Top 5 Quotes & Sayings by Ricardo Guadalupe

Explore popular quotes and sayings by Ricardo Guadalupe.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Ricardo Guadalupe
Ricardo Guadalupe
Born: March 5, 1965
If your objective is to tell time, you will not buy a mechanical watch. You have the time on your phone. — © Ricardo Guadalupe
If your objective is to tell time, you will not buy a mechanical watch. You have the time on your phone.
The key element of success is a product that matches all of what you've done in your message and your marketing, and all the emotion that has to be transmitted to the consumer through the product.
At a certain point, you cannot handle everything yourself; having a team around you is very important. To have a strong team of people in which you can rely and people that you've been working with for years. I relate it to soccer - you have different positions and you have to bring in the right person at the right position.
We don't sell a watch to give time. We sell a piece of art. We sell an object that represents something to you, you know. It's like you have a nice shirt or a nice jacket. It's like a luxury accessories that can be considered like shoes or like handbags for ladies.
I'd say a watch is like a jewel of the man. It's really to distinguish yourself, because in your watch people can see who you are, more or less, what you want to represent to other people.
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