whose biological father is Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. Todd Rundgren is Liv's legally adoptive father.

I wasn't lucky enough to find a Chris Stein like Debbie Harry did. I was with Todd Rundgren... He was the star, I was the decoration.
I'm not gonna call myself the little engine that could because I'm 5'10 and I'm far from little - I'm the little engine that roared.
I always made sure that if I had to go and be a rock 'n' roll crazy person that Liv had that grounding foundation of my mother or my cousin. We tried to keep everything stable.
What Kim Kardashian has done with her family and brand is brilliant! — © Bebe Buell
What Kim Kardashian has done with her family and brand is brilliant!
Todd introduced me to the world I always dreamed of being a part of.
I think everybody's a groupie for something. I mean, women used to stand on seaports and wait for the guys to come in on ships. They were ship groupies.
I was from a generation that didn't think that far into the future. We thought opportunities would always exist, that we would be fifteen forever.
When you're a successful model and then you do Playboy, and then turn around and say you're more of a singer than a model, people roll their eyes.
It's painful when you see your boyfriend flirting with some girl or you know he's been with somebody on the road.
The whole British invasion sort of changed my life. It made me want to move to New York.
When you talk about a man like David Bowie, you have to go in there with dignity.
I don't think I'm the only girl who's not a groupie who has been called a groupie. Talented, beautiful people tend to fall in love with each other. I don't know why that's so unusual.
The only thing I was certain about was that I could lure any man I wanted into my bed. But I could not lure any man I wanted into a stable relationship.
I think everybody's got a little Elvis in them. — © Bebe Buell
I think everybody's got a little Elvis in them.
It's funny. I'm 48, but I'm not - in the sense that I still feel as fresh as a 17-year-old entering into her life all over again, you know?
What a lucky girl I am to know so many wonderful, exciting, brilliant people.
I think you get better at everything as you get older.
I sort of had that fantasy of being one of the muses of Paris and hanging out with Toulouse Lautrec and Picasso.
A lot of guys picked up an instrument because they couldn't get girls to pay attention to them in high school. They turned to the guitar as a sure-fire aphrodisiac. And most of the time, it did the trick.
I was always included - I mean, I loved being downtown at Max's Kansas City and CBGB's and all that, but you could also always take me uptown.
I was dangerous and damn good-looking.
It's, 'Honey, where's the peacock outfit? What about my leather pants?' You have to swat them clean with a brush. And when the makeup artist passed out, I had to finish. That's why Todd would have two different kinds of eye makeup on.
I realized that there is no fairy tale.
I consider 'groupie' a sexist term, and I think it's misused.
Mick, Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson are like perfect practitioners of love. God put them on this planet to make love to women.
As early as five I'd stick my leg out in a rock stance for family pictures. I was obsessed with Mick Jagger. I'd stand in front of the mirror and copy him, and I'd put a sock down my pants so I had a nice bulge. I didn't know what that was. I just thought it was part of the uniform.
People always said that I had a lot of talent and that I was a good singer.
When I was a kid I was teaching the other kids how to dance the 'Dirty Dog.'
I don't think people should have an age. It's not really important. What's important is where you go and how you go.
I know people may find this hard to believe, but there were lots of times when I would be just too tired to go out. I'd have Mick Jagger calling me on the phone saying, 'Oh, Bebe, please come out,' and I would be like, 'Oh, please, I've gotta go to sleep.'
I guess I was pretty hot.
The quest for love became all consuming to the point where I would give up shooting the cover of 'Glamour' magazine to go be with someone I was crazy about. I look back on that now and I would never let my own child do that, but I don't regret it.
I'm on a perpetual quest for air-conditioning.
My reputation is so overblown. I can count the number of men I've been with on two hands; it just seems like a lot because you recognize their names.
I was a very independent, successful girl. I made my own money, I bought my own airline tickets. When I got a paycheck, I went to Bergdorf and I bought my own clothes. There were no rock stars buying me my clothes.
When I met Groucho Marx, I had butterflies in my stomach. And I met him at a Led Zeppelin party, which is ironic.
Men want their women to be good little girls who never do anything, while they get to be pirates and do everything. And it never changes.
That's the way it was in New York City in the early Seventies, all the artists hung out together.
You can't mix two heavy scents or it's overwhelming - make sure the other is light and delicious. — © Bebe Buell
You can't mix two heavy scents or it's overwhelming - make sure the other is light and delicious.
I used to go to tea at the St. Regis with Dali. I was standing there and Mr. Dali walked over to me and asked if I would like to have tea with him and Truman Capote. Normally if a person would come up to you in a magazine store and ask you to have tea, you'd run, wouldn't you? But I sort of had a feeling that this was legitimate.
Liv never wanted to be a hellion. From an early age, she used to make all these wish lists for herself and then try to live up to them.
There was a difference between the rock 'n' roll royalty, the woman who was married to or dating a rock star and the girl that hung out and just wanted sex.
I don't hate Rod Stewart. I think he's an incredible talent, funny, darling. Just didn't make a good boyfriend.
I was in an unhappy relationship with Todd Rundgren. He cheated on me and I was like, if you can go out with her, then I'll go out with Mick Jagger!
I think groupies are pretty harmless.
I think the term 'rock chick' is more about an attitude than an actual look.
Dina Lohan's relationship with her daughter Lindsay disturbs me. I don't see a mother and a daughter there.
Believe me, I became a vegetarian from being a teenager in the meatpacking district.
I don't limit myself. I think that's what this lifestyle allows for you - freedom to sort of do more than the average housewife. The average housewife can't pack up with her husband and go off to Europe for a tour, 'cause usually the average housewife's husband won't let her go.
When Liv had Milo, that's when it really came full circle to me. I am so proud of her. We are both single mothers but in different eras. — © Bebe Buell
When Liv had Milo, that's when it really came full circle to me. I am so proud of her. We are both single mothers but in different eras.
There's only one thing that's kind of hard about being a wife or a girlfriend of somebody in this business. It's that really the only people that you really know are musicians.
I know every Bowie song backward.
I gave up the desire for money to be there for my daughter.
I had lovely boyfriends. For your first three boyfriends to be Mick Jagger, Todd Rundgren, and David Bowie, I don't think anyone would have a problem with that.
Friends were always trying to get me to do sexy photographs, but I was a little too uptight.
I want people to see that there are happy endings, that we do achieve our goals, that it's never too late.
Single mommyhood wasn't fashionable in the mid-'70s.
Rock stars wanted to date the models, the trendsetters, the tastemakers.
I'm not a corporate machine. I'm not Lady Gaga, I'm not Madonna, I don't have a million dollars behind me and big giant record companies. I am an organic artist.
David Bowie always told me how good I smelt. He said to me he had never smelt Chanel smell like that on anybody!
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