Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Rain Dove

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American model Rain Dove.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Rain Dove

Rain Dove Dubilewski is an American model, actor, and activist, best known for their work in subversive fashion, as a gender-nonconforming model, posing alternately as male and female in photoshoots, productions, and runway shows. Dove was voted as SheWired's Most Eligible Bachelorette in 2014 and named one of Elle Magazine's 12 Women Who Are Redefining Beauty in 2015.

The way woman is defined by marketable modeling and commercial standards... It makes me feel alien to myself.
The Olympics represent a global standard - for men, for women, for athletics.
I'm constantly told in the industry that I don't look like a woman, so therefore, I can't be put in editorials and campaigns because people wouldn't get it. — © Rain Dove
I'm constantly told in the industry that I don't look like a woman, so therefore, I can't be put in editorials and campaigns because people wouldn't get it.
Justice can rarely exist without honesty.
Designers and advertisers like the idea of my breasts, waist line, long legs, and long neck - but have literally made gagging noises at my facial features.
Victoria's Secret is entitled to brand themselves the way they want to.
Use she, he, it, one, they. You could call me mow mow, and I honestly don't care. A pronoun is just a sound. All I'm listening for in that sound is positivity.
I look like what we have taught society a lesbian looks like. I just do. I have the short hair. I got the muscles.
I have nothing against the Victoria's Secret Angels. They're all beautiful people, and I respect where they are at.
My sex appeal lies in suits and ties, but my body is femme.
During my career path, I've experienced first-hand what people deem as beautiful. It's not me. It's not most people. It's limited and small.
I went out to California; I was pursuing my degree in genetic engineering and civil law at U.C. Berkeley, and I had to pay my way through school. I eventually got a scholarship, which was great, but in the beginning, it was very hard.
We've established a world that's binary gendered, and I don't want to be disadvantaged at all. If being male is going to be more advantageous than being female, I'm all about it. I don't really think it's that important.
Gender is a shackle. — © Rain Dove
Gender is a shackle.
When a lot of people wake up in the morning and put on their underwear, the first thing they feel that day is terrible about themselves. When you see that your body is not what other people want, it can be really devastating. I have so many friends that I grew up with who have had serious eating disorders.
I want to tell people that there are more ways to be beautiful, there are more ways to be handsome.
I love high fashion. I want to do it, but in order to be able to make a change, you have to be able to talk to the masses, not the 1 percent.
Dove is encouraging people to set their own standards worldwide. To be their own unique selves. To not allow others to shame them for accepting their own bodies and styles.
When a brand says, 'Our product is great, and we think it'll be great for anyone that loves it, too,' that's the ultimate marketing message.
I just see clothing as cloth, and I see it as art, and I see it as a way to express yourself artistically in this world.
Confrontation makes me nervous.
I'm not gender-fluid. I'm not gender-nonconforming. I'm not gender-free.
I may not be the conventional girl, but that doesn't mean I'm not a pretty girl. Or that any girl isn't a pretty girl.
My body is sometimes this thing I look at and think, 'What strange, alien thing grew around my consciousness?' It's like this weird fungus that's just there.
You don't see Victoria's Secret women running around with even short hair. That's too crazy for them.
Victoria's Secret should highlight real women that actually purchase their clothing. I would love for them to start featuring more real bodies and diverse women. Victoria's Secret has the ability to tell people, 'It's okay,' when they wake up in the morning. They have the ability to change lives.
You could ask a lot of people in my childhood, and they'd say I was very prudish about showing off skin.
I love the body I have.
Gender doesn't exist in my book.
The VS Angels are beautiful, but so are you.
The face of beauty literally needs to change, which means the way we think of beauty needs to as well.
What it means to look like a woman or man changes regionally - from mannerisms to clothes to posture to makeup to even your vocals - so I just observe, and I replicate.
My name is Rain Dove, and my pronouns are just a sound. You can use whatever you want.
I identify with my body, but I don't identify it as male or female; I just identify it as a vehicle to help me bring my awareness around the world.
The me that is me is not my body. It's an awareness and an experience.
Part of the beauty of Victoria's Secret modeling is that they are called 'Angels' for a reason - because they're aesthetics are supposed to be unobtainable. But so are mine. No one could ever be me. Look exactly as I do. Be exactly as I am.
I will conquer Femmeness... And then, I will turn it on its head and redefine it for the world to see.
I've been told I'd make a great parts model. — © Rain Dove
I've been told I'd make a great parts model.
I get a lot from people who are in oppressed situations and say they were gonna give up. A lot of people have reached out and said they were in bad situations and really need me to be successful.
I feel more comfortable in men's clothing, and I'm a lot of more convincing as a boy than as a gendered female. But with women's clothing, I feel more empowered.
Not everyone will see your beauty, and not everyone will find you attractive or believe you are worthy of their clothing or publications.
To be existing at all is beautiful simply because of how complicated and unexplainable being alive really is.
You have to be satiated with just being authentically yourself at the end of the day.
There's something so empowering about knowing I can pick up an axe and split a piece of wood.
Victoria's Secret is a brand, not a socio-political movement. But at the same time, there is that one-dimensional look.
I grew up believing I was just an ugly girl.
All victims deserve justice.
My very first runway show, I was in 'Vogue.'
When I get dressed, I don't think about what other people think. I only think, 'Is this me? Is this my truth? Am I able to move through this world with confidence? Am I able to move through this world feeling that I am I?'
My state of being is just unique. — © Rain Dove
My state of being is just unique.
I want people to realize that they aren't their bodies. They are something more than their bodies.
When I put on a dress, people have a lot of questions to ask, so I like putting on a dress just to get people to ask those questions and open up a dialogue.
I am a 100 percent determined to be a Victoria's Secret model.
I find when I'm perceived as male in society, there is an enormous amount of pressure, but it comes with respect, so it's a balance.
Clothing shouldn't be a societal shackle. It should be art and truth and a way for us to show the world what we want out of it. It's environmental armor.
'Educate, don't hate.' That's my motto. The reason why there's so much pushback against diversity and against minority communities is because people are afraid to make mistakes and ask questions. They feel that they'll be chastised if they use the wrong label. It's too scary for them.
Some people say there's a reason that Victoria's Secret wouldn't put me or any woman who doesn't fit within a certain spectrum on the runway.
I hope, by never hiding, I can show there is never anything to be ashamed of when we are being our true selves.
The reason people wear the things that they wear and accept the standards that they accept is because most athletes make a good portion of their money in advertising and doing campaigns afterwards.
Being an androgynous model is one thing, but a lot of what we're up against is the way we stand for certain values, such as our sexualities, or if people with our look are common enough to be part of the consumer market.
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