Top 44 Quotes & Sayings by Lauren Bush

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a model Lauren Bush.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Lauren Bush

Lauren Bush Lauren is the CEO and co-founder of FEED Projects. She is also known for her previous career as a fashion model and designer. She is a daughter of Neil Bush and Sharon Bush, a granddaughter of former President George H. W. Bush and niece of former President George W. Bush and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

Model | Born: June 25, 1984
That was kind of scary. You got the sense as a little kid that you might be at risk now, and then you're like, 'Why are we at risk? It's because my grandfather is in charge of all of this.' You can't really realize the magnitude of a job like that when you are eight.
I did grow up in a household where the narrative was about public service and how are you going to effect change and help people. I'm so glad I grew up around that narrative, but I never had the calling to go out and shake hands and try to get elected.
Being a social entrepreneur is a balancing act between growing and sustaining a business while also growing the company's ability to give back. — © Lauren Bush
Being a social entrepreneur is a balancing act between growing and sustaining a business while also growing the company's ability to give back.
I am a big believer that you can have a successful business and give back; it's just about the intention behind starting your business.
I think age is neither an asset nor challenge; it all depends on how you present yourself. Age is sort of irrelevant.
Obviously, I've seen what the press has done to my cousins. I would never let that rule my life, but I'm not the kind of person to rebel or do things. I don't know. I don't let the potential for bad press dictate who I am, but I keep that in mind. How can you not?
To be successful, you don't have to have all this crazy start-up capital or a ton of knowledge. I think it's actually helpful sometimes to not know all the rules because that way it's easier to break them.
My friends and I are collecting prom dresses to give to girls who can't afford them for their proms.
In contemplating what to do with my life, I felt like I had two possible paths: one was to move to New York and work in a design house; the other was to move to Africa and deliver food aid. That's when the idea of the FEED bag came to me. It's for those who want to put their consumer dollars to good use.
I mean, I would never want to do anything to hurt my family, but then again I would never want to do anything to hurt myself. And I think they go hand in hand.
I certainly didn't grow up ever having to worry about where my next meal was coming from. The fact that so many people, even in our own country, worry about something so basic, it's something I really wanted to help to do something about.
I was eight when he left office. Like, he had an awesome house, you know, and my cousins and I had awesome trips to Camp David and Washington. It was just all like a good time for me.
I created FEED as a way to provide people with a tangible way to make an impact in the fight against hunger, with each purchase of a FEED product donating meals directly to children in need.
My first big job was an Abercrombie &Fitch campaign. But my mom wouldn't let me skip school for it, so I missed half of the shoot. When we got there, we realized Bruce Weber was the photographer; we knew we had made a mistake!
My weekday wake-up time is 7:30, but I love staying in bed longer. — © Lauren Bush
My weekday wake-up time is 7:30, but I love staying in bed longer.
I'm a vegetarian and like to throw together easy, healthy meals like veggie tofu stir-fries or a quinoa or lentil pasta.
There are new challenges every day when starting a business and growing a brand, but I'm fortunate to have an amazing team that is always willing to work hard and navigate through whatever obstacle comes our way.
It's so important to seek out mentors and knowledge from those who have come before you, and I don't think I would be where I am today, both professionally and personally, without each and every mentor who helped me along the way.
College was a wonderful time to really explore my interests. I ended up writing my senior thesis about gender inequality in the developing world.
I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped.
Any experience of a girl picking out her wedding dress is amazing, but I have to say it was really special to work with David's dad, to see him in action with his team.
I think politicians do great things in the world, but I don't think they're the only ones who can. I don't like all the rhetoric and the finger pointing.
My belief is that people are innately good and innately do want to help their fellow man.
If I could wave a magic wand, I would love for all children around the world to have good, nutritious meals every day.
What interests me is seeing a problem and doing something about it, not all of the stuff around it.
David and I enjoy a relaxed meal around 8. We like to eat on the couch while we watch TV. Sometimes we channel-flip, but we also watch shows like 'House of Cards,' 'The Crown,' or 'Game of Thrones.'
The business aspect and the social aspect of FEED go hand in hand. The more we can strengthen our business, the more we are able to give. And the more we can focus on giving back, the more customers will want to buy our products, thus strengthening our business.
We don't need to cure hunger - we know how to solve hunger - it's food, it's nutrition, and it's really a question of access.
There are many people I admire and seek advice from, but for the most part, I just follow my gut instead of trying to mimic someone else's leadership style.
The most important thing you can do when starting a business is surround yourself with smart people who know a lot more than you do in certain realms. — © Lauren Bush
The most important thing you can do when starting a business is surround yourself with smart people who know a lot more than you do in certain realms.
True success for FEED would be the day we close our doors because world hunger is no more. Until that day, we measure our success through the number of products we are able to sell on our website and through stores, which translates into the number of meals we are able to donate.
It's not what my job is about. I'm not out to make a political statement. I want to stand for something, but more by example.
As an anthropology major, I wanted to understand the cultural significance of poverty - why it exists and why some countries can rise above it while others can't.
I simply believe that food is a human right.
Maybe I've had a sheltered life and career, but I have so many role models to look up to. It's normal that I would strive to build my own career.
I am a big believer that you can have a successful business and give back; it's just about the intention behind starting your business. Of course, your margins aren't going to be as good as they would be if you were just a straight consumer goods fashion company, but obviously the purpose is so much greater. It takes some balancing to figure out how much you can afford to give, but it's definitely possible - and all the more meaningful, if you can strike that balance.
Taking chances on opportunities, even if they aren't right for you, gives you a clearer picture of where you want to go with your life and career.
No matter what level you're starting at, it's about not only utilizing your time, but your resources and network. For me, I started my company with a small amount of savings; I never had investors and I was lucky in the sense that I had models and connections in the fashion industry who were willing to give me advice early on. So really, for anyone starting a new business, it's really important to seek out mentors and knowledge from those who have come before you. And to not let that be discouraging, but to take that advice and really learn from it and mold it to what you're trying to do.
School feeding is a great tool to encourage education and provide food aid to children born into extremely impoverished situations. The kids in school being fed by WFP are empowered by their school meal to learn and better their lives!
My New Year's style resolution is to buy and wear more clothing that is handmade by artisans or eco-friendly.
It's shocking to me still, that children - just because of where they're born - are born into a life of extreme poverty and hunger. Humans, we can survive without a lot of luxuries we are lucky to live with. But the thing we need most is healthy food and clean water. Without that we can't survive and we can't thrive.
I saw so many innocent lives, especially children, who were literally robbed of their potential because they're not given the food and nutrition that they need to get by. As a result, when young kids aren't given that proper nutrition, their minds are stunted; they're physically stunted. Truly, their start in life is one that is debilitating to them. And again, I certainly didn't grow up ever having to worry about where my next meal was coming from. The fact that so many people, even in our own country, worry about something so basic, it's something I really wanted to help do something about.
People don't see hunger in front of them so they are not directly affected. What I am doing is connecting young people to the issue — © Lauren Bush
People don't see hunger in front of them so they are not directly affected. What I am doing is connecting young people to the issue
I'm also a big believer of being a scrappy entrepreneur. To be successful you don't have to have all this crazy start-up capital or a ton of knowledge. I think it's actually helpful sometimes to not know all the rules because that way it's easier to break them. And that's why it's so much easier for younger people, I think, to start companies that are challenging more traditional business models than older people. Especially if you're trying to do something good.
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