Top 99 Quotes & Sayings by Payal Kadakia

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businesswoman Payal Kadakia.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Payal Kadakia

ClassPass Inc. is the largest health club aggregator by number of club partnerships, with over 30,000 health clubs in 28 countries. For a subscription fee, it provides both online and in-person access to different fitness classes such as yoga, strength training, barre, martial arts, pilates, boxing, and indoor cycling classes, as well as use of health clubs. It has locations in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, India, Thailand, Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is a subsidiary of Mindbody Inc.

We want people to be active so you'll be happier and be more yourself.
To me, I will be a stronger person if I'm moving forward, doing the work I want, and continue to drive: force the purpose that I want to create versus doing what other people think I should be doing, which is never a way to live.
You need to find that thing that's going to get you through your day and that you're excited about. No day should ever be lived without feeling like it was a fulfilling day. You need to set yourself up for that.
I work out once a day. When I'm in a massive dance show mode, I'll probably be active for about 20 hours each week. — © Payal Kadakia
I work out once a day. When I'm in a massive dance show mode, I'll probably be active for about 20 hours each week.
The worst thing you can do is sit there and do nothing, right?
Surround yourself with people who lift you higher.
The only way to do everything in your life is to find awesome people to lean on so you can focus your time.
I plan my time to a 'T.' I plan when I am going to sleep; I plan when I am going to relax. I obviously leave time to have spontaneous life experiences - I think that's really important. But so much of it is setting up you mental energy in the right way to get the most out of your day and time.
I needed to build a product that got people back to working out.
Growing up as a South Asian-American, I didn't have any female role models.
The variety and flexibility of ClassPass is limitless, ensuring that you'll never get bored, and neither will your muscles.
You should wake up in the morning and say, 'What do I want to do today? What's going to make me happy?'
I travel pretty frequently, but a few things that are routine are going for a run, getting my green tea in the morning, and checking email... well, all the time!
Every person is different and unique. I am a female. I'm Indian. I'm 4'11". People should never be defined by what they look like and sort of these demographical parts about them, but the most important thing is the work you do, so females are just as capable as doing that as males, and the same thing with any other person out there.
I will always do what's best for the company. — © Payal Kadakia
I will always do what's best for the company.
It's about knowing yourself and what you're good at. Females, males - anyone can be anything they want to be.
I like to work out every single day. And it's about movement.
It's really lonely trying to build something by yourself. It's good to have thought partners to bounce ideas off of.
Any time you find yourself doing something out of obligation, that's a time you should start questioning whether you're spending your time wisely.
Sometimes females feel like they should act like men, but they should really just be themselves.
There are so many times when I think I don't have time to dance, but I force it into my life because I know it's so important.
I'm not going out there screaming, 'I'm CEO! I'm CEO!' That's not the way to do it.
The best thing I could do is build a successful company and continue to innovate and be in the right role I want to be in. If I'm not doing that, I'm inauthentic. That's not a good role model to anyone. That, to me, is the most important thing.
I remember, at MIT, we had to write an essay about something mathematical that you do in your extra time. I basically wrote about how dance, to me, was geometry: it was all shapes.
Focus on your product. A lot of people focus on the name of their brand or the legal aspects, but it's more important to create your product. It's why people join. It's your vision. Without your product, nothing is going to happen.
I believe you win the race by looking forward, not behind.
Every moment you wake up and you want to go for a run, or you want to take a class, you should be able to just go.
I'm 4'11", but that doesn't matter if I'm showing conviction and confidence in what I'm doing.
I think, when I see entrepreneurs, they tend to talk about the market and the industry - which is obviously very important, but the most important thing is you're product. What are you selling? And does it really have product-market fit?
I'm an artist in my heart.
I never feel bad. You can't feel bad - you have to just make the best decision you can at the time you're in and be like, 'That's the decision I believe in.'
It's OK when something doesn't work. It gives you another data point when things do work.
I want to stay active. I want to find that mind-body connection every single day, and I want other people to have that because we spend our lives on our phones, at our desks. We're not thinking about our bodies and the mental connections we should be having, and those moments help us push through to live our best life.
You make sure to set True Norths for your company. You can't be involved in every decision and every meeting; you have to make sure the mission is very built into the culture, the product, and how you communicate.
You can always change your branding or hire lawyers, but it's critical that you figure out if you have product market fit, and if you don't, figure out how to course-correct without getting stuck.
In a startup, there have to be challenges. Otherwise, someone else would have done it already. And that's almost the most exciting part.
Sometimes people go to a yoga class and think it's not for them, but it might just not be the right studio or teacher - try a new one!
When I dance, I go to a different side of who I am. I feel like I can solve a problem without knowing I'm solving one.
We're encouraged by the engagement on ClassPass and the tremendous growth we've had that shows we are fulfilling our mission of helping people live a more active life. — © Payal Kadakia
We're encouraged by the engagement on ClassPass and the tremendous growth we've had that shows we are fulfilling our mission of helping people live a more active life.
I love meeting our users and partners and talking to them about how ClassPass has made an impact.
It's really about if you do the work. Work hard; your results will speak for themselves.
As long as I'm building and doing what I want to do, that's the only thing that matters.
I think it's so important to have a great support network when you feel like you can't - I would actually go and talk to the people who tell you that you can.
We're not trying to be Nike. It's about evolving into new products that are going to make people's lives better.
Every day is quite unique, which is one of my favorite things!
Having challenges in your life open doors for you.
I am anal about my Gmail calendar. It's my life. I put everything in there - my to-do list, or even if I want to do things.
When I started fundraising like me and leading like me, that's when I really started to shine and find my own rhythm.
I work out once a day - it's built into my ethos.
I want little girls to believe that they can be CEOs. — © Payal Kadakia
I want little girls to believe that they can be CEOs.
I think I learned to overcome some things in life through dance.
Dance has always been the center of who I am. It has given me the inspiration to help other people find a hobby, passion, and activity that fulfills them. It also taught me some of the many skills I need as an entrepreneur: a hard work ethic that takes practice to master and the confidence to persevere through any challenges.
I set goals for myself every three months. I write them down.
Movement inspires a lot in me.
Being a dancer or athlete of any type teaches you the fundamentals of discipline... and the ability to know you can grow.
Be true to yourself and surround yourself with positive, supportive people.
We stipulate about where we need to be in life: By this age you should be married, by this age you should have kids. But it's not that you can only do this or only do that. It's really about creating a holistic life: about planning ahead and being efficient with your time and really listening to yourself.
I love barre because even when I'm not dancing, I feel like I'm training those same muscles.
The impact we have on people's lives, to me, is more important than any title anyone can carry.
Millennials are a bit more free-spirited, more able to go into new places, to feel more assertive and fearless about trying new things.
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