A Quote by Ed Wood

What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief? — © Ed Wood
What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?
When it comes to acting, people talk about the suspension of disbelief that you ask of the audience. Before that starts, you have to, as an actor, suspend your own disbelief.
When they're watching musicals, I've heard people say, 'That's not realistic! Why would they just start singing?' But, I think they can believe it if they try! I mean, science fiction requires a suspension of disbelief, but people allow themselves to sit back and enjoy it anyway.
I guess love is the real suspension of disbelief.
The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium.
Every little thing that people know about you as a person impedes your ability to achieve that kind of terrific suspension of disbelief that happens when an audience goes with an actor and character he's playing.
It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.
Cinema, which demands suspension of disbelief, is an increasingly naive proposition.
Those who write need that "willing suspension of disbelief ", as Coleridge called it.
That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.
The more you can create that magic bubble, that suspension of disbelief, for a while, the better.
Suspension of disbelief and that whole question is part of the heart of the 'Leaves of Grass'movie.
Suspension of disbelief is a necessary ingredient in all storytelling. So it has been with the government's narrative that it is delivering Brexit.
Characters more or less present themselves to me. I don't know their origins. I think if I did, if I seemed to myself to fabricate them, I could not induce suspension of disbelief in myself in the way writing fiction requires.
I'm not a media personality, I'm an actress. I want to protect that thing: the suspension of disbelief. The rest of it is just distraction.
The infrastructure of the US is a long-term suspension of disbelief that such things won't be exploded deliberately by people who don't create anything.
We're getting to the point where we're impinging on democratic institutions in this country and I think, you know, it takes a certain - not a suspension of disbelief - but willingness to go along with other people to get the ship of state going forward. I'm not sure that happens in a [Donald] Trump presidency, frankly.
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