Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by Stephen V Monsma

Explore popular quotes and sayings by Stephen V Monsma.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Stephen V Monsma
Stephen V Monsma
Born: September 22, 1936
The court's recent understanding of religion as a private matter for individuals has plainly become malnourished and impoverished. — © Stephen V Monsma
The court's recent understanding of religion as a private matter for individuals has plainly become malnourished and impoverished.
Secularists argue that differences of religion were the chief cause of violence in our history - conveniently overlooking violent clashes of region, race, and class, not the least of which was the bloodiest war in history until that time, the Civil War.
Most Americans instinctively recoil from the claim that there is an antireligious bias running through the underlying assumptions with which their society approaches church-state issues. However, there is persuasive evidence that among some influential segments of the population, there is a very real antireligious strain.
Religion is removed from the public realm, and the public realm is removed from the affairs of religion. However, this is not neutrality. Implicitly, it supports secularism.
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