A Quote by Aileen Lee

I think, from a woman's perspective, that my interest as an investor and the way that I relate to entrepreneurs is a little bit different. — © Aileen Lee
I think, from a woman's perspective, that my interest as an investor and the way that I relate to entrepreneurs is a little bit different.
I'm excited about what I have to offer. Not only a little bit of youth, but a different perspective as a woman.
With every character you play you're always trying to put facets of yourself into those characters. I think Asher, at the beginning of The Giver, when he's goofy and a little bit of a rule-breaker, a little bit of a jokester, I align with him. But then he kind of transforms throughout the movie and becomes someone I don't necessarily relate to. I relate to Adam McCormick's sensitivity. He's more quiet and introverted, and I definitely have those moments as well.
I'm different, that's all. Everyone is different in their own ways - but I'm maybe a little bit more different in a little bit more different kind of way.
If you're an investor who wants a little bit more from the capital-appreciation side of things, but still likes this concept of getting 'paid by the company,' then we would tell that investor to pursue shareholder yield.
There are different 'It' factors for different players. There are all kinds of different personalities of quarterbacks around the league, but there are a lot of good ones and they don't necessarily think and act alike. But I do think there are moments during games even on the collegiate level where you can see that this guys is something different, someone sees things differently, they see things a little bit quicker, they're a little bit more cognizant of what's going on. I think it's something like that.
I'm coming from a place where I have seen a different way to handle it, or a slightly different way to go through what is happening, that gives me some perspective. So I think it always helps. It always helps to have someone who has traveled the world or seen a different way to do something. That helps give you perspective.
For male and female entrepreneurs alike, having a woman investor can bring credibility when discussing product positioning and expansion opportunities.
-You're simple, straightforward and honest, a little bit on the primitive side, I should think. To interest you a woman would have to... -To lay her cards out on the table.
I think as men begin to see things that address them, they will feel that they can relate. They can't relate to 'Basketball Wives,' 'Housewives of Atlanta.' I am not judging or criticizing those shows at all; what I am saying is the perspective is not necessarily the male perspective. 'Iyanla: Fix My Life' is inclusive of everyone.
I think one thing that kids who grow up on farms really have going for them is they have exposure to death and birth in a totally different way. I think it takes away a little bit of the mystery and a little bit of the fear, and I do wish I had that. And I wish I was able to grow my own food.
When you're a very career-oriented woman, sometimes you don't have as much time to go meet all kinds of guys. You're a little bit limited to the guys that work in your office. I think a lot of girls can relate to that problem.
A woman has a different type of sensitivity than a man. Their perspective of right and wrong is different and their perspective of life is different. They're more idealistic. They have greater faith in people than men and they can add that to an all-male organization.
A little bit of anorexia, a little bit of bulimia. I'm not totally OK now but I don't think any woman is.
And I think you understand a little bit more why she falls for him. In a way, watching the French do anything is a little more fun because their gestures are different. And in that way, they make everything interesting.
There's a bit more of a safe distance when you're making a narrative movie, a bit more perspective. Audiences can separate themselves from the harsh reality of the facts a little bit more and think: 'Okay, how do I consider this?'
I look for people who have a slightly different perspective and are trying to move the needle a little bit and push boundaries.
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