Top 88 Quotes & Sayings by Kimora Lee Simmons

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businesswoman Kimora Lee Simmons.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Kimora Lee Simmons

Kimora Lee Leissner is an American model, television personality and businesswoman who took over Baby Phat and was CEO/creative director through 2010. She had her own reality television shows Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane (2007–2011) and Kimora: House of Fab (2013).

It was tough for me at school... trying to blend in and get along with other kids. I was an oddity and kids are scared of things they don't understand.
All children can do things to help, whether how big or small - by donating toys or lending a hand in the community.
I represent luxury, and that's what I love. — © Kimora Lee Simmons
I represent luxury, and that's what I love.
I don't eat too much. I don't have a lot of time, but I can get in a little treadmill. I eat healthily just because it's good for me, and running after my three kids takes a lot of energy.
My girls and I regularly go through their rooms to find clothes and toys to donate to charities. I firmly believe that children who have been given so much need to experience the joy that comes from giving.
For me it's always God, family, and then my work.
Yes, I'm quirky, loud and crazy.
You can never control other people. You can only control yourself. I have definitely learned that.
I put my family first, and that's why for a long time, you didn't see me dating or hear about me dating or hear about me out. I had other focuses in my life, and that would be my family and my work.
Relationships do change throughout the course of your life, and I always think in terms of relationships changing and evolving rather than starting and stopping.
You don't see me in the clubs unless I'm throwing a party for Fashion Week.
I'm not one of those Hollywood moms where my kid is three weeks old and I'm a size zero. I'm a real woman and I'm a working woman and a working mom.
It's not about how skinny you are or how much money or how many diamonds you have - that's the fluff that people sometimes look at as being the main thing. It's about understanding that the things that make you fabulous are all inside of you.
Fabulosity. It's a state of being. — © Kimora Lee Simmons
Fabulosity. It's a state of being.
I'm fiercely protective of my children even though we are on TV.
Very few people know this, but I love organizational products and tools. One of my favorite places to shop are container stores where you can get bins, boxes and crates to organize your life.
I am not the kind of girl that gets in trouble.
I don't apologize for my diamonds, Rolls-Royce, Range Rover, or anything. Look, Queen Elizabeth has more diamonds than me. Why don't people attack her for it?
I'm a girl's girl. I'm a woman's woman. I'm a cool girl.
I worked with the best - Givenchy, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent - and it gave me an ability to be confident. It turned me into a CEO and a creative director and a brand.
Women call me all the time and tell me, 'You inspired me to get out of a bad situation,' or 'You inspired me to take the reigns for myself and go and do this.' I try to tell people to live their best life, and do what you know you need to do for yourself and your family. You need to be supported.
You don't have to dumb down - you just have to find a clever, good, secure man. I've found a couple - I've been lucky - but it's probably hard for everybody to find that true love of a good man.
I feel like I'm a good motivator; I'm very determined.
I have a lot of hang-ups in life with men. I'm not very trusting.
You never want to do anything that you don't want your mother to see, because it will haunt you and eventually come back to bite you!
I'm very determined, honest, open and definitely very energetic. I expect a lot as a boss and I'm very demanding, but I ask that of myself too.
A lot of the things I hold onto have memories attached to them. Bags, shoes and jewelry that were given to me from photo shoots and fashion shows throughout my career.
I wanted my closet to look like a boutique.
I can't stand when girls come to me and say they want to be a model, but they can't tell me who the top three photographers are in the world. They can't tell me who the top five biggest models are or name three cosmetics companies. They can't even name the top fashion magazines! You have to get it together and know your stuff.
I have help, but I'm very hands-on in everything I do. I do normal stuff, I'm a normal mother and I'm a very hardworking woman and I have hundreds of products and many businesses that I do.
I think my customers, my fans are really like my family now - it's like a movement of fabulosity.
I'm very neurotic is what my closet says about me. It's always in great order.
I think one great tip is that you should always love yourself. If you don't love yourself, take care of yourself, cater to yourself and that little inner voice, you will really not be very worthy of being with someone else, because you won't be the best version of you.
We've all heard these statistics that teachers at times go into their pockets in the tune of several hundred dollars a year to pay for school supplies and materials. It's not normal.
I have a really big mouth, I have a lot of opinions and I will be heard.
'Fabulosity' is to get up when you've been kicked down, and it's not to go after who kicked you down.
I was bullied and picked on because I was so different to everyone else, and I definitely didn't believe or even know I was fabulous back then. But those hard times made me everything I am today. It's all water under the bridge now, but being bullied and going through adversity definitely made me stronger.
I don't believe that fashion should exclude people - I have always been about making it accessible to everyone. — © Kimora Lee Simmons
I don't believe that fashion should exclude people - I have always been about making it accessible to everyone.
Yes, I live a crazy, exciting, whatever life, but I do think it's quite relatable because it has to be - I'm just a girl from St Louis, Missouri that has lived life like anyone else. There are things that are crazy and over the top, but the basic thread is my family, my career, trying to live and pursuing my dreams.
I try not to be neurotic; I try to create and present healthy body image.
I'm lucky, always hopeful... I love my life.
I'm much more into old-world, intimate conversations on the phone. I like to write letters.
I look forward to spring cleaning and putting things in their place. It's therapeutic for me.
It's not always about the money and the fame, and a lot of people think that it is sometimes.
Like every mom, you try to juggle, but I also want people to know that you don't have to be a superhero. I'm not a superhero; I have a team of people who help me. I have a great family support system.
Even if you can't afford to travel the world, you can take your children to the museum, zoo or local park. And don't be afraid to take them to grown-up spots. Eating out in a restaurant teaches children how to be quiet and polite and gives them the pleasure of knowing you trust them to behave.
Live honestly to a higher note. Life is too short. So, do the best you can and live your life to a higher note.
I try to do everything from the viewpoint of what's best for my kids. I have three kids and two great dads and it's not always easy, but you have to try to be a little selfless and we manage just fine.
Being a working mom, you want to make a difference in our schools, which is making a difference in our children and ultimately it's making a difference in our community. — © Kimora Lee Simmons
Being a working mom, you want to make a difference in our schools, which is making a difference in our children and ultimately it's making a difference in our community.
Study the field that you want to get into and know everything about it.
Fabulous is as fabulous does.
Don't accept less than what it is that you know that you want. Don't allow someone to be a jerk. Don't allow someone to disrespect you. Listen to the bigger voice in your head telling you that you deserve the best, whatever that is whatever that is you decide you like for yourself. It may differ from what I like or what is ideal for me. But the bottom line is to never accept less than what you know you deserve.
Be true to yourself, and stick with who you are through thick and thin without letting anyone dilute your essence.
All women are goddesses, and it's just a matter of letting that goddess-power shine - and if you don't try to be the biggest and baddest damn goddess you can be, you are selling yourself short.
You should aspire to a level of personal excellence - to be the best you can be. You should aspire to have the richest life you can get in terms of fulfillment, happiness and peace.
I think one great tip is that you should always love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, take care of yourself, cater to yourself and that little inner voice, you will really not be very worthy of being with someone else, because you won't be the best version of you.
Everyone has an opinion; the question is which opinions are actually relevant to your journey and which are just static in the air?
You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can do it in stilettos.
Live life on your own path. Everybody's got something different. You can't keep up with all those people, so you better keep up with yourself.
Always dress like you're going to see your worst enemy.
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