Top 207 Quotes & Sayings by Peter Jackson - Page 4

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a New Zealander director Peter Jackson.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.
I regard myself as an entertainer much more than an artist.
As human beings, we always have resistance against things that are different and there's always suspicion. — © Peter Jackson
As human beings, we always have resistance against things that are different and there's always suspicion.
I adore physical miniatures and try to use them as much as I can and have a bit of a fetish about that.
In an ideal world the script is written lean and tight and therefore there are no scenes left on the cuttring room floor and therefore no extended edition.
New Zealand is not used to wealth. In America wealth is kind of a thing of pride. Here it's the opposite. The more you've got, the bigger the target you are.
Elijah can register such subtle emotion on his face that I loved doing close-ups on him. He really brings a superb emotional level to Frodo's scenes and although he is a very instinctive actor, we discussed the character thoroughly.
[While shooting close-ups] you study real eyes, you study how the light reflects in them, you study the back of the eye, you study the way irises reflect emotion. You go into great scientific detail.
I am a big Dragon fan. I've said it before- And I was fortunate enough to be born a Dragon in the Chinese Horocope.
Most directors prefer to direct everything themselves. I thought I could on Lord Of The Rings, but very quickly found out that the sheer scale prevented it.
I just got to the point where I literally didn't want anyone else to do it.
I don't like putting glasses on and watching 3D. I don't mind wearing glasses, but it's the dimness of the light and the fact that you're filtering the light. Whatever 3D process is being used is a filtration of light, which means it's blocking some of the light.
Motion-capture is not a genre. Motion-capture is a tool and technique and what we tried to do was to really use both motion-capture and traditional animation to build a system.
And so I look back on not just the last ten years but everything that I've done as being sort of an ongoing growing continual film school. I mean I don't think I've got to a point where I've achieved anything that feels like, a particular milestone, but there's still a lot more to learn and hopefully a lot more films to make.
I think 3D at 24 frames is interesting, but it's the 48 that actually allows 3D to achieve the potential that it can achieve, because it's less eye strain and you have a sharper picture which creates more of a 3-dimensional world.
I think that you can treat a classic like a museum piece -stuffed and mounted- or you can make it a living, breathing narrative that is unfolding right then and there.
I'm a Beatles fan, and I remember in the mid-1980s, when CDs first came out, there was a sound of vinyl and the sound of the needle on it that people loved, and suddenly CDs were threatening.
The music in a film like this is as critical as anything because Kong is mute. He doesn't talk.
The one thing with 3D presentations is I think that 3D itself, whether it's 24 or 48, is at a very interesting point in time.
I don't believe in the concept that 3D should be shot separately. I mean, every director has their own style, sure, but I don't think any of that is really an issue with 3D.
I regard myself as being the final filter so everything that ends up in the movie is there because it's something that I think was cool.
People call Kong "a monster." He's not. There's nothing evil about Kong. He's just another creature who has opened up a little bit of his heart to Ann and it proves to be his undoing.
It's interesting how the frame rate actually changes the perception of the 3D as well as making it more comfortable to watch. — © Peter Jackson
It's interesting how the frame rate actually changes the perception of the 3D as well as making it more comfortable to watch.
So many film makers are scared of visual effects - which is no crime.
He who must search a haystack for a needle is likely to end up with the attitude that the needle is not worth the search.
To his ex-wife in court, he said I lost interest in you when the Botox lost its effect and you looked like a plastic doll that escaped from a fire.
One does not simply walk into Mordor.
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